
来源:互联网 发布:用友crm软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 17:50
#!/bin/tcsh -fset sdir = $PWDset stat = 0set pname = `basename $0`SETUP:   set gngain = 4.0  #base nz gain factor   set gnr = (1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0) #nz gain factor per group, 30 subjects per group   set gbr = (1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0) #background gain factor for each group   set n_grps = $#gbr   set imx = `ccalc -i "$n_grps * 30 -1"`  #-i以交互方式运行   set sext = .Rnd   set no_corr_in_bkg = 0  #if 1 don't compute correlations in background region   set regen = 0     #if 1 then recreate existing data files                     #if 0 then reuse when possible. Set regen to 1 when                     #Changing parameters under SETUP section or you'll                     #end up looking at previously generated data   set killall = 1   #if 1 (recommended) then close then reopen all                      #exisiting AFNI/3dGroupInCorr when script                      #is rerun   set all_auto_seeds = 0  #if 1 then automatically go through all seed regions                           #and save results. Otherwise, just stop at 3st seed   set wdir = /Volumes/afni/pub/dist/edugoto PARSERET_PARSE:SKIP:   #goto SHOWME2   #goto SHOWME_GRP_DIFFCREATE_LATTICE:   foreach sub (`count -digits 2 0 $imx`)      set ig = `ccalc -fint $sub/30+1`      set sout = s$sub$sext            if (-f $sout/msk+tlrc.HEAD && $regen == 0) then         echo "Reusing lattice for $sout"         goto NEXT_LATTICE      endif            rm -rf ./$sout      if (! -d ${sout}) mkdir ${sout}      cd ${sout}      echo "Creating subject $sub"      echo "10 10 1 2 10" > udm.1D      echo "10 50 1 3 10" >> udm.1D      echo "40 30 1 4 20" >> udm.1D      3dUndump -dimen 64 64 2 \               -dval 1  \               -ijk  \               -prefix tmplt  \               -overwrite  \               udm.1D      3drefit -view +tlrc tmplt+orig      3dcalc -a tmplt+tlrc    \             -expr '(1-step(a))+a'  \             -overwrite  \             -prefix msk      cd -      NEXT_LATTICE:   endCREATE_RAND_DATA:foreach sub (`count -digits 2 0 $imx`)   set ig = `ccalc -fint $sub/30+1`   set sout = s$sub$sext               if (-f $sout/rsort+tlrc.HEAD && $regen == 0) then         echo "Reusing data for $sout"         goto NEXT_DATA   endif      cd ${sout}      echo "Creating subject $sub"   1deval -num 300 -dt 2.0 -expr 'gran(0,1)+(i-i)+0.7*z' > ARsig1.$sub.1D   1deval -num 300 -dt 2.0 -expr 'gran(0,1)+(i-i)+0.7*z' > ARsig2.$sub.1D   1deval -num 300 -dt 2.0 -expr 'gran(0,1)+(i-i)+0.7*z' > ARsig3.$sub.1D   1deval -num 300 -dt 2.0 -expr 'gran(0,1)+(i-i)+0.7*z' > ARsig4.$sub.1D   #Background sharing   set fn = `ccalc "$gngain * $gnr[$ig]"`   #Noise gain   set fb = $gbr[$ig]   #Background gain   3dcalc   -dt 2.0 \            -a msk+tlrc  \            -b ARsig1.$sub.1D \            -c ARsig2.$sub.1D \            -d ARsig3.$sub.1D \            -e ARsig4.$sub.1D \            -expr " step(a)     * (b*$fb) +\                      ($fn*gran(0,1)) +\                    equals(a,2) * (c ) +\                    equals(a,3) * (d ) +\                    equals(a,4) * (e ) "\            -overwrite \            -prefix rs   3dROIstats -quiet -mask msk+tlrc. rs+tlrc.BRIK > rall.1D   3dmaskave -quiet rs+tlrc. > gs.1D   3dmaskave -quiet -mask msk+tlrc -mrange 1 1 rs+tlrc. > r1.1D   @ROI_Corr_Mat -ts rs+tlrc -roi msk+tlrc -prefix      #Background + Some cross talk      3dcalc   -dt 2.0 \            -a msk+tlrc  \            -b ARsig1.$sub.1D \            -c ARsig2.$sub.1D \            -d ARsig3.$sub.1D \            -e ARsig4.$sub.1D \            -expr " step(a)     * (b*$fb) +\                      ($fn*gran(0,1)) +\                    equals(a,2) * (c ) +\                    equals(a,3) * ((d+c)/2.0) +\                    equals(a,4) * (e ) "\            -overwrite \            -prefix rs_23   3dROIstats -quiet -mask msk+tlrc. rs_23+tlrc.BRIK > rall_23.1D   3dmaskave -quiet rs_23+tlrc. > gs_23.1D   3dmaskave -quiet -mask msk+tlrc -mrange 1 1 rs_23+tlrc. > r1_23.1D   @ROI_Corr_Mat -ts rs_23+tlrc -roi msk+tlrc -prefix xcm.rs_23      #No background sharing   3dcalc   -dt 2.0 \            -a msk+tlrc  \            -b ARsig1.