
来源:互联网 发布:网络制式英文 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 04:38
create table trade_detail(id bigint, account string, income double, expenses double, time string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
create table user_info(id bigint, account string, name string, age int) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; 

load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/data/trade_detail' overwrite into table trade_detail;
load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/data/user_info' overwrite into table user_info;    

create table result row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' as select t1.account, t1.income, t1.expenses, t1.surplus, t2.name from user_info t2 join (select account, sum(income) as income, sum(expenses) as expenses, sum(income-expenses) as surplus from trade_detail group by account) t1 on(t1.account = t2.account);

create external table t_detail(id bigint, account string, income double, expenses double, time string) partitioned by (logdate string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' location '/hive/td_partition';

create temporary function AreaUDF as 'cn.itcast.hive.udf.AreaUDF';

load data inpath '/apache_cleaned/2013-05-31/part-r-00000'  into table hmbbs partition (logdate='2013-05-31');


create table pv_2013_05_31 row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' as select count(*) from hmbbs where logdate='2013-05-31';

select count(distinct ip) from hmbbs where logdate='2013-05-31';

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --password hadoop --export-dir '/user/hive/warehouse/pv_2013_05_31/000000_0' --table pv

 SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT ip, COUNT(1) FROM hmbbs WHERE logdate='2013-05-31' GROUP BY ip HAVING COUNT(1)>50) t;
select t.ip, t.c from (SELECT ip, COUNT(1) as c FROM hmbbs WHERE logdate='2013-05-31' GROUP BY ip HAVING c>50) t order by t.c desc limit 10

SELECT COUNT(1) FROM hmbbs WHERE logdate='140421' AND instr(url, 'member.php?mod=register')>0;

create table result row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' as select t1.account, t1.name, t2.income, t2.expenses, t2.surplus from user_info t1 join (select account, sum(income) as income, sum(expenses) as expenses, sum(income-expenses) as surplus from trade_detail group by account) t2 on (t1.account = t2.account);

load data inpath '/out15/p*' into table hmbbs partition (logdate='2013-05-31');

select '2013-05-31', count (distinct ip) from hmbbs where logdate='2013-05-31';

SELECT COUNT(1) FROM hmbbs WHERE logdate='140314' AND instr(url, 'member.php?mod=register')>0;

select '140421', ip, count(ip) as cnum from hmbbs where logdate='140421' group by ip having cnum > 50 order by cnum desc limit 20;
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