
来源:互联网 发布:手机怎么打开淘宝贷款 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 02:49


Twitter Storm源代码分析之acker工作流程
Twitter Storm如何保证消息不丢失


首先说一下,BasicBolt和RichBolt的区别,RichBolt会帮我们自动ack tuple的,basicbolt不会,所以如果继承的是basicBolt的话,就需要自己outputcollecter调ack方法了。


    /**     * How many executors to spawn for ackers.     *     * <p>If this is set to 0, then Storm will immediately ack tuples as soon     * as they come off the spout, effectively disabling reliability.</p>     */    public static final String TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS = "topology.acker.executors";

该配置项是配置Acker Bolt数目的,大于0则spout每发一条msg,都会把相应的信息

pending (RotatingMap.                 2 ;; microoptimize for performance of .size method                 (reify RotatingMap$ExpiredCallback                   (expire [this msg-id [task-id spout-id tuple-info start-time-ms]]                     (let [time-delta (if start-time-ms (time-delta-ms start-time-ms))]                       (fail-spout-msg executor-data (get task-datas task-id) spout-id tuple-info time-delta)                       ))))        tuple-action-fn (fn [task-id ^TupleImpl tuple]                          (let [stream-id (.getSourceStreamId tuple)]                            (condp = stream-id                              Constants/SYSTEM_TICK_STREAM_ID (.rotate pending)                              Constants/METRICS_TICK_STREAM_ID (metrics-tick executor-data (get task-datas task-id) tuple)                              (let [id (.getValue tuple 0)                                    [stored-task-id spout-id tuple-finished-info start-time-ms] (.remove pending id)]                                (when spout-id                                  (when-not (= stored-task-id task-id)                                    (throw-runtime "Fatal error, mismatched task ids: " task-id " " stored-task-id))                                  (let [time-delta (if start-time-ms (time-delta-ms start-time-ms))]                                    (condp = stream-id //这里,根据stream id 来对msg进行ack或fail                                      ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID (ack-spout-msg executor-data (get task-datas task-id)                                                                                 spout-id tuple-finished-info time-delta)                                      ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID (fail-spout-msg executor-data (get task-datas task-id)                                                                           spout-id tuple-finished-info time-delta)                                      )))                                ;; TODO: on failure, emit tuple to failure stream                                ))))        receive-queue (:receive-queue executor-data)        event-handler (mk-task-receiver executor-data tuple-action-fn)        has-ackers? (has-ackers? storm-conf)        emitted-count (MutableLong. 0)        empty-emit-streak (MutableLong. 0)


(^void execute [this ^Tuple tuple]             (let [^RotatingMap pending (.getObject pending)                   stream-id (.getSourceStreamId tuple)]               (if (= stream-id Constants/SYSTEM_TICK_STREAM_ID)                 (.rotate pending)                 (let [id (.getValue tuple 0)                       ^OutputCollector output-collector (.getObject output-collector)                       curr (.get pending id)                       curr (condp = stream-id                                ACKER-INIT-STREAM-ID (-> curr                                                         (update-ack (.getValue tuple 1))                                                         (assoc :spout-task (.getValue tuple 2)))                                ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID (update-ack curr (.getValue tuple 1))                                ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID (assoc curr :failed true))]                   (.put pending id curr)                   (when (and curr (:spout-task curr))                     (cond (= 0 (:val curr))                           (do                             (.remove pending id)                             (acker-emit-direct output-collector                                                (:spout-task curr)                                                ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID                                                [id]                                                ))                           (:failed curr)                           (do                             (.remove pending id)                             (acker-emit-direct output-collector                                                (:spout-task curr)                                                ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID                                                [id]                                                ))                           ))                   (.ack output-collector tuple)                   ))))      (^void cleanup [this]        )

那么bolt是怎样调用acker的呐,上面说了,继承basicbolt时会自动调用ack方法,那么ack方法到底做了哪些事情呐,按executor.clj中的mk-threads :bolt部分代码就清晰多了

