what does “exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed: 9” mean

来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么卸载java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:10

How to read error codes which appear in the console? 

<Warning>:  ....... -exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed: 9<Warning>:  ....... -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)

Here what does signal 9 mean, are there any more signals apart from it. Any documentation available for it.

I get this kind of error, when a App. launched from Xcode is terminated by "Stop" button in Xcode toolbar.

{Another way to get this error is , to press home button, then double tap home button and close the app. }

Things even get worse when I launch the App. again, by tapping on App. icon on iPad Screen, App crashes and throws "libMobileGestalt copySystemVersionDictionaryValue: Could not lookup ReleaseType from system version dictionary"

From finding on stack overflow , I see that this error is found in iOS 6 devices.

This url states that it's a SIGKILL error and it happens when "application is being terminated immediately, without any chance to clean up or catch and handle the signal"

So, I think releasing objets in "-(void) didReceiveMemoryWarning" would not help to solve it, then what could be a definite solution?

-(void) didReceiveMemoryWarning{    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];    //release objects    obj1=nil;    [view1 removeFromSuperView];    view1=nil;    ........}
1down vote

It means that the application received a signal. Some signal could be handled by the applications, others, not. Signal 9 means that the application needs to be killed, it is not handled by the process, but by the Linux scheduler. The signal to terminate the process that is handled by the process is SIGTERM(15), but, if the process doesn't handle it property, then the process continues to live.

here are the major signals:

   Signal     Value     Action   Comment   ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────   SIGHUP        1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal                                 or death of controlling process   SIGINT        2       Term    Interrupt from keyboard   SIGQUIT       3       Core    Quit from keyboard   SIGILL        4       Core    Illegal Instruction   SIGABRT       6       Core    Abort signal from abort(3)   SIGFPE        8       Core    Floating point exception   SIGKILL       9       Term    Kill signal   SIGSEGV      11       Core    Invalid memory reference   SIGPIPE      13       Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no                                 readers   SIGALRM      14       Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)   SIGTERM      15       Term    Termination signal   SIGUSR1   30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1   SIGUSR2   31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2   SIGCHLD   20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated   SIGCONT   19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped   SIGSTOP   17,19,23    Stop    Stop process   SIGTSTP   18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at terminal   SIGTTIN   21,21,26    Stop    Terminal input for background process   SIGTTOU   22,22,27    Stop    Terminal output for background process

1down vote

It means that the application received a signal. Some signal could be handled by the applications, others, not. Signal 9 means that the application needs to be killed, it is not handled by the process, but by the Linux scheduler. The signal to terminate the process that is handled by the process is SIGTERM(15), but, if the process doesn't handle it property, then the process continues to live.

here are the major signals:

   Signal     Value     Action   Comment   ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────   SIGHUP        1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal                                 or death of controlling process   SIGINT        2       Term    Interrupt from keyboard   SIGQUIT       3       Core    Quit from keyboard   SIGILL        4       Core    Illegal Instruction   SIGABRT       6       Core    Abort signal from abort(3)   SIGFPE        8       Core    Floating point exception   SIGKILL       9       Term    Kill signal   SIGSEGV      11       Core    Invalid memory reference   SIGPIPE      13       Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no                                 readers   SIGALRM      14       Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)   SIGTERM      15       Term    Termination signal   SIGUSR1   30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1   SIGUSR2   31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2   SIGCHLD   20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated   SIGCONT   19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped   SIGSTOP   17,19,23    Stop    Stop process   SIGTSTP   18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at terminal   SIGTTIN   21,21,26    Stop    Terminal input for background process   SIGTTOU   22,22,27    Stop    Terminal output for background process
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