whu oj 1579 - Big data

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝下载苹果版下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 18:10
Problem 1579 - Big data
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536KB   
Total Submit: 73  Accepted: 12  Special Judge: No

The data scientists of CVTE declared that they had discovered a new number sequence system. The numbers sequences can be described as follows: they all have N numbers and their deferred expenses are A(i) = A(i-1) + x, where x equals a or b for different i. ( A(i) = 0 ) 

Now we are wondering that how many sequences satisfy that sigma( Ai ) 1 <= i <= n  is between L and R. 

Please module your final answer by 10^9 + 7.

No more than 20000 test cases.

The first line of each test case contains five number N, a, b, L and R. ( 2 <= N <= 100, -10000 <= a, b <= 10000, -10^9 <= L <= R <= 10^9 )
Output your answer on a single line for each case.
Sample Input
5 1 2 0 15
Sample Output



A(i) = A(i-1) + a or b,求满足L <= ∑(Ai) <= R的有多少种。

相当于求(a or b) * n + (a or b) * (n - 1)…..(a or b) <= R
step 1: 令c = b - a,那么相当于(c or 0) * n + (c or 0) * (n - 1) + ….(c or 0) <= R - a* n * (n  + 1) / 2
step 2:令X = R - a* n * (n  + 1) / 2,相当于(1 or 0)* n + (1 or 0) * (n - 1)….(1 or 0) <= X / c
step 3:剩下一个简单dp计数问题,预处理即可。
至于a=b时,需要特判,我觉得序列都是一样的,但是出题人好像作为不同处理的 = =

#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#define mod 1000000007typedef long long ll;using namespace std;ll n,m;ll a,b,le,ri;ll dp[105][5055],sum[105][5055];ll getdp(ll x){    if(x<0) return 0;    if(x>=5050) x=5050;    return sum[n][x];}int main(){    ll i,j;    dp[0][0]=1;    for(i=0;i<100;i++)    {        for(j=0;j<=i*(i+1)/2;j++)        {            if(dp[i][j]==0) continue ;            dp[i+1][j]+=dp[i][j];            dp[i+1][j]%=mod;            dp[i+1][j+(i+1)]+=dp[i][j];            dp[i+1][j+(i+1)]%=mod;        }    }    for(i=0;i<=100;i++)    {        sum[i][0]=dp[i][0];        for(j=1;j<=5050;j++)        {            sum[i][j]=sum[i][j-1]+dp[i][j];            sum[i][j]%=mod;        }    }    while(~scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld%lld",&n,&a,&b,&le,&ri))    {        if(a==b)        {            if((n+1)*n/2*a>=le&&(n+1)*n/2*a<=ri) printf("%lld\n",sum[n][n*(n+1)/2]);            else printf("0\n");            continue ;        }        if(a>b) swap(a,b);        ll c=b-a;        ll y;        if((ri-a*n*(n+1)/2)<0) y=-1;        else y=(ri-a*n*(n+1)/2)/c;        ll x;        if((le-a*n*(n+1)/2)<0) x=-1;        else        {            if((le-a*n*(n+1)/2)%c==0) x=(le-a*n*(n+1)/2)/c-1;            else x=(le-a*n*(n+1)/2)/c;        }        ll ans=getdp(y)-getdp(x);        ans=(ans+mod)%mod;        printf("%lld\n",ans);    }    return 0;}/*3 1 3 -7 63 1 3 0 15*/
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