
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网店营销推广 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 23:05


select *
  from departments;

select department_id,location_id
  from departments;  


select last_name,salary,salary+ 300
  from employees;

select last_name,salary,12*(salary+100)
  from employees;


select last_name,salary,commission_pct
  from employees;

select last_name,salary,commission_pct
  from employees;  



select last_name as name,commission_pct comm
  from employees;

select last_name as "Name",12*salary"Annual Salary "
  from employees;  


select last_name||job_id "Employees"
  from employees;



select last_name || ' is a ' || job_id "employees details"
  from employees;

select 100
  from employees;

select last_name 姓名
  from employees;


select department_id
  from employees;

select distinct department_id
  from employees;  

select distinct department_id,job_id
  from employees;   

desc departments;


--查询部门90 的所有雇员
select last_name,salary,department_id
  from employees
  where department_id=90;


select last_name,salary
  from employees
  where last_name='whalen';

select last_name,salary
  from employees
  where last_name='Whalen';


select last_name,hire_date
  from employees
  where hire_date='2007-02-07';

--ORA-01858: 在要求输入数字处找到非数字字符
select last_name,hire_date
  from employees
  where hire_date='07-feb-07';

  from nls_session_parameters;

select last_name,salary
  from employees
  where salary <= 3000;

--2)between 下限值  and 上限值:
select last_name,salary
  from employees
  where salary between 2500 and 3500;

select last_name,salary,manager_id
  from employees
  where manager_id in (101,102,201);

-- %:可表示0个或任意多个字符
-- _:可表示任意一个字符

select first_name
  from employees
  where first_name like 'S%';

select last_name
  from employees
  where last_name like '_o%';


select last_name,job_id
  from employees
  where job_id like '%SA\_%' escape '\';


select last_name,manager_id
  from employees
  where manager_id is null;

select last_name,manager_id
  from employees
  where manager_id = null;  


select last_name,salary,job_id
  from employees
  where salary >= 10000
    and job_id like '%MAN%';


select last_name,salary,job_id
  from employees
  where salary >= 10000
    or job_id like '%MAN%';


--notin,notlike,notbetween  and,isnot null,

--查询工作编号不是IT_PROG或者 ST_CLERK或者 SA_REP的雇员
select last_name,job_id
  from employees
  where job_id not in ('IT_PROG','ST_CLERK','SA_REP');

select last_name,salary,job_id
  from employees
  where (job_id='SA_REP'
    or job_id='AD_PRES')
    and salary > 15000;

--[ORDERBY    {column,expr,numeric_position} [ASC|DESC]];


select last_name,salary,hire_date
  from employees
  order by hire_date;

-- --将所有雇员按照入职日期做降序排序 
select last_name,salary,hire_date
  from employees
  order by hire_date desc;  

select last_name,salary,12*salary annsal
  from employees
  order by annsal;

select last_name,salary,12*salary annsal
  from employees
  order by 12*salary;  

SELECT last_name,salary,department_id,job_id
  from employees
  order by 3;

select last_name,department_id,salary
  from employees 
  order by department_id,salary desc;



select employee_id,last_name,salary
  from employees
  where employee_id = &emp_id;


select last_name,salary,job_id
  from employees
  where job_id = '&job_title';

--ORA-00904:"SA_REP": 标识符无效
select last_name,salary,job_id
  from employees
  where job_id = &job_title;

select last_name,salary,job_id
  from employees
  where job_id = &job_title;