$sub.1D \            -c ARsig2.$sub.1D \            -d ARsig3.$sub.1D \            -e ARsig4.$sub.1D \            -expr " equals(a,1) * (b*$fb) +\                     ($fn*gran(0,1)) +\                    equals(a,2) * (c) +\                    equals(a,3) * (d) +\                    equals(a,4) * (e) "\            -overwrite \            -prefix rsort   3dROIstats -quiet -mask msk+tlrc. rsort+tlrc.BRIK > rallort.1D   3dmaskave -quiet rsort+tlrc. > gsort.1D   3dmaskave -quiet -mask msk+tlrc -mrange 1 1 rsort+tlrc. > r1ort.1D   @ROI_Corr_Mat -ts rsort+tlrc -roi msk+tlrc -prefix xcm.rsort      cd $sdir   NEXT_DATA:endgoto GINCORGINCOR:BANDPASS:   foreach sub (`count -digits 2 0 $imx`)      set ig = `ccalc -fint $sub/30+1`      set sout = s$sub$sext            if ( -f $sout/rs_bp_23.r1+tlrc.HEAD && $regen == 0) then         echo "Reusing filtered for $sout"         goto NEXT_PASS      endif         cd ${sout}      echo "Bandpassing subject $sout ... "      3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix rs_bp \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rs+tlrc       3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rs+tlrc -ort gs.1D      3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix rs_bp.r1 \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rs+tlrc -ort r1.1D      3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix rs_bport \                  -overwrite -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rsort+tlrc       3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rsort+tlrc -ort gsort.1D      3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix rs_bport.r1 \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rsort+tlrc -ort r1ort.1D      3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix rs_bp_23 \                  -overwrite -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rs_23+tlrc       3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rs_23+tlrc -ort gs_23.1D      3dBandpass  -overwrite -blur 2.0 -band 0.01 0.10 -prefix rs_bp_23.r1 \                  -nodetrend -notrans -quiet   -input rs_23+tlrc -ort r1_23.1D      cd $sdir            NEXT_PASS:   endASSEMBLE:   set mopt = ''   if ($no_corr_in_bkg == 1) then      if (!(-f s00$sext/msk_nobkg+tlrc.HEAD) || $regen == 1) then         3dcalc -a s00$sext/msk+tlrc -expr 'a*step(a-1)' -overwrite \                  -prefix s00$sext/msk_nobkg      endif      set mopt = "-mask s00$sext/msk_nobkg+tlrc"   endif      foreach ig (`count -digits 1 1 $n_grps`)      if ($ig == 1) then         set gflg = ''         set sel = ("s[012]?$sext/rs_bp+tlrc.HEAD")      else if ($ig == 2) then         set gflg = 'G2.'         set sel = ("s[345]?$sext/rs_bp+tlrc.HEAD")      else if ($ig == 3) then         set gflg = 'G3.'         set sel = ("s[678]?$sext/rs_bp+tlrc.HEAD")      else if ($ig == 4) then         set gflg = 'G4.'         set sel = ("s[9]?$sext/rs_bp+tlrc.HEAD" "s1[01]?$sext/rs_bp+tlrc.HEAD")      else          echo "ig = $ig is no good"         goto BEND      endif      if ( -f ${gflg}bp_23$ && $regen == 0) then         echo "Reusing GIC dataset ${gflg}bp_23$sext.*"         goto NEXT_SET      endif      set seln = (`echo "$sel"`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bp$sext \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bp$ \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/_bp.r1/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bp$sext.r1 \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/_bport/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bport$sext \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bport$ \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/_bport.r1/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bport$sext.r1 \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/_bp_23/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bp_23$sext \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bp_23$ \                                          $seln      set