
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客服怎么引导客户 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 00:07


本博文根据蓝牙4.0, 协议族版本是1.3.2



// number of seconds since 0 hrs, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, on the 1st of January 2000 UTC存储自2000年1月1日开始的**秒数**,uint32可存储大约135年的数据,就是到2135年左右。typedef uint32 UTCTime;UTCTime OSAL_timeSeconds = 0;//定义一个存储秒数的变量// To be used withtypedef struct{  uint8 seconds;  // 0-59  uint8 minutes;  // 0-59  uint8 hour;     // 0-23  uint8 day;      // 0-30  uint8 month;    // 0-11  uint16 year;    // 2000+} UTCTimeStruct;//这是将UTCTime转化为UTCTimeStruct的结构//几个宏定义,判断闰年#define IsLeapYear(yr)  (!((yr) % 400) || (((yr) % 100) && !((yr) % 4)))//每年多少天#define YearLength(yr)  (IsLeapYear(yr) ? 366 : 365)// (MAXCALCTICKS * 5) + (max remainder) must be <= (uint16 max),// so: (13105 * 5) + 7 <= 65535这是防止微妙转化为毫秒是uint16溢出#define MAXCALCTICKS  ((uint16)(13105))#define BEGYEAR         2000     // UTC started at 00:00:00 January 1, 2000   UTC时间是自2000年1月1日开始#define DAY             86400UL  // 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds一天的秒数//全局变量static uint16 previousLLTimerTick = 0;   //存储的是上次调用osalTimeUpdate获得的625us反转次数,也即上次调用的节拍数量static uint16 remUsTicks = 0;   //存储的是每次更新us转ms *5/8的余数static uint16 timeMSec = 0;     //存储的是ms转s   的余数



void osalTimeUpdate( void ){  uint16 tmp;  //记录这次获得625us逝去的次数  uint16 ticks625us;   //记录前后两次625us逝去的次数  uint16 elapsedMSec = 0;  //记录前后两次625 us逝去的毫秒数  // Get the free-running count of 625us timer ticks tmp = ll_McuPrecisionCount();   //计算当前过去了多少个625us次数  if ( tmp != previousLLTimerTick )  {    // Calculate the elapsed ticks of the free-running timer.    ticks625us = tmp - previousLLTimerTick;    // Store the LL Timer tick count for the next time through this function.存储这次过去的625us的次数    previousLLTimerTick = tmp;    /* It is necessary to loop to convert the usecs to msecs in increments so as     * not to overflow the 16-bit variables.     */    while ( ticks625us > MAXCALCTICKS ) //主要为了数据过大转换为ms是溢出了。MAXCALCTICKS >13105就会溢出从零开始,对时间来说是不行的    {      ticks625us -= MAXCALCTICKS;      elapsedMSec += MAXCALCTICKS * 5 / 8;  //计算逝去的毫秒;整除,MAXCALCTICKS =13105个节拍转换为ms是8190ms      remUsTicks += MAXCALCTICKS * 5 % 8;   //计算当前循环的余数,余数为5,时间0.625ms;5除8 =0.625    }    }    // update converted number with remaining ticks from loop and the    // accumulated remainder from loop把余数加进去,组合成剩余的滴答数*5;这里限制了必须使得((ticks625us *5) + 7 < = 65535)    tmp = (ticks625us * 5) + remUsTicks;    // Convert the 625 us ticks into milliseconds and a remainder    elapsedMSec += tmp / 8;   //将剩余的滴答数转化成ms   remUsTicks = tmp % 8;      //将余数留到下次使用    // Update OSAL Clock and Timers更新时钟和软件定时器    if ( elapsedMSec )//    {      osalClockUpdate( elapsedMSec );//更新整个系统的时间,UTCTime以秒为单位记录        osalTimerUpdate( elapsedMSec );//传入过去流逝的时间值,进一步更新每个软件定时器,减去一定的时间      }  }}


osalClockUpdate( elapsedMSec );


static void osalClockUpdate( uint16 elapsedMSec ){  // Add elapsed milliseconds to the saved millisecond portion of time  timeMSec += elapsedMSec;  // Roll up milliseconds to the number of seconds  if ( timeMSec >= 1000 )  {    OSAL_timeSeconds += timeMSec / 1000;    timeMSec = timeMSec % 1000;   //存储ms转s余数  }}


