hdu 1194 Beat the Spread!

来源:互联网 发布:js里有empty方法吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:49

Beat the Spread!

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5329    Accepted Submission(s): 2782

Problem Description
Superbowl Sunday is nearly here. In order to pass the time waiting for the half-time commercials and wardrobe malfunctions, 
the local hackers have organized a betting pool on the game. Members place their bets on the sum of the two final scores, 
or on the absolute difference between the two scores.
就是押了两数之差的绝对值(求| s-d |)。
Given the winning numbers for each type of bet, can you deduce the final scores?

The first line of input contains n, the number of test cases. n lines follow, each representing a test case. 
Each test case gives s and d, non-negative integers representing the sum and (absolute) difference between the two final scores.

For each test case, output a line giving the two final scores, largest first. If there are no such scores, 
output a line containing "impossible". Recall that football scores are always non-negative integers.
 在单独的一行输出"impossible。(回想一下)记住,足球成绩总是非负整数  {(s+d)/2是整数}

Sample Input
240 20 s d20 40

Sample Output

30 10   非负整数( s>d ),**不能是小数,也不能是负数,只能是0和正整数
(s+d)/2 ----- (s-d)/2
( s+d + (s-d) - (s-d) )/2 ------- (s-d)/2
d + (s-d)/2 ------ (s-d)/2
目的完成: 公因式 (s-d)/2 ------ 
{ 改进:(s-d)&0x01 让 (s-d)与16进制1进行 异或 } 例:0011 0001 & 0000 0001 = 0000 0001
如果异或等于1 代表(s-d)是奇数,那么结果就是小数
impossible s-d<0

University of Waterloo Local Contest 2005.02.05 

import java.util.Scanner;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);int n = sc.nextInt();while (n-- > 0) {int s = sc.nextInt();int d = sc.nextInt();int temp = s - d;if (temp < 0 || (temp & 0x01) == 1) {System.out.println("impossible");} else {System.out.println((d + temp / 2) + " " + temp / 2);}}}}

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