
来源:互联网 发布:桌面壁纸软件那个好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 17:23


"=============================================================="    Copyright (c) 2015 Inc. All Rights Reserved"" FNAME: vimrc_without_plugins" Brief: vim settings" Authr: jealdean" VERNO:" CHGON: 2015-05-14 20:18:26" Lastest_Update_At:[ ]"=============================================================="GLOBAL-VARIABLESlet g:mapleader=';'let g:GV_AUTHOR='RollStone'let g:GV_EMAIL=''let g:GV_COMPANY=' All Rights Reserved By '"GENERAL_SETTINGS:{{{1"Basic: {{{2set nu noet bs=2 sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 tw=80set nobk noeb wrap lbr hiddenset is nohls sc sm acd ttm=100set nolist listchars=tab:\¦\ set ai si ww=h,l,>,<"when use 'tab' auto-complete will skip files with these suffixesset wig=*.bak,*.o,*.e,*~,*.sw*set errorformat=%f:%l:%m cot=longest,menu"Colors:{{{2set t_Co=256"let g:solarized_termcolors=256colo default" Encodings:{{{2set encoding=utf-8set fenc=utf-8set fencs=utf-8,ucs-bom,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936,chinese"Folds:{{{2set fen fdc=2 fdl=0 fdm=markernnoremap <space> @=((foldclosed(line('.'))<0)?'zc':'zo')<cr>"Status_line:{{{2"always show status lineset ls=2 stl=%F[%1*%M%*%n%R%H%w%m%h][%l,%v,%p%%]\ %=set stl+=\ %0([%{&ft},%{&fileformat},%{&fileencoding}][%{strftime('%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S')}]%)"FUNCTIONS:{{{1"global variables for funcslet g:DectectFloor=10let g:VernoFloor=100"HCF:HeaderCommentFlaglet g:HCF_PROGRAMS="^/.*$"  "'//' or '/*',just check the first <s:DectectFloor> lineslet g:HCF_SCRIPTS="^#!/.*$" "just check the first linelet g:HCF_VIMS="^\".*$"      " '\"',just check the first <s:DectectFloor> lineslet g:HCI_AUTHR='AUTHR'let g:HCI_BRIEF='BRIEF'let g:HCI_CHGON='CHGON'let g:HCI_CREAT='CREAT'let g:HCI_EMAIL='EMAIL'let g:HCI_FNAME='FNAME'let g:HCI_VERNO='VERNO'"UD_Add: {{{2 func! UD_Add()    let n = 1    "Check:HeaderCommentFlag exist     while n < g:DectectFloor        let line = getline(n)        if ( n==1 && line =~ g:HCF_SCRIPTS )            return         endif        if ( line =~ g:HCF_PROGRAMS || line =~ g:HCF_VIMS)            return         endif        let n+=1    endwhile    "Dectect: GuardLineAndFic    let lGLS='/*'    let lGLE=' */'    let lPF =' *!'    let lfn=buffer_name('%')    if lfn=~ '\.sh$'        let lGLE=''        let lPF ='#'        let lGLS='#!/bin/sh'    elseif lfn =~ '\.pl$'        let lGLE=''        let lPF ='#'        let lGLS='#!/bin/perl'    endif    "make some local variables    let lGL=lPF.'=============================================================='    let lCP=lPF.'    Copyright (c) '.strftime('%Y').' '.g:GV_COMPANY    let lPF=lPF.' '    let lAuthor =lPF.g:HCI_AUTHR.': '.g:GV_AUTHOR    let lDesc   =lPF.g:HCI_BRIEF.': '    let lEmail  =lPF.g:HCI_EMAIL.': '.g:GV_EMAIL    let lLuTime =lPF.g:HCI_CHGON.': '.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T')    let lCrTime =lPF.g:HCI_CREAT.': '.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T')    let lName   =lPF.g:HCI_FNAME.': '.expand('%:t')    let lVersion=lPF.g:HCI_VERNO.':'    call append(0,[lGLS,lGL,lName,lDesc,lAuthor,lEmail,lVersion                \,lCrTime,lLuTime,lPF,lCP,lGL,lGLE])endfunc" UD_CommentToggle: {{{2func! UD_CommentToggle() range    let lfn=buffer_name('%')    let save_cursor=getpos('.')    let patSPACES='\(\s\+\)\?'    let patSOMECHARS='\(.*\)'    ".{html,xml,htm,xhtml}     if ( lfn =~? '\.html$' || lfn =~? '\.xml$' || lfn =~ '\.htm' || lfn =~ '\.xhtml$' )          let CCB='<!-- '        let CCE=' -->'        let curLine=getline('.')        if (curLine =~ CCB.'.*$' && curLine =~ CCE.'.*$' )            "remove            execute a:firstline.','.a:lastline.'s;'.CCB.';;'            execute a:firstline.','.a:lastline.'s;'.CCE.';;'        else   "add comments            execute a:firstline.','.a:lastline.'s;^'.patSPACES.'\(.*\)'.patSPACES.'$;'.CCB.'\2'.CCE.';'        endif        exe "silent!: normal :nohls\<cr>"        return     endif    "OtherFiles_CommonHandler    let CommentChar='#'    "for perl,shell,makefile and other unknown files    if ( lfn =~? '\.c$' || lfn =~? '\.h$' || lfn =~ '\.cpp'                      \|| lfn =~ '\.hpp$' || lfn =~ '\.cc'|| lfn =~ '\.java$'|| lfn =~ '\.go$' )  "\.