java多线程系列----------- 共享受限资源(二)

来源:互联网 发布:木头飞虎弹弓图纸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:12

能有此文十分感谢《Java编程思想》一书及其作者Bruce Eckel!


        有时,只是希望防止多个线程同时访问方法内部的部分代码而不是防止访问整个方法。通过这种方式分离出来的代码段被称为临界区(critical section),它也使用synchronized关键字建立。这里,synchronized被用来指定某个对象。此对象的锁被用来对花括号内的代码进行同步控制:
synchronized(syncObject){//this code can be accessed by only one task at a time}
// Synchronizing blocks instead of entire methods. Also// demonstrates protection of a non-thread-safe class// with a thread-safe one.package concurrency;import java.util.concurrent.*;import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;import java.util.*;class Pair { // Not thread-safe  private int x, y;  public Pair(int x, int y) {    this.x = x;    this.y = y;  }  public Pair() { this(0, 0); }  public int getX() { return x; }  public int getY() { return y; }  public void incrementX() { x++; }  public void incrementY() { y++; }  public String toString() {    return "x: " + x + ", y: " + y;  }  public class PairValuesNotEqualException  extends RuntimeException {    public PairValuesNotEqualException() {      super("Pair values not equal: " + Pair.this);    }  }  // Arbitrary invariant -- both variables must be equal:  public void checkState() {    if(x != y)      throw new PairValuesNotEqualException();  }}// Protect a Pair inside a thread-safe class:abstract class PairManager {  AtomicInteger checkCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);  protected Pair p = new Pair();  private List<Pair> storage =    Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Pair>());  public synchronized Pair getPair() {    // Make a copy to keep the original safe:    return new Pair(p.getX(), p.getY());  }  // Assume this is a time consuming operation  protected void store(Pair p) {    storage.add(p);    try {      TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(50);    } catch(InterruptedException ignore) {}  }  public abstract void increment();}// Synchronize the entire method:class PairManager1 extends PairManager {  public synchronized void increment() {    p.incrementX();    p.incrementY();    store(getPair());  }}// Use a critical section:class PairManager2 extends PairManager {  public void increment() {    Pair temp;    synchronized(this) {      p.incrementX();      p.incrementY();      temp = getPair();    }    store(temp);  }}class PairManipulator implements Runnable {  private PairManager pm;  public PairManipulator(PairManager pm) { = pm;  }  public void run() {    while(true)      pm.increment();  }  public String toString() {    return "Pair: " + pm.getPair() +      " checkCounter = " + pm.checkCounter.get();  }}class PairChecker implements Runnable {  private PairManager pm;  public PairChecker(PairManager pm) { = pm;  }  public void run() {    while(true) {      pm.checkCounter.incrementAndGet();      pm.getPair().checkState();    }  }}public class CriticalSection {  // Test the two different approaches:  static void  testApproaches(PairManager pman1, PairManager pman2) {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    PairManipulator      pm1 = new PairManipulator(pman1),      pm2 = new PairManipulator(pman2);    PairChecker      pcheck1 = new PairChecker(pman1),      pcheck2 = new PairChecker(pman2);    exec.execute(pm1);    exec.execute(pm2);    exec.execute(pcheck1);    exec.execute(pcheck2);    try {      TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(500);    } catch(InterruptedException e) {      System.out.println("Sleep interrupted");    }    System.out.println("pm1: " + pm1 + "\npm2: " + pm2);    System.exit(0);  }  public static void main(String[] args) {    PairManager      pman1 = new PairManager1(),      pman2 = new PairManager2();    testApproaches(pman1, pman2);  }} /* Output: (Sample)pm1: Pair: x: 15, y: 15 checkCounter = 272565pm2: Pair: x: 16, y: 16 checkCounter = 3956974*/
store()方法将一个Pair对象添加到synchronized ArrayList中,所以这个操作是线程安全的。因此该方法不必进行防护,可以放在 PairManager2的synchronized语句块的外部。
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;// Synchronize the entire method:class ExplicitPairManager1 extends PairManager {  private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();  public synchronized void increment() {    lock.lock();    try {      p.incrementX();      p.incrementY();      store(getPair());    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }  }}// Use a critical section:class ExplicitPairManager2 extends PairManager {  private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();  public void increment() {    Pair temp;    lock.lock();    try {      p.incrementX();      p.incrementY();      temp = getPair();    } finally {      lock.unlock();    }    store(temp);  }}


class DualSynch {private Object syncObject = new Object();public synchronized void f() {for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {System.out.println("f()");Thread.yield();}}public void g() {synchronized (syncObject) {for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {System.out.println("g()");Thread.yield();}}}}public class SyncObject {public static void main(String[] args) {final DualSynch ds = new DualSynch();new Thread() {public void run() {ds.f();}}.start();ds.g();}} /* * Output: (Sample) g() f() g() f() g() f() g() f() g() f() */


// Automatically giving each thread its own storage.import java.util.concurrent.*;import java.util.*;class Accessor implements Runnable {  private final int id;  public Accessor(int idn) { id = idn; }  public void run() {    while(!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {      ThreadLocalVariableHolder.increment();      System.out.println(this);      Thread.yield();    }  }  public String toString() {    return "#" + id + ": " +      ThreadLocalVariableHolder.get();  }}public class ThreadLocalVariableHolder {  private static ThreadLocal<Integer> value =    new ThreadLocal<Integer>() {      private Random rand = new Random(47);      protected synchronized Integer initialValue() {        return rand.nextInt(10000);      }    };  public static void increment() {    value.set(value.get() + 1);  }  public static int get() { return value.get(); }  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)      exec.execute(new Accessor(i));    TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3);  // Run for a while    exec.shutdownNow();         // All Accessors will quit  }}

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