
来源:互联网 发布:js解析xml文件的作用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 20:51
<pre name="code" class="java"><pre name="code" class="java">package Lesson17Containers;//: containers/TestParam.java// A "data transfer object."public class TestParam {  public final int size;  public final int loops;  public TestParam(int size, int loops)   {    this.size = size;    this.loops = loops;  }  // Create an array of TestParam from a varargs sequence:  public static TestParam[] array(int... values)   {  //吧values从一个可变参数改变为一个array数组    int size = values.length/2;    TestParam[] result = new TestParam[size];    int n = 0;    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)      result[i] = new TestParam(values[n++], values[n++]);    return result;  }  // Convert a String array to a TestParam array:  public static TestParam[] array(String[] values)   {    int[] vals = new int[values.length];    for(int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)      vals[i] = Integer.decode(values[i]);    return array(vals);  }} ///:~

package Lesson17Containers;//: containers/Tester.java// Applies Test objects to lists of different containers.import java.util.*;public class Tester<C> { public static int fieldWidth = 8; public static TestParam[] defaultParams= TestParam.array( 10, 5000, 100, 5000, 1000, 5000, 10000, 500); // Override this to modify pre-test initialization: protected C initialize(int size) { return container; } protected C container; private String headline = ""; private List<Test<C>> tests; private static String stringField() { return "%" + fieldWidth + "s"; } private static String numberField() { return "%" + fieldWidth + "d"; } private static int sizeWidth = 5; private static String sizeField = "%" + sizeWidth + "s"; private TestParam[] paramList = defaultParams; public Tester(C container, List<Test<C>> tests) { this.container = container; this.tests = tests; if(container != null) headline = container.getClass().getSimpleName(); } public Tester(C container, List<Test<C>> tests, TestParam[] paramList) { this(container, tests); this.paramList = paramList; } public void setHeadline(String newHeadline) { headline = newHeadline; } // Generic methods for convenience : public static <C> void run(C cntnr, List<Test<C>> tests){ new Tester<C>(cntnr, tests).timedTest(); } public static <C> void run(C cntnr, List<Test<C>> tests, TestParam[] paramList) { new Tester<C>(cntnr, tests, paramList).timedTest(); } private void displayHeader() { // Calculate width and pad with '-': int width = fieldWidth * tests.size() + sizeWidth; //8*tests.size()+5 int dashLength = width - headline.length() - 1; StringBuilder head = new StringBuilder(width); for(int i = 0; i < dashLength/2; i++) head.append('-'); head.append(' '); head.append(headline); head.append(' '); for(int i = 0; i < dashLength/2; i++) head.append('-'); System.out.println(head); // Print column headers: System.out.format(sizeField, "size"); for(Test test : tests) System.out.format(stringField(), test.name); System.out.println(); } // Run the tests for this container: public void timedTest() { displayHeader(); for(TestParam param : paramList) { System.out.format(sizeField, param.size); for(Test<C> test : tests) { C kontainer = initialize(param.size); long start = System.nanoTime(); // Call the overriden method: int reps = test.test(kontainer, param); long duration = System.nanoTime() - start; long timePerRep = duration / reps; // Nanoseconds System.out.format(numberField(), timePerRep); } System.out.println(); } }} ///:~