{c,cpp,h,hpp,cc,java,C,go}           let CommentChar='//'    elseif ( lfn =~? '\.sql$')  ".sql          let CommentChar='--'    elseif ( lfn =~ '\.vim$' || lfn =~ '\.vimrc$' )  "\.{vim,vimrc}         let CommentChar='"'    endif    "the first line is very important ,for:    "the following lines do the same action with the firstline     if getline(a:firstline) =~ '^'.patSPACES.CommentChar.'.*$'        exe "silent :".a:firstline.','.a:lastline.' s;^'.patSPACES.CommentChar.patSOMECHARS.';\1\2;'    else        exe "silent :".a:firstline.','.a:lastline.' s;^;'.CommentChar . ';'    endif    call setpos('.', save_cursor)    exe "silent!: normal :nohls\<cr>"endfunc  "UD_CommentToggleinoremap  <silent> <C-C> <esc>:call UD_CommentToggle()<CR>:nohls<CR>noremap  <silent> <C-C> :call UD_CommentToggle()<CR>:nohls<CR>vnoremap <silent> <C-C> :call UD_CommentToggle()<CR>:nohls<CR>"end of UD_CommentToggle}}}"UD_UpdateInfo:{{{2func! UD_UpdateInfo()    let n=1    let updated=0    while n<g:DectectFloor        let acl=getline(n)        "for filename changes        if (acl =~? 'name' || acl =~? g:HCI_FNAME || acl =~? 'filename'|| acl =~? 'title')            let nacl=substitute(acl,':.*$',': '.expand('%:t'),'g')            call setline(n,nacl)            let updated = 1        "for last change time         elseif (acl =~? 'lutime' || acl =~? g:HCI_CHGON || acl =~? 'lastchangeat')            let nacl=substitute(acl,':.*$',': '.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %T'),'g')            call setline(n,nacl)            let updated = 2        "for version automatic increase  a little number        elseif (acl =~? 'version' || acl =~? g:HCI_VERNO || acl =~? 'revision')            let theLastDotPos=strridx(acl,'.')+1            "get minmum version number and increase it by 1            let minVerNo=str2nr(strpart(acl,theLastDotPos))+1             if minVerNo >= g:VernoFloor   "if needs a secondMinVerNo increase                let tempLine=strpart(acl,0,theLastDotPos-1)                let secondLastDotPos=strridx(tempLine,'.')+1                let secondMinVerNo=str2nr(strpart(tempLine,secondLastDotPos))+1                if secondMinVerNo >= g:VernoFloor                    let secTmpLine=strpart(acl,0,secondLastDotPos-1)                    let thirdLastDotPos=strridx(secTmpLine,'.')+1                    let thirdMinVerNo=str2nr(strpart(secTmpLine,thirdLastDotPos))+1                    let newLine=strpart(acl,0,thirdLastDotPos).thirdMinVerNo.'.0.0'                else                    let newLine=strpart(acl,0,secondLastDotPos).secondMinVerNo.'.0'                endif            else                let newLine=strpart(acl,0,theLastDotPos).minVerNo            endif            call setline(n,newLine)            let updated = 3        endif        let n+=1    endwhile    if updated == 0        call UD_Add()    endifendfunc"MAPPINGS:{{{1"AutoCommandif has("autocmd")    au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif    au BufEnter * :lch %:p:h    au InsertEnter * set cul "cuc    au InsertLeave * set nocuc "nocul    au BufRead,BufNewFile {make,Make,*mk}* set ft=make noet    au BufNewFile,BufNew *.{sh,awk,pl,java,c,cc,cpp,C,h,hpp} silent call UD_Add()    au BufWritePre,FileWritePre,FileAppendPre *.{sh,awk,pl,java,c,cc,cpp,C,h,hpp},*vimrc silent call UD_UpdateInfo()    au FileType html,xml,json set mps+=<:>    au FileType c,cpp,java,make set cinoptions={0,1s,t0,n-2,p2s,(03s,=.5s,>1s,=1s,:1s    au FileType c,cpp set ai si ci fdm=syntax fdl=0 errorformat=%f:%l:%m path+=.,include,../include,/usr/includeendif " has (autocmd)""Other mappings"<F1> - OVERRIDE Linux Help ShortKeymap <F4> <esc>:exec "help ".expand("<cword>")<cr>"<F2> remove the multi-blanklinesmap <F2> :silent! g/^\n\{1,\}$/d<cr>"<F3> - trim trail whitespacemap <F3> :silent! g/^[ \n]\+$/d<cr>                          "<F4> - Open/Close Insert Paste set pastetoggle=<F4>
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