oracle10g/11g 新特性十二(数据库空间管理)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝云盘在哪里 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 15:13

Database Storage

Supporting 4-KB Sector Disks

Using 4-KB Sector Disks

Specifying the Disk Sector Size

Transporting Tablespaces

Concept:Minimum Compatibility Level

如果表空间是read-only的,在移植之前, 把表空间改成read/write方式

Transportable Tablespace Procedure

Determining The Endian Format of a Platform

select tp.dndian_format from v$transportable_platform tp, v$database d where tp.platform_name=d.platform_name;

Using the RMAN CONVERT Command

orag11gr2-APP_TEST--user1copydb 1. 确认平台是否支持    select,i.version,d.platform_name,endian_format from v$transportable_platform tp, V$database d, v$instance i where tp.PLATFORM_name=d.PLATFORM_NAME2.选择自含的表空间集:  exec dbs_tt.transport_set_check('表空间名字',TRUE);  select * from only tablespace  alter tablespace app_test read only; 4.导出元数据expdp  DUMPFILE=APP_TEST.dmp DIRECTORY=TEST_DIR TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES=APP_TEST5.DBMS_TDB.CHECK_DB检查数据库状态  <img src="" alt="" />    6.convert tablespace 在rman里执行   CONVERT TABLESPACE app_test TO PLATFORM 'Linux IA(32-bit)' db_file_name_convert '/xxxx/xxx','/xxxx/xx' 7.ftp 拷贝 目的 ,元素据文件    metadata, datafile 目标数据库: create user user1 identified by user1; create DIRECTORY test_dir as '/xxx/xxx/xxx/bak' grant connect, resource to user1;8.导入元数据   impdp dumpfile=APP_TEST.DMP  directory=test_dir  transport_datafile='/xxx/xxx/xxx/targedir/app_test01.dbf'alter tablespace app_test read write;alter user user1 default tablespace app_test;conn user1/user1select * from tab;select segment_name  ,tablespace_name from user_segments;

Transporting Database

Database Transportation Procedure: Source System Conversion

移植前 如果表空间是readonly 方式, 先变为read-write, 然后在变成 readonly方式

Database  Transportation :Consideration

1.Create the password file on the target platform

2.Transport the BFILEs used in the source database

3.The generated PFILE and  transport script use OMF

4.Use DBNEWID to change the DBID

需要在目标系统创建 控制文件(源数据库通过rman 会生成脚本,需要在目标机执行), 联机重做日志, 临时性表空间

1.源数据库:   database--ora11gr2-read-only   startup mount   alter database open readonly  //只读   set serveroutput on    declare       db_ready boolean;   begin       db_ready:=dbms_tdb.check_db('Linux IA(32-bit)');   end;   /  看外部表:    declare    external boolean:begin    external:=dbms_tdb.check_external;end;/登录RMAN  convert database new database 'keelodb' transport script 'F:\app\User\oradata\bak\kelodb.sql' to platform 'Linux IX(32-bit)' db_file_name_convert 'F:\app\User\oradata\ora11gr' , 'F:\app\User\oradata\kelodb'  4.复制文件到目标平台   把F:\app\User\oradata\kelodb 下生成的文件复制到目标文件夹下 修改脚本文件和初始化参数文件改参数文件的名字:  INITKELODB.ORA (rman转换过程中会提示 这个文件生成在哪里)修改  INITKELODB.ORA, 可以修改控制文件的路径F:\app\User\oradata\bak\kelodb.sql 改一下这个脚本,比如所日志文件的目录到目标机器上:    set ORACLE_SID=kelodb   oradim.exe-new -sid kelod -startmode manual -spfile windows平台下 还需要这个命令  startup nomount;    创建数据库和控制文件: 用   F:\app\User\oradata\bak\kelodb.sql 里的SQL 建库    alter database open resetlogs  这里创建联机重做日志    alter tablespace temp add tempfile='F;\app\User\oradata\kelodb\temp1.dbf' size 20M  shutdown immediate    startup upgrage(参照kelodb.sql)  运行脚本编译对象:  @F:\app\User\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utlrp.sql  shutdown immediate;  startup    @F:\app\User\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\utlrp.sql //再运行    select * from all_user;  select name from v$datebase;

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