seln = (`echo "$sel" | sed 's/_bp/_bp_23.r1/'`)      3dSetupGroupInCorr -overwrite $mopt -prefix ${gflg}bp_23$sext.r1 \                                          $seln      NEXT_SET:   endgoto SHOWME2SHOWME2:   set vols = (bp$sext     bp$     bp$sext.r1 \               bport$sext  bport$  bport$sext.r1  \               bp_23$sext  bp_23$  bp_23$sext.r1 )   set ccl = ( Mix$sext    Mix$    Mix$sext.r1 \               Ort$sext    Ort$    Ort$sext.r1 \               C23$sext    C23$    C23$sext.r1)   if ($killall) then      @Quiet_talkers -npb_range 1 9      endif               set cnt = 1   foreach cc ($ccl)      set pid = `ps -a | \grep afni | \grep niml | \grep s00 | \grep "npb $cnt"`      if ($status) then         afni -npb $cnt -niml -yesplugouts \               -tbar $cc   \               -layout layout.$cnt s00$sext/ >& /dev/null &         sleep 2         plugout_drive  -npb $cnt -maxwait 20 \                        -com 'SET_PBAR_NUMBER A.10' \                        -com 'SET_PBAR_SIGN A.-' \                        -com 'SET_THRESHNEW A.0.0001 *p' \                        -com 'SET_FUNC_RANGE A.3' \                        -com 'SET_IJK 40 30 1'  \                        -quit >& /dev/null &      endif      set pid = `ps -a | \grep 3dGroupInCorr | \grep setA | \                  \grep grpincorr.niml | \                  \grep "npb $cnt"`      if ($status) then         echo "Plan $cc"         echo "   3dGroupInCorr -npb $cnt -setA $vols[$cnt].grpincorr.niml >& /dev/null"         3dGroupInCorr -npb $cnt -setA $vols[$cnt].grpincorr.niml >& /dev/null &      endif      @ cnt ++   endINSTA_SETS:   set seedl = ()   foreach loc (0 1 2 3)      if ($loc < 3) then         set IJK = (`1dcat s00$sext/udm.1D"[0..2]{$loc}"`)         set seedloc = "Reg_`ccalc -i $loc + 2`"      else         set IJK = ( 10 30 1 ) #in background         set seedloc = "Backg"      endif      set seedl = ($seedl $seedloc)      set cnt = 1      foreach cc ($ccl)         plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                        -com "SET_IJK $IJK"  \                        -com 'INSTACORR SET' \                        -com 'SET_THRESHNEW A.0.0001 *p' \                        -com 'SET_FUNC_RANGE A.3' \                        -quit         plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                        -com "SET_XHAIRS A.OFF" \                        -com "SAVE_PNG A.axialimage $cc.$seedloc.png" \                        -com "SET_XHAIRS A.MULTI" \                        -quit         @ cnt ++      end      if ($all_auto_seeds == 0) goto INFO   endASSEMBLE_IMAGES:   foreach seedloc ($seedl)      \rm $seedloc$sext.ppm      imcat    -matrix 3 3 -prefix $seedloc$sext.ppm -gap 1 -gap_col 0 0 0  \               Mix$sext.*$seedloc.png \               Ort$sext.*$seedloc.png \               C23$sext.*$seedloc.png   endINFO:   set l = `prompt_user -pause \"Each window shows one-sample ttest on correlations with the seed location.\n\To create a new map:\n\   Move to a seed location\n\   Right-click and select 'InstaCorr set'\n\   or\n\   Shift+ctrl+right-click (and drag if you like).\n\(To control whether or not the background region is masked, \n\ use option -mask_background 1 with $pname.)\n\\n\The windows are arranged to show 9 cases. Each row has a slightly different \n\model, and each column process the data differently.\n\Row 1: Uncorrelated regions + shared background\n\Row 2: Uncorrelated regions + No shared background\n\Row 3: Regions 2&3 correlated + shared background\n\Col 1: No Global Signal Regression\n\Col 2: Global Signal Regression\n\Col 3: Background Signal Regression\n\\n\Each of these windows is a separate afni session and communicates with a \n\separate 3dGroupInCorr program. To bring up the AFNI control window for one\n\of the images, right-click on the 'Disp' button in the lower left corner\n\of the image window. The title bars can also be used to match image window \n\to AFNI controller.