
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云邮企业版下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 08:00

System Requirements

Processors:     2 Core 2.5Ghz+
Available Space:     100G+ depending on number and size of artifacts
Available RAM:     4Gb+
JRE Versions:    jdk7u60 

Reference: https://support.sonatype.com/entries/24901442-Sonatype-Nexus-System-Requirements

Steps for installing Nexus repository manager in RedHat machine


1.  Downloading  Nexus

 Nexus Open Source distribution was used for this installation test, while a Nexus Professional is also available.To download the latest Nexus Open Source  distribution, go to http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/go and choose Nexus (TGZ) or Nexus (ZIP) .  (wget www.sonatype.org/downloads/<Nexusvesion>  form your machine)
At this time the nexus-2.11.2-06-bundle.zip file was downloaded


2.  Installing Nexus

Copy the file to a directory other than your local (e.g., /usr/local) and  unzip the ZIP file:

$ sudo cp nexus-2.11.2-06-bundle.tar.gz /usr/local
$ unzip nexus-2.11.2-06-bundle.zip

Is recommendable to create a symbolic link  (usr/local/nexus) to the specific  nexus version directory. It makes simple to upgrade to a newer version when available

$ sudo ln -s nexus-2.11.2-06 nexus

Although it isn’t required, you may want to set an environment variable NEXUS_HOME in your environment that points to the installation directory of Nexus



3.  Running Nexus

 To Start Nexus in a Linux machine use:

cd /usr/local/nexus./bin/nexus console

 When executed you should see a feedback message and then you can follow the startup process viewing the log file changes.

Starting Nexus Repository Manager...Started Nexus Repository Manager.$ tail -f logs/wrapper.log

 At this point, Nexus will be running and listening on all IP addresses of  the current host on port 8081. To use Nexus,start a web browser and type in the URL



When installing Nexus for production usage you should configure Nexus as a service following the instructions here


For more details about Nexus management, refer to the Sonatype-Nexus documentation 

4. Trouble Shooting:
  1. "java.net.UnknownHostException: n085"
    Add following in /etc/hosts:     n085
  2. nexus is started successfully, but could not open 
    caused by iptables setting, fix commands:
    -> iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8081 -jACCEPT
    -> iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 8081 -jACCEPT
    ->  service iptables save
    ->  service iptables restart

    Or "service iptables stop" directely
5. Following add nexus as service from Sonatype-Nexus documentation 

6. Testing via Adding neo4j reposiroty:
  1. Add neo4j in UI
  2. mv neo4j org directory to /usr/local/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/storage/neo4j
  3. Could see neo4j repo:

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