(.prepare bolt-obj                    storm-conf                    user-context                    (OutputCollector. //实现了匿名内部类,实现IOutputCollector的emit,emitDirect,ack和fail方法                     (reify IOutputCollector                       (emit [this stream anchors values]                         (bolt-emit stream anchors values nil))                       (emitDirect [this task stream anchors values]                         (bolt-emit stream anchors values task))                       (^void ack [this ^Tuple tuple]                         (let [^TupleImpl tuple tuple                               ack-val (.getAckVal tuple)]                           (fast-map-iter [[root id] (.. tuple getMessageId getAnchorsToIds)]                                          (task/send-unanchored task-data                                                                ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID                                                                [root (bit-xor id ack-val)])                                          ))                         (let [delta (tuple-time-delta! tuple)]                           (task/apply-hooks user-context .boltAck (BoltAckInfo. tuple task-id delta))                           (when delta                             (builtin-metrics/bolt-acked-tuple! (:builtin-metrics task-data)                                                                executor-stats                                                                (.getSourceComponent tuple)                                                                                                                      (.getSourceStreamId tuple)                                                                delta)                             (stats/bolt-acked-tuple! executor-stats                                                      (.getSourceComponent tuple)                                                      (.getSourceStreamId tuple)                                                      delta))))                       (^void fail [this ^Tuple tuple]                         (fast-list-iter [root (.. tuple getMessageId getAnchors)]                                         (task/send-unanchored task-data                                                               ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID                                                               [root]))                         (let [delta (tuple-time-delta! tuple)]                           (task/apply-hooks user-context .boltFail (BoltFailInfo. tuple task-id delta))                           (when delta                             (builtin-metrics/bolt-failed-tuple! (:builtin-metrics task-data)                                                                 executor-stats                                                                 (.getSourceComponent tuple)   

从上面可以看出,prepare方法中实现了匿名内部类,实现IOutputCollector的emit,emitDirect,ack和fail方法,然后把OutputCollector传给用户所实现的bolt,即bolt重载prepare方法中的OutputCollector,当用利用OutputCollector调用ack方法时就是调用上面clojure代码中匿名实现的ack方法,该方法会调用fast-map-iter方法遍历anchorsToIds map,只要里面有数据,即bolt往下emit tuple时需要anchor tuple,就会发送一个ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID 的streamid,然后Spout就可以接收到该stream进行ack操作。


  • 开了Acker,只是对发送的消息进行跟踪处理,处理成功或失败会发送stream给spout,spout回调ack或fail方法同时进行metric统计,然后具体的重发逻辑用户可以自己定义。
  • 不开Acker, Bolt调用ack方法也会发送stream给spout,如果你对tuple进行anchor的话,spout接收stream做metric统计。

Spout只是根据Ack stream id来判断是否进行ack或fail,跟具体哪个bolt没有任何关系。所以大家不要认为storm的消息可靠性是来源spout和acker bolt之间的通信,其实不然,Bolt也是会发消息给spout的。

storm为了保证reliable, 必然是要牺牲效率的, 此处storm会在task memory里面去记录你汇报的tuple tree的结构和运行情况。而只有当某tuple节点被ack或fail后才会被从内存中删除, 所以如果你总是不去ack或fail, 那么会导致task的out of memory。

There are three ways to remove reliability.

The first is to set Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKERS to 0. In this case, Storm will call the ack method on the spout immediately after the spout emits a tuple. The tuple tree won’t be tracked.

The second way is to remove reliability on a message by message basis. You can turn off tracking for an individual spout tuple by omitting a message id in the SpoutOutputCollector.emit method.

Finally, if you don’t care if a particular subset of the tuples downstream in the topology fail to be processed, you can emit them as unanchored tuples. Since they’re not anchored to any spout tuples, they won’t cause any spout tuples to fail if they aren’t acked.


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