void osal_setClock函数是更新系统时间,以UTCTime为参数,秒级别

void osal_setClock( UTCTime newTime ){  OSAL_timeSeconds = newTime;}


UTCTime osal_getClock( void ){  return ( OSAL_timeSeconds );}


void osal_ConvertUTCTime( UTCTimeStruct *tm, UTCTime secTime ){  // calculate the time less than a day - hours, minutes, seconds计算时间不足一天  {    uint32 day = secTime % DAY;//不足一天的秒数    tm->seconds = day % 60UL;  //秒    tm->minutes = (day % 3600UL) / 60UL;  //分    tm->hour = day / 3600UL;   //小时  }  // Fill in the calendar - day, month, year填充日,月,年  {    uint16 numDays = secTime / DAY;//总的天数    tm->year = BEGYEAR;    while ( numDays >= YearLength( tm->year ) )    {      numDays -= YearLength( tm->year );//根据YearLength判定是否是闰年?返回366/365      tm->year++;    }    tm->month = 0;    while ( numDays >= monthLength( IsLeapYear( tm->year ), tm->month ) )//这里判定月份天数的算法比较独特    {      numDays -= monthLength( IsLeapYear( tm->year ), tm->month );      tm->month++;    }    tm->day = numDays;  }}//下面是对月份判断的代码static uint8 monthLength( uint8 lpyr, uint8 mon ){  uint8 days = 31;  if ( mon == 1 ) // feb  {    days = ( 28 + lpyr );  }  else  {    if ( mon > 6 ) // aug-dec    {      mon--;    }    if ( mon & 1 )    {      days = 30;    }  }  return ( days );}


osal_ConvertUTCSecs 函数

UTCTime osal_ConvertUTCSecs( UTCTimeStruct *tm ){  uint32 seconds;  /* Seconds for the partial day */  seconds = (((tm->hour * 60UL) + tm->minutes) * 60UL) + tm->seconds;//计算不足一天的秒数  /* Account for previous complete days计算当前月已过去的天数 ,比如20,就等于20天*/  {    /* Start with complete days in current month计算已当前月过去的月份 */    uint16 days = tm->day;    /* Next, complete months in current year计算当年已过去的月,比如month = 2,三月,过了两月了,执行两次循环 */    {      int8 month = tm->month;      while ( --month >= 0 )      {        days += monthLength( IsLeapYear( tm->year ), month );      }    }    /* Next, complete years before current year计算自2000年到当前多了多少年 */    {      uint16 year = tm->year;      while ( --year >= BEGYEAR )      {        days += YearLength( year );      }    }    /* Add total seconds before partial day */    seconds += (days * DAY);  }  return ( seconds );}


osalTimerUpdate( elapsedMSec );



typedef union {  uint32 time32;  uint16 time16[2];  uint8 time8[4];} osalTime_t;typedef struct{  void   *next;  osalTime_t timeout;  uint16 event_flag;  uint8  task_id;  uint32 reloadTimeout;} osalTimerRec_t;//上面是一个软件定时器的结构体,OSAL的定时器主要为任务提供定时服务,所以定时器的结构需要包括任务的ID(task_id)以及它承载的事件ID(event_flag),以便告诉OSAL让哪个任务做什么事情;除此之外定时器还需要记录的定时时间(timeout)以及超时后需要重载的定时值(reloadTimeout)。//一个用来记录系统上电的运行时间static uint32 osal_systemClock;osalTimerRec_t *timerHead;  //定义一个头指针,指向软件定时器链表


