2-13-3 立体类族共有的抽象类

来源:互联网 发布:禅道 linux 安装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:11


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class CSolid{public:    virtual double Area()=0;    virtual double Volume()=0;};class CCube:public CSolid{public:    CCube(double s=1):Side(s){};    double Area();    double Volume();protected:    double Side;};class CBall:public CSolid{public:    CBall(double R=1):r(R){};    double Area();    double Volume();protected:    double r;};class CCylinder:public CSolid{public:    CCylinder(double R=1,double h=1):r(R),height(h){};    double Area();    double Volume();protected:    double r,height;};double CCube::Area(){    return Side*Side*6;}double CCube::Volume(){    return Side*Side*Side;}double CBall::Area(){    return 4*3.14159*r*r;}double CBall::Volume(){    return (4*3.14159*r*r*r)/3;}double CCylinder::Area(){    return 3.14159*r*r*2+2*3.14159*r*height;}double CCylinder::Volume(){    return 3.14159*r*r*height;}int main(){    CSolid *p;    CCube cc0,cc1(3);    p=&cc0;    cout<<"The area of cc0(Cube) is "<<p->Area()<<endl;    cout<<"The volume of cc0(Cube) is "<<p->Volume()<<endl;    p=&cc1;    cout<<"The area of cc1(Cube) is "<<p->Area()<<endl;    cout<<"The volume of cc1(Cube) is "<<p->Volume()<<endl;    //以上为用基类指针指向派生类CCube的对象    cout<<endl;    CBall cb0,cb1(2);    p=&cb0;    cout<<"The area of cb0(CBall) is "<<p->Area()<<endl;    cout<<"The volume of cb0(CBall) is "<<p->Volