
来源:互联网 发布:java线程概念 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:59

首先贴上大神的一篇文章  http://www.360doc.com/content/13/0102/22/6541311_257754535.shtml




1.TranslateAnimation(Context context,AttributeSet attr)

Constructor used when a TranslateAnimation is loaded from a resource.

context Application context to use
attrs Attribute set from which to read values

2.TranslateAnimation (float fromXDelta,float toXDelta,float fromYDelta,float toYDelta)

Constructor to use when building a TranslateAnimation from code

fromXDelta Change in X coordinate to apply at the start of the animation
toXDelta Change in X coordinate to apply at the end of the animation
fromYDelta Change in Y coordinate to apply at the start of the animation
toYDelta Change in Y coordinate to apply at the end of the animation


       fromXDelta 动画开始时在x轴上相对初始位置的偏移量单位是绝对单位(可能是像素点),显然,当我们设置为零的时候动画开始时控件的初始位置在x轴方向的位置和布局文件中的相同,设置为正数则会向右移动一些位置,反之向左

      toXDelta 动画播放过程中这个控件在x轴方向移动的距离,设为零则这个控件在动画播放过程中只是上下移动,左右不动(当然toYDelta不为零的时候上下才动)


3.TranslateAnimation(int fromXType,float from XValue,int toXType,float toXValue,int fromYType,float from YValue,int toYType,float toYValue,i)

Constructor to use when building a TranslateAnimation from code

fromXType Specifies how fromXValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
fromXValue Change in X coordinate to apply at the start of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if fromXType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.
toXType Specifies how toXValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
toXValue Change in X coordinate to apply at the end of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if toXType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.
fromYType Specifies how fromYValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
fromYValue Change in Y coordinate to apply at the start of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if fromYType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.
toYType Specifies how toYValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
toYValue Change in Y coordinate to apply at the end of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if toYType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.

采取这两种单位来算的话,接下来的参数的每一个单位长度就是父控件或者自身的长或宽的大小,绝对单位Animation.ABSOLUTE采取这两种方式的话还是之前的第二个构造方法的计量方法,这样的话其实可以发现如果四个单位计量方法参数值全部置为Animation.ABSOLUTE 的话。就和第二个构造器相同了

<span style="font-size:18px;">animation = new TranslateAnimation( 0, -420, 0, 268);</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">animation = new TranslateAnimation(Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, -0.4f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT,0.4f);//不设成一半(0.5)的原因是这个移动是将这个控件的左上角移动///那么多单位,一半就多了</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">animation2 = new ScaleAnimation(1f, 3.4f, 1f, 4f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF,0.5f);</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">animation = new TranslateAnimation(Animation.ABSOLUTE, 0,Animation.ABSOLUTE, -420, Animation.ABSOLUTE, 0,Animation.ABSOLUTE, 268);</span>




2.ScaleAnimation(float fromX,float toX,float fromY,float toY)

Constructor to use when building a ScaleAnimation from code

fromX Horizontal scaling factor to apply at the start of the animation
toX Horizontal scaling factor to apply at the end of the animation
fromY Vertical scaling factor to apply at the start of the animation
toY Vertical scaling factor to apply at the end of the animation


2.ScaleAnimation(float fromX,float toX,float fromY,float toY,float pivotX,float pivotY)
Constructor to use when building a ScaleAnimation from code
fromX Horizontal scaling factor to apply at the start of the animation
toX Horizontal scaling factor to apply at the end of the animation
fromY Vertical scaling factor to apply at the start of the animation
toY Vertical scaling factor to apply at the end of the animation
pivotX The X coordinate of the point about which the object is being scaled, specified as an absolute number where 0 is the left edge. (This point remains fixed while the object changes size.)
pivotY The Y coordinate of the point about which the object is being scaled, specified as an absolute number where 0 is the top edge. (This point remains fixed while the object changes size.)

animation2 = new ScaleAnimation(1, 2, 1, 2, 200, 100);
3.ScaleAnimation(float fromX,float toX,float fromY,float toY,int pivotXType,float pivotXValue,int pivotYType,float pivotYValue )
Constructor to use when building a ScaleAnimation from code
fromX Horizontal scaling factor to apply at the start of the animation
toX Horizontal scaling factor to apply at the end of the animation
fromY Vertical scaling factor to apply at the start of the animation
toY Vertical scaling factor to apply at the end of the animation
pivotXType Specifies how pivotXValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
pivotXValue The X coordinate of the point about which the object is being scaled, specified as an absolute number where 0 is the left edge. (This point remains fixed while the object changes size.) This value can either be an absolute number if pivotXType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.
pivotYType Specifies how pivotYValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.
pivotYValue The Y coordinate of the point about which the object is being scaled, specified as an absolute number where 0 is the top edge. (This point remains fixed while the object changes size.) This value can either be an absolute number if pivotYType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.


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