/*** 书本:《Thinking In Java》* 功能:对List操作中本质的部分进行测试还有Queue中的操作测试性能比较* 文件:ListPerformance.java* 时间:2015年5月4日14:27:20* 作者:cutter_point*/package Lesson17Containers;import java.util.*;import net.mindview.util.*;public class ListPerformance{static Random rand = new Random(); //产生随机数static int reps = 1000;static List<Test<List<Integer>>> tests = new ArrayList<Test<List<Integer>>>(); //用来测试liststatic List<Test<LinkedList<Integer>>> qTests = new ArrayList<Test<LinkedList<Integer>>>(); //LinkedListstatic{//测试list的addtests.add(new Test<List<Integer>>("add"){int test(List<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops; //要循环测试的次数int listSize = tp.size; //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.clear();for(int j = 0; j < listSize; ++j){list.add(j);}}return loops * listSize;}});//list的get函数tests.add(new Test<List<Integer>>("get"){int test(List<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops * reps; //要循环测试的次数int listSize = list.size(); //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.get(rand.nextInt(listSize));}return loops;}});//list的set函数tests.add(new Test<List<Integer>>("set"){int test(List<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops * reps; //要循环测试的次数int listSize = list.size(); //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){//吧47随机插入list.set(rand.nextInt(listSize), 47);}return loops;}});//list的set函数tests.add(new Test<List<Integer>>("iteradd"){int test(List<Integer> list, TestParam tp){final int LOOPS = 1000000;int half = list.size() / 2; //取长度的一般ListIterator<Integer> it = list.listIterator(half); //这个迭代器的起始位置是中间点for(int i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i){it.add(47); //插入数据}return LOOPS;}});//list的insert函数tests.add(new Test<List<Integer>>("insert"){int test(List<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops;for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.add(5, 47); //在指定的位置不断地插入数据}return loops;}});//list的remove函数tests.add(new Test<List<Integer>>("remove"){int test(List<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops;int size = tp.size;for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.clear();list.addAll(new CountingIntegerList(size)); //添加数据0到size(不包含size)while(list.size() > 5){list.remove(5);}}return loops * size;}});/***********************************************************************************************************************************///linkedlist的addFirst函数qTests.add(new Test<LinkedList<Integer>>("addFirst"){int test(LinkedList<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops; //要循环测试的次数int listSize = tp.size; //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.clear();for(int j = 0; j < listSize; ++j){list.addFirst(47);}}return loops * listSize;}});//linkedlist的addLast函数qTests.add(new Test<LinkedList<Integer>>("addLast"){int test(LinkedList<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops; //要循环测试的次数int listSize = tp.size; //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.clear();for(int j = 0; j < listSize; ++j){list.addLast(47);}}return loops * listSize;}});//linkedlist的rmFirst函数qTests.add(new Test<LinkedList<Integer>>("rmFirst"){int test(LinkedList<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops; //要循环测试的次数int size = tp.size; //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.clear();list.addAll(new CountingIntegerList(size));while(list.size() > 0)list.removeFirst(); //去掉第一个元素}return loops * size;}});//linkedlist的rmLast函数qTests.add(new Test<LinkedList<Integer>>("rmLast"){int test(LinkedList<Integer> list, TestParam tp){int loops = tp.loops; //要循环测试的次数int size = tp.size; //list容器长度for(int i = 0; i < loops; ++i){list.clear();list.addAll(new CountingIntegerList(size));while(list.size() > 0)list.removeLast(); //去掉第一个元素}return loops * size;}});}static class ListTester extends Tester<List<Integer>>{public ListTester(List<Integer> container,List<Test<List<Integer>>> tests){super(container, tests);}@Overrideprotected List<Integer> initialize(int size){this.container.clear();//清楚所有的数据元素this.container.addAll(new CountingIntegerList(size)); //得到0到size的数据return this.container;}public static void run(List<Integer> list, List<Test<List<Integer>>> tests){new ListTester(list, tests).timedTest();//显示信息}}public static void main(String[] args){Tester<List<Integer>> arrayTest = new Tester<List<Integer>>(null, tests.subList(1, 3)){@Overrideprotected List<Integer> initialize(int size){Integer[] ia = Generated.array(Integer.class, new CountingGenerator.Integer(), size);return Arrays.asList(ia);}};arrayTest.setHeadline("Array as list");arrayTest.timedTest();Tester.defaultParams= TestParam.array( 10, 5000, 100, 5000, 1000, 1000, 10000, 200);ListTester.run(new ArrayList<Integer>(), tests); ListTester.run(new LinkedList<Integer>(), tests); ListTester.run(new Vector<Integer>(), tests); Tester.fieldWidth = 12; Tester<LinkedList<Integer>> qTest = new Tester<LinkedList<Integer>>( new LinkedList<Integer>(), qTests); qTest.setHeadline("Queue tests"); qTest.timedTest();}}


--- Array as list ---
 size     get     set
   10      13      15
  100      12      14
 1000      11      12
10000      11      14
--------------------- ArrayList ---------------------
 size     add     get     set iteradd  insert  remove
   10      77      13      15      27     275     201
  100       5      12      14      13     269      18
 1000      20      12      19      51     212      61
10000      12      13      15     417    1436     508
--------------------- LinkedList ---------------------
 size     add     get     set iteradd  insert  remove
   10     103      28      28      41     182     174
  100      10      42      43      14      92      39
 1000      12     392     391       9       9      22
10000      27    4406    4418      68      32      21
----------------------- Vector -----------------------
 size     add     get     set iteradd  insert  remove
   10     115      15      17      28     265     104
  100       8      15      17      19     268      25
 1000      11      15      16      55     172      80
10000      11      15      16     428    1381     513
-------------------- Queue tests --------------------
 size    addFirst     addLast     rmFirst      rmLast
   10          79          64          91         105
  100           8           7          11          11
 1000          26          35          54          44
10000           8           7          18          19

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