void osalTimerUpdate( uint32 updateTime ){  halIntState_t intState;  osalTimerRec_t *srchTimer;  //遍历软件定时器链表  osalTimerRec_t *prevTimer;  osalTime_t timeUnion;  timeUnion.time32 = updateTime;//共用体,下面可以看到这个共用体是为了可以字节操作timeout而设置的。这是共用体的好处吧  HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );  // Hold off interrupts.  // Update the system time  osal_systemClock += updateTime;//将逝去的时间更新到系统时钟,以毫秒级别  HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );   // Re-enable interrupts.  // Look for open timer slot  if ( timerHead != NULL )  {    // Add it to the end of the timer list    srchTimer = timerHead;//指向定时器链表头    prevTimer = (void *)NULL;//初始化为空    // Look for open timer slot    while ( srchTimer )    {      osalTimerRec_t *freeTimer = NULL;//记录待释放的软件定时器      HAL_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );  // Hold off interrupts.      // To minimize time in this critical section, avoid 32-bit math为了避免32位匹配,计算最小时间      if ((timeUnion.time16[1] == 0) && (timeUnion.time8[1] == 0))      {        // If upper 24 bits are zero, check lower 8 bits for roll over逝去的时间只有 1 byte        if (srchTimer->timeout.time8[0] >= timeUnion.time8[0])        {          // 8-bit math减去逝去的时间          srchTimer->timeout.time8[0] -= timeUnion.time8[0];        }        else        {          // 32-bit math          if (srchTimer->timeout.time32 > timeUnion.time32)          {            srchTimer->timeout.time32 -= timeUnion.time32;          }          else          {            srchTimer->timeout.time32 = 0;          }        }      }      else      {          // 32-bit math        if (srchTimer->timeout.time32 > timeUnion.time32)        {          srchTimer->timeout.time32 -= timeUnion.time32;//减去逝去的时间        }        else        {          srchTimer->timeout.time32 = 0;//定时时间到        }      }      // Check for reloading对于自动重载的软件定时器处理      if ( (srchTimer->timeout.time16[0] == 0) && (srchTimer->timeout.time16[1] == 0) &&           (srchTimer->reloadTimeout) && (srchTimer->event_flag) )      {        // Notify the task of a timeout时间到,设定事件        osal_set_event( srchTimer->task_id, srchTimer->event_flag );        // Reload the timer timeout value重新设定时间        srchTimer->timeout.time32 = srchTimer->reloadTimeout;      }      // When timeout or delete (event_flag == 0)对于只定时一次的软件定时器处理和要删除的软件定时器处理      if ( ((srchTimer->timeout.time16[0] == 0) && (srchTimer->timeout.time16[1] == 0)) ||            (srchTimer->event_flag == 0) )      {        // Take out of list        if ( prevTimer == NULL )        {          timerHead = srchTimer->next;        }        else        {          prevTimer->next = srchTimer->next;        }        // Setup to free memory        freeTimer = srchTimer;//记录当前待释放的定时器        // Next        srchTimer = srchTimer->next;      }      else      {        // Get next如果没有软件定时器到时,则遍历下一个软件定时器        prevTimer = srchTimer;        srchTimer = srchTimer->next;      }      HAL_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( intState );   // Re-enable interrupts.      if ( freeTimer )      {        if ( (freeTimer->timeout.time16[0] == 0) && (freeTimer->timeout.time16[1] == 0) )        {          osal_set_event( freeTimer->task_id, freeTimer->event_flag );        }        osal_mem_free( freeTimer );//释放软件定时器      }    }  }}



osalTimerRec_t * osalAddTimer( uint8 task_id, uint16 event_flag, uint32 timeout ){  osalTimerRec_t *newTimer;  osalTimerRec_t *srchTimer;  // Look for an existing timer first  newTimer = osalFindTimer( task_id, event_flag );查找是否已存在这个任务对应事件的的定时器;  if ( newTimer )  {    // Timer is found - update it.如果存在更新超时时间    newTimer->timeout.time32 = timeout;    return ( newTimer );  }  else  {    // New Timer若没有,只要创建新的软件定时器    newTimer = osal_mem_alloc( sizeof( osalTimerRec_t ) );    if ( newTimer )    {      // Fill in new timer      newTimer->task_id = task_id;      newTimer->event_flag = event_flag;      newTimer->timeout.time32 = timeout;      newTimer->next = (void *)NULL;      newTimer->reloadTimeout = 0;      // Does the timer list already exist      if ( timerHead == NULL )      {        // Start task list如果软件定时器为空,那么指向第一个软件定时器        timerHead = newTimer;      }      else      {        // Add it to the end of the timer list不然加到线性表末尾        srchTimer = timerHead;        // Stop at the last record        while ( srchTimer->next )          srchTimer = srchTimer->next;        // Add to the list        srchTimer->next = newTimer;      }      return ( newTimer );    }    else    {      return ( (osalTimerRec_t *)NULL );    }  }}
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