
来源:互联网 发布:布料运算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:38



比赛基于下面的基础代码 ,如果原始链接无法访问,可以备用我的另一CSDN博客中引用给出的代码。已提到,感兴趣的是基于这个代码如何生成一面五星红旗。



首先,五星红旗颜色简单,只有红色黄色两种。从加法色(RGB)1的角度看,黄色就是红色加绿色。所以,背景是红色很单一,关键就是如何填充五角星区域内的绿色,即改写unsigned char GR(int i,int j)函数。



ClearAll["Global`*"];sol = Solve[{(x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2 ==       r^2, (y - y0) (x1 - x0) == (x - x0) (y1 - y0)}, {x, y}] //    FullSimplify;p1 = {x, y} /. sol[[2]] // Simplify;a = {x0, y0};p2 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][p1] // Simplify;p3 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][p2] // Simplify;p4 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][p3] // Simplify;p5 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][p4] // Simplify;q1 = {x, y} /. sol[[1]] // Simplify;q2 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][q1] // Simplify;q3 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][q2] // Simplify;q4 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][q3] // Simplify;q5 = RotationTransform[2 Pi/5, a][q4] // Simplify;(P1 = Limit[       Limit[{p1, p2, p3, p4, p5} /. {x1 -> 100, y1 -> 200, r -> 60},         x0 -> 100], y0 -> 100] // Simplify // N // Round);(P2 = Limit[       Limit[{q1, q2, q3, q4, q5} /. {x1 -> 100, y1 -> 100, r -> 20},         x0 -> 200], y0 -> 180] // Simplify // N // Round);(P3 = Limit[       Limit[{q1, q2, q3, q4, q5} /. {x1 -> 100, y1 -> 100, r -> 20},         x0 -> 200], y0 -> 40] // Simplify // N // Round);(P4 = Limit[       Limit[{q1, q2, q3, q4, q5} /. {x1 -> 100, y1 -> 100, r -> 20},         x0 -> 240], y0 -> 140] // Simplify // N // Round);(P5 = Limit[       Limit[{q1, q2, q3, q4, q5} /. {x1 -> 100, y1 -> 100, r -> 20},         x0 -> 240], y0 -> 80] // Simplify // N // Round);line[P_] := (P[[1, 1]] - P[[2, 1]]) y + P[[2, 1]] P[[1, 2]] -   P[[1, 1]] P[[2, 2]] + x (P[[2, 2]] - P[[1, 2]])lines[P_] := {line@P[[{1, 3}]], line@P[[{3, 5}]], line@P[[{5, 2}]],   line@P[[{2, 4}]], line@P[[{4, 1}]]}pc01 = lines[P1];pc02 = lines[P2];pc03 = lines[P3];pc04 = lines[P4];pc05 = lines[P5];innerQ[rp_, pc_] :=  Not[(pc[[1]] /. rp) >= 0 && (pc[[3]] /. rp) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc[[1]] /. rp) >= 0 && (pc[[4]] /. rp) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc[[2]] /. rp) >= 0 && (pc[[4]] /. rp) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc[[2]] /. rp) >= 0 && (pc[[5]] /. rp) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc[[3]] /. rp) >= 0 && (pc[[5]] /. rp) >= 0]testQ[pc01_] :=  Not[(pc01[[1]]) >= 0 && (pc01[[3]]) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc01[[1]]) >= 0 && (pc01[[4]]) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc01[[2]]) >= 0 && (pc01[[4]]) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc01[[2]]) >= 0 && (pc01[[5]]) >= 0] &&   Not[(pc01[[3]]) >= 0 && (pc01[[5]]) >= 0]Print[testQ@pc01 // CForm]Print[""]Print[testQ@pc02 // CForm]Print[""]Print[testQ@pc03 // CForm]Print[""]Print[testQ@pc04 // CForm]Print[""]Print[testQ@pc05 // CForm]

上面这段代码直接输出五个五角星区域的逻辑判断为C/C++代码形式,几乎不用什么修改。唯一的缺点是太长了。把它们逻辑并(OR,|| )起来就是GR函数中需要的部分2。现在回头再看上面这些Mathematica代码,感觉不但冗余,而且拙劣;不过也能实现功能


