
来源:互联网 发布:不能说的秘密知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 14:33

Operating systems and other software communicates with the BIOS software, in order to control the installed hardware, via software interrupts.A software interrupt is simply an interrupt that is triggered by a software command; therefore,  software interrupt call does not need to know the address of the ISR, only its interrupt number.

BIOS interrupt calls can be thought of as a mechanism for passing messages between BIOS and the operating system or other BIOS client software. The messages request data or action from BIOS and return the requested data, status information, and/or the product of the requested action to the caller. The messages are broken into categories, each with its own interrupt number, and most categories contain sub-categories, called "functions" and identified by "function numbers". A BIOS client passes most information to BIOS in CPU registers, and receives most information back the same way, but data too large to fit in registers, such as tables of control parameters or disk sector data for disk transfers, is passed by allocating a buffer (i.e. some space) in memory and passing the address of the buffer in registers. The interrupt number is specified as the parameter of the software interrupt instruction (in Intel assembly language, an "INT" instruction), and the function number is specified in the AH register; that is, the caller sets the AH register to the number of the desired In general, the BIOS services corresponding to each interrupt number operate independently of each other, but the functions within one interrupt service are handled by the same BIOS program and are not independent.

The BIOS software usually returns to the caller with an error code if not successful, or with a status code and/or requested data if successful. The data itself can be as small as one bit or as large as 65536 bytes of whole raw disk sectors (the maximum that will fit into one real-mode memory segment).

好了,上面说了这么多,我觉得总结起来就一句话:将中断号作为int指令的参数,如int 0x13,将函数号存入ax寄存器即可调用某个具体的服务。


mov ah, 0x0e      ; function number = 0Eh : Display Character mov al, '!'             ; AL = code of character to display int 0x10                ; call INT 10h, BIOS video service



xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax

mov ah, 0x0e      ; function number = 0Eh : Display Character
mov al, 'B'             ; AL = code of character to display
int 0x10                ; call INT 10h, BIOS video service
jmp $
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55,0xaa

编译方法:nasm 源文件 -o final.img





0 Black 黑色
1 Blue 蓝色
2 Green 绿色
3 Cyan 青色
4 Red 红色
5 Magenta 洋红
6 Brown 棕色
7 Light Gray 高亮灰色
8 Dark Gray 暗灰色
9 Light Blue 高亮蓝色
A Light Green 高亮绿色
B Light Cyan 高亮青色
C Light Red 高亮红色
D Light Magenta 高亮洋红
E Yellow 黄色
F White 白色



先计算第1行第3列的小格子所在的内存地址,因为显存起始地址为0xb8000,而且显示的一个字符占两个字节,所以第1行第3列的小格子所在的内存地址是0xb8000 + (3-1) * 2 = 0xb8004。所以最终的代码如下:

xor ax,axmov ds,axmov es,axmov ax,0xb800mov es,axmov ah,0xd   ;设置显示属性为高亮样红mov al,'B'       ;设置要显示的字符是‘B’mov [es:4],ax   ;设置好后,直接写入显存即可jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0db 0x55,0xaa

我们把他保存为bootsect.asm,然后用nasm bootsect.asm -o final.img编译生成final.img文件




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