extjs piechart,linchart,chart IE不显示,火狐显示解决方法

来源:互联网 发布:java 提取html文本 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:12

先附上代码(piechart): IE里面无显示的主要原因是要设置width和height

    xtype: 'piechart',    name:'propiechart',    id:'propiechart',    autoShow :true,    dataField: 'total',    categoryField: 'season',    width: 1000,    height:400,    //animate:true,     store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({        //autoLoad: true,         fields: [{name:'season',type:'string'}, {name:'total',type:'int'}],         data: [{             season: 'Summer',             total: 150                },{                    season: 'Fall',                    total: 245                },{                    season: 'Winter',                    total: 117                },{                    season: 'Spring',                    total: 184                }]            }),          //extra styles get applied to the chart defaults         extraStyle:           {               legend:               {                   display: 'bottom',                   padding: 5,                   font:                   {                       family: 'Tahoma',                       size: 13                   }               }  }
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