\n\     \n\Press OK to close all and move to two sample results with different SNR"`   if ($l == 0) goto BEND   if ($killall == 0) then      #Must kill when going to SHOWME_GRP_DIFF from here      @Quiet_talkers -npb_range 1 9    endifSHOWME_GRP_DIFF:   if ($killall) then      @Quiet_talkers -npb_range 1 9      endif               set cnt = 1   set g1 = ( bp$sext     bp$  \              bp$sext     bp$  \              bp$sext     bp$ )   set ccl = ( G1-G2.+Noise.Mix.$sext    G1-G2.+Noise.Mix$  \               G1-G3.+Back.Mix$sext    G1-G3.+Back.Mix$  \               G1-G4.+Noise+Back.Mix$sext    G1-G4.+Noise+Back.Mix$   set lays = ( 1 2 4 5 7 8)   foreach cc ($ccl)      if ($cnt < 3) then         set gg = G2      else if ($cnt < 5) then         set gg = G3      else if ($cnt < 7) then         set gg = G4      endif       set pid = `ps -a | \grep afni | \grep niml | \grep s00 | \grep "npb $cnt"`      if ($status) then         afni  -npb $cnt -niml -yesplugouts -tbar $cc   \               -layout layout.$lays[$cnt] s00$sext/ \               >& /dev/null &         sleep 2         plugout_drive  -npb $cnt -maxwait 20 \                        -com 'SET_PBAR_NUMBER A.10' \                        -com 'SET_PBAR_SIGN A.-' \                        -com 'SET_THRESHNEW A.0.0001 *p' \                        -com 'SET_FUNC_RANGE A.3' \                        -com 'SET_IJK 40 30 1'  \                        -quit >& /dev/null      endif      set pid = `ps -a | \grep 3dGroupInCorr | \grep setA | \                  \grep grpincorr.niml | \                  \grep "npb $cnt"`      if ($status) then         echo "Plan $cc"         echo "   3dGroupInCorr -npb $cnt \                                          -setA $g1[$cnt].grpincorr.niml \                                          -setB $gg.$g1[$cnt].grpincorr.niml \                                          >& /dev/null"         3dGroupInCorr -npb $cnt    \                                    -setA $g1[$cnt].grpincorr.niml \                                    -setB $gg.$g1[$cnt].grpincorr.niml \                                          >& /dev/null &      endif      set loc = 2      set IJK = (`1dcat s00$sext/udm.1D"[0..2]{$loc}"`)      set seedloc = "Reg_`ccalc -i $loc + 2`"      plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                        -com "SET_IJK $IJK"  \                        -com 'INSTACORR SET' \                        -com 'SET_THRESHNEW A.0.0001 *p' \                        -com 'SET_FUNC_RANGE A.3' \                        -quit >& /dev/null      sleep 1      plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                     -com 'SET_FUNC_RANGE A.3' \                     -com 'SET_THRESHNEW A.0.0001 *p' \                     -quit >& /dev/null      if ($all_auto_seeds == 1) then         set icon = 1         set con = (g1-g2 g1 g2)         foreach sb ( 0 2 4 )            set sb1 = `ccalc -i $sb + 1`            plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                              -com "SET_SUBBRICKS A -1 $sb $sb1" \                              -quit >& /dev/null            plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                              -com 'SET_THRESHNEW A.0.0001 *p' \                              -quit >& /dev/null            plugout_drive  -npb $cnt \                              -com "SET_XHAIRS A.OFF" \                        -com "SAVE_PNG A.axialimage $cc.$con[$icon].$seedloc.png" \                              -com "SET_XHAIRS A.MULTI" \                              -quit >& /dev/null            @ icon ++         end      endif      @ cnt ++   endINFO2:   set l = `prompt_user -pause \"Each window shows two-sample ttest results on correlations from two groups\n\at the seed location. There are no differences between the group pairs, except\n\for levels of noise and/or shared background fluctuations.\n\To create a new map:\n\   Move to a seed location\n\   Right-click and select 'InstaCorr set'\n\   or\n\   Shift+ctrl+right-click (and drag if you like).\n\\n\The windows are arranged to show 6 cases. Each row is a contrast between two\n\ groups. The 2nd column is processed with Global Signal Regression prior to \n\the two-sample ttest.