// NOTE: compile with g++ filename.cpp -std=c++11#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>#define DIM1 600#define DIM2 400#define DM1 (DIM1-1)#define DM2 (DIM2-1)#define _sq(x) ((x)*(x)) // square#define _cb(x) abs((x)*(x)*(x)) // absolute value of cube#define _cr(x) (unsigned char)(pow((x),1.0/3.0)) // cube rootunsigned char GR(int,int);unsigned char BL(int,int);unsigned char RD(int i,int j){// YOUR CODE HERE    return 255;}unsigned char GR(int i,int j){    int x=i,y=j;// YOUR CODE HEREreturn (!(-9500+109*x-35*y>=0&&9234-114*y>=0)&&!(-9500+109*x-35*y>=0&&-18128+68*x+92*y>=0)&&!(-4528-68*x+92*y>=0&&-18128+68*x+92*y>=0)&&!(-4528-68*x+92*y>=0&&12300-109*x-35*y>=0)&&!(9234-114*y>=0&&12300-109*x-35*y>=0))||(!(3656+13*x-36*y>=0&&10074-30*x-24*y>=0)&&!(3656+13*x-36*y>=0&&-8188+38*x+2*y>=0)&&!(-8897+10*x+37*y>=0&&-8188+38*x+2*y>=0)&&!(-8897+10*x+37*y>=0&&2176-31*x+21*y>=0)&&!(10074-30*x-24*y>=0&&2176-31*x+21*y>=0))||(!(6374-28*x-25*y>=0&&5407-32*x+19*y>=0)&&!(6374-28*x-25*y>=0&&-1830+15*x-35*y>=0)&&!(-7784+37*x+4*y>=0&&-1830+15*x-35*y>=0)&&!(-7784+37*x+4*y>=0&&-3314+8*x+37*y>=0)&&!(5407-32*x+19*y>=0&&-3314+8*x+37*y>=0))||(!(5572-2*x-38*y>=0&&10043-37*x-10*y>=0)&&!(5572-2*x-38*y>=0&&-7044+36*x-13*y>=0)&&!(-10206+24*x+30*y>=0&&-7044+36*x-13*y>=0)&&!(-10206+24*x+30*y>=0&&456-21*x+31*y>=0)&&!(10043-37*x-10*y>=0&&456-21*x+31*y>=0))||(!(6562-17*x-34*y>=0&&8406-38*x+6*y>=0)&&!(6562-17*x-34*y>=0&&-4563+27*x-27*y>=0)&&!(-9758+34*x+17*y>=0&&-4563+27*x-27*y>=0)&&!(-9758+34*x+17*y>=0&&-1834-6*x+38*y>=0)&&!(8406-38*x+6*y>=0&&-1834-6*x+38*y>=0))?255:0;}unsigned char BL(int i,int j){// YOUR CODE HERE    return 0;}void pixel_write(int,int);FILE *fp;int main(){fp = fopen("MathPic.ppm","wb");fprintf(fp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", DIM1, DIM2);for(int j=0;j<DIM2;j++)for(int i=0;i<DIM1;i++)pixel_write(i,j);fclose(fp);return 0;}void pixel_write(int i, int j){static unsigned char color[3];color[0] = RD(i,j)&255;color[1] = GR(i,j)&255;color[2] = BL(i,j)&255;fwrite(color, 1, 3, fp);}

final picture


unsigned char GR(int i,int j){// YOUR CODE HERE#define A 6562-17*i-34*j>=0#define B 8406-38*i+6*j>=0#define C -4563+27*i-27*j>=0#define D -9758+34*i+17*j>=0#define E -1834-6*i+38*j>=0#define F -10206+24*i+30*j>=0#define G 456-21*i+31*j>=0#define H -10206+24*i+30*j>=0#define I -7044+36*i-13*j>=0#define J 10043-37*i-10*j>=0#define K 5572-2*i-38*j>=0#define L -9500+109*i-35*j>=0#define M 9234-114*j>=0#define N -18128+68*i+92*j>=0#define O -4528-68*i+92*j>=0#define P 12300-109*i-35*j>=0#define Q 3656+13*i-36*j>=0#define R 10074-30*i-24*j>=0#define S -8188+38*i+2*j>=0#define T -8897+10*i+37*j>=0#define U 2176-31*i+21*j>=0#define V 6374-28*i-25*j>=0#define W 5407-32*i+19*j>=0#define X -1830+15*i-35*j>=0#define Y -7784+37*i+4*j>=0#define Z -3314+8*i+37*j>=0return (!(L&&M)&&!(L&&N)&&!(O&&N)&&!(O&&P)&&!(M&&P))||(!(Q&&R)&&!(Q&&S)&&!(T&&S)&&!(T&&U)&&!(R&&U))||(!(V&&W)&&!(V&&X)&&!(Y&&X)&&!(Y&&Z)&&!(W&&Z))||(!(K&&J)&&!(K&&I)&&!(F&&I)&&!(H&&G)&&!(J&&G))||(!(A&&B)&&!(A&&C)&&!(D&&C)&&!(D&&E)&&!(B&&E))?255:0;}


