
来源:互联网 发布:java中什么是方法重载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 13:42


栈的单链表实现很简单,甚至比单链表本身还简单,因为栈的进栈和出栈都是在表头完成的,具体的就不分析了。代码见github:https://github.com/xiabodan/DataStructure 保持持续更新,或者直接

git clone https://github.com/xiabodan/DataStructure.git

//by xiabodan#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>typedef int elementtype;typedef struct node *stack;typedef struct node *position;struct node {    elementtype data;    position next;};int isempty(stack S);void delete_stack(stack S);stack create_stack(void);elementtype top(stack S);elementtype pop(stack S);void push(stack S,elementtype data);int isempty(stack S){    return (S->next == NULL);}stack create_stack(void){    stack S;    S = (position)malloc(sizeof(struct node));    if( S == NULL)    {           printf("create_stack : out of space");        return ;    }    S->next = NULL; // S->next is top of stack ,because header can't store element    return  S;}void delete_stack(stack S){     if(S == NULL)        printf("S is a empty stack!\n");     else      {        while( !isempty( S))            pop(S);     }}elementtype pop(stack S){    elementtype data;    if(!isempty(S))    {        position tem;        tem = S->next;//tem  point to the top node        data = S->next->data;        S->next = tem->next;//also S->next = S->next->next        free(tem);        return data;    }    else         printf("pop : empty stack!\n");    return 0;}elementtype top(stack S){    if(!isempty(S))        return (S->next->data);    printf("top : empty stack!\n");    return 0;}void push(stack S,elementtype data){    position P;    P = (position)malloc(sizeof(struct node));    if( P == NULL)    {           printf("push : out of space");        return ;    }    P->data = data;        P->next = S->next;  //compare list , insert node location the first node here,but insert node anywhere in list    S->next = P;}int main(int argc ,char** argv){    stack S;    int i = 0 ;    elementtype data;    S = create_stack();    printf("push 10 datas from 0 to 9 \n");    for(i=0;i<10;i++)    {        push(S,i);    }    printf("S is empty? %d \n",isempty( S));    printf("pop 5 datas \n");    for(i=0;i<5;i++)    {        data = pop(S);        printf("pop data is : %d\n",data);    }    printf("push 2 datas 11,12\n");    push(S,11);    push(S,12);    printf("pop all remain datas \n");    while(!isempty( S))    {        data = pop(S);        printf("pop data is : %d\n",data);    }    printf("S is empty? %d \n",isempty( S));    delete_stack(S);}


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