\n\Row 1: G1 vs. G2, G2 has twice the noise as G1\n\Row 2: G1 vs. G3, G3 has twice the background fluctuations as G1\n\Row 3: G1 vs. G4, G4 has twice the background fluctuations and noise as G1\n\Col 1: No Global Signal Regression\n\Col 2: Global Signal Regression\n\\n\Press OK to close all and end demo. Cancel to keep everything up."`   if ($l == 0) goto BEND   @Quiet_talkers -npb_range 1 9 goto ENDPARSE:   set Narg = $#   set cnt = 1   while ($cnt <= $Narg)      if ( "$argv[$cnt]" == "-echo") then         set echo         goto NEXT      endif            if ( ("$argv[$cnt]" == "-h" || "$argv[$cnt]" == "-help") ) then         goto HELP      endif                        if ("$argv[$cnt]" == "-recreate") then         set regen = 1         goto NEXT      endif            if ("$argv[$cnt]" == "-webit") then         if (-f ./$pname) then            echo ""            echo "Enter c if you want to copy ./$pname to: $wdir"            echo ""            set jnk = $<            if ($jnk == 'c' || $jnk == 'C') then               cp -p ./$pname $wdir               if ($status) then                  echo "Failed to copy ./$pname to: $wdir"                  goto BEND               endif               goto END            endif         else            echo ""            echo "$pname is not in the current directory."            echo "This option should be run from the directory."            echo "where $pname resides."            echo "Perhaps: `which $pname` "            echo ""            goto BEND         endif         goto NEXT      endif            if ("$argv[$cnt]" == "-mask_background") then         set regen = 1         @ cnt ++         if ($cnt > $Narg) then            echo "Need 0 or 1 after -mask_background"            goto BEND         endif         set no_corr_in_bkg = `printf %d $argv[$cnt]`         goto NEXT      endif                  if ("$argv[$cnt]" == "-noise_gain") then         set regen = 1         @ cnt ++         if ($cnt > $Narg) then            echo "Need a value after -noise_gain"            goto BEND         endif         set gngain = `printf %f $argv[$cnt]`         goto NEXT      endif                        if (1) then         echo "Error: Option or parameter '$argv[$cnt]' not understood"         goto END      endif            NEXT:@ cnt ++end      goto RET_PARSEHELP:   echo ""   echo "Usage: $pname "   echo "A script to illustrate the effects of Global Signal Regression"   echo "on a toy model of a brain made."   echo "The group correlation maps are generated interactively with"   echo "AFNI's 3dGroupInCorr"   echo "The script takes time to setup the first time it is run to generate the"   echo "data. Once the data are created the script launches AFNI and "    echo "3dGroupInCorr sessions for interactive amusement."   echo ""   echo "You can change default parameters by directly editing the section"   echo "SETUP in the beginning of the script, or by using the options below"   echo ""   echo "Options:"   echo " -mask_background MSK: MSK=0 => Do include background region in "   echo "                       corelation computations. "   echo "                       MSK=1 => Do not include background."   echo "                       Default is $no_corr_in_bkg"   echo " -noise_gain GN: Noise gain factor common to all groups."   echo "                 Default GN is $gngain"   echo ""   echo " -recreate: Recreate simulated data. Default is to reuse"   echo "            whatever is available, unless you use options"   echo "            -mask_background or -noise_gain on the command line"   echo ""   echo " -help: This message"   echo " -webit: Put copy of this script on afni website"   echo "         This option only works from Ziad's computer."   echo ""   echo "Questions, comments should be addressed to:"   echo ""   echo "This script can be obtained from:"   echo ""   echo "and requires AFNI versions compiled after July 07/2011"   echo "If you have AFNI installed already, you can update with"   echo "    @update_binaries -defaults"   echo ""   goto END   BEND:   echo "$pname : Error, or User Interruption"   set stat = 1   goto END   END:   exit $stat

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