本来我还指望对五角星的边界作一些近似和优化或者能够把逻辑表达式简化,从而实现”140”字符以内表达,后来做了些功课,发现非凸多边形的情况下,进行逻辑判断本来就是一个比较难的问题. 所以, 除非有超出当前这些限制的极其冷门的技巧,否则只能望推兴叹了.


// NOTE: compile with g++ filename.cpp -std=c++11#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <cstdlib>#include <vector>//#include <functional>#define DIM1 600#define DIM2 400#define DM1 (DIM1-1)#define DM2 (DIM2-1)#define _sq(x) ((x)*(x)) // square#define _cb(x) abs((x)*(x)*(x)) // absolute value of cube#define _cr(x) (unsigned char)(pow((x),1.0/3.0)) // cube root#define pi 3.14159#define eps 2.02e-16double arct(double x,double y){    return abs(x)>eps?(x>eps?atan(y/x):(y>0?atan(y/x)+pi:atan(y/x)-pi)):(y>0?pi/2:-pi/2);}bool inQ(int i,int j,int* px){    double art[5],aro[5];    for(int k=0;k<5;k++){        art[k]=arct((double)(px[k]-i),(double)(px[k+5]-j));//    }    double total=0.;    for(int k=0;k<5;k++){    aro[k]=art[(k+1)%5]-art[k];        while(aro[k]<-pi) aro[k]+=pi;        while(aro[k]>pi) aro[k]-=pi;    total+=aro[k];    }    return abs(total)>0.5;    };unsigned char GR(int,int);unsigned char BL(int,int);unsigned char RD(int i,int j){// YOUR CODE HERE    return 255;}unsigned char GR(int i,int j){// YOUR CODE HERE            int p1[10]={100, 135, 43, 157, 65, 40, 149, 81, 81, 149},        p2[10]={184, 220, 183, 207, 205, 168, 181, 191, 161, 199},        p3[10]={183, 208, 204, 185, 220, 50, 22, 59, 27, 42},        p4[10]={221, 259, 229, 239, 252, 135, 133, 157, 120, 156},        p5[10]={220, 254, 237, 231, 258,83, 66, 100, 62, 89};    return inQ(i,j,p1)||inQ(i,j,p2)||inQ(i,j,p3)||inQ(i,j,p4)||inQ(i,j,p5)?255:0;}unsigned char BL(int i,int j){// YOUR CODE HERE    return 0;}void pixel_write(int,int);FILE *fp;int main(){fp = fopen("MathPic.ppm","wb");fprintf(fp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", DIM1, DIM2);for(int j=0;j<DIM2;j++)for(int i=0;i<DIM1;i++)pixel_write(i,j);fclose(fp);system("pause");return 0;}void pixel_write(int i, int j){static unsigned char color[3];color[0] = RD(i,j)&255;color[1] = GR(i,j)&255;color[2] = BL(i,j)&255;fwrite(color, 1, 3, fp);}



  1. 【如果对“加法色”和“减法色”不了解也没啥,直接查不同颜色对应的RGB值即可,黄色就是0xFFFF00;我写这篇博客犯的两个错误之一就是把加减法搞错,不过这个不影响结果】 ↩
  2. 【我写这段博客犯的两个错误之二是,因为图像的坐标y轴方向与五星红旗通常的坐标方向相反,进行坐标变换时不小心,导致四个小五星都有一个角正背对着大五星!这是一个严重的错误,惊出了我一身冷汗。】来见识下我不小心弄出来的这种罕见的红旗,不仔细看还真发现不了问题,惭愧这里写图片描述
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