--使用set verifyoff命令可以隐藏替代变量的替换过程
set verify off

select employee_id,last_name,salary,&column_name
  from employees
  order by &column_name;

select employee_id,last_name,salary,&&column_name
  from employees
  order by &column_name;


define employee_num=200;

select employee_id,last_name,salary
  from employees
  where employee_id = &employee_num;

undefine employee_num;




select lower('SQL Course'),upper('SQL Course'),
     initcap('SQL Course')
  from dual;


desc dual;

select * from dual;


select last_name,salary
  from employees
  where lower(last_name)='higgins';

select concat('Hello','World')
  from dual;

select substr('Hello World',3,3)
  from dual;

select substr('Hello World',5)
  from dual;  

select instr('Hello World','o',1)
  from dual;  

select instr('Hello World','o',1,2)
  from dual;  

select length('hello')
  from dual;

select length('你好')
  from dual;

select lpad('hello',10,'*') rs1,
       rpad('hello',10,'*') rs2
  from dual;

select trim(' hello ') rs
  from dual;

select trim(leading'h' from'hello') rs
  from dual;  

select trim(trailing'o' from'hello') rs
  from dual;

select ltrim(' hello ') rs1,rtrim(' hello ') rs2
  from dual;

select replace('Jack and Jue','J','Bl')
  from dual;


select round(45.923,2),round(45.923,0),
   from dual;

select trunc(45.923,2),trunc(45.923,0),
   from dual;

select mod(5,2)
  from dual;

select sysdate
  from dual;

--ORA-00923: 未找到要求的FROM 关键字
select sysdate()
  from dual;  

select current_date
  from dual;  

select sysdate+3
  from dual;

select sysdate-3
  from dual;  

select sysdate + 2/24
  from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
       to_char(sysdate + 2/24,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
  from dual;

select last_name,
      (sysdate - hire_date)/7  weeks
from employees;

--MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1, date2):  
select months_between(sysdate,hire_date)
  from employees;

--ADD_MONTHS(date, n): 给日期加几个月。N是整数可以为负数
select add_months(sysdate, 5)
  from dual;

--NEXT_DAY(date, ‘char’): 找到从date开始的下一个星期几的日期。char表示星期几
select next_day(sysdate,'星期三')
  from dual;

--ORA-01846: 周中的日无效  
select next_day(sysdate,'Wensday')
  from dual;


select round(sysdate,'month'),trunc(sysdate,'month')
  from dual;

select round(sysdate,'year'),trunc(sysdate,'year')
  from dual;

select trunc(sysdate)
  from dual;



--1)to_char(date'fmt model'):将日期

select last_name,hire_date,
  from employees;

select last_name,hire_date,
      to_char(hire_date,'fmDD MONTH YYYY')
  from employees;  

select last_name,hire_date,
      to_char(hire_date,'fmday month year')
  from employees;

--2)to_char(number'fmt model'):将数字
--常用的数字格式元素:90、$、L、. ,等等

select last_name,salary,
  from employees;

select last_name,salary,
  from employees;

--3)to_numer(char[,'fmt model']):

select to_number('123')
  from dual;

select to_number('$1,123.78','$9,999.99')
  from dual;  

----4)to_date(char[,'fmt model']):

select to_date('2005/05/12','YYYY/MM/DD')
  from dual;

--ORA-01843: 无效的月份
select to_date('2005/oct/12','YYYY/MON/DD')
  from dual;


select last_name,hire_date
  from employees
  where hire_date < to_date('2005 01 01','YYYY MM DD');


select last_name,
  from employees;




select last_name,commission_pct,
       (12*salary)+(12*salary*nvl(commission_pct,0)) ann_sal
   from employees;

--NVL2(expr1, expr2, expr3)

select last_name,commission_pct,
       nvl2(commission_pct,'SAL+COMM','SAL') income
   from employees;

--3/NULLIF (expr1, expr2):
--NULLIF比较expr1and expr2。如果它们相等则函数

select nullif('hello','hello')
  from dual;

select nullif('hello1','hello')
  from dual;

--ORA-00932: 数据类型不一致: 应为-, 但却获得 CHAR
select nullif(null,'hello')
  from dual;  

--COALESCE (expr1, expr2, ... exprn)

--ORA-00932: 数据类型不一致: 应为NUMBER, 但却获得 CHAR
select last_name,
       coalesce(commission_pct,manager_id,'no comm and  no manager')
from employees;

select last_name,
         to_char(manager_id),'no comm and  no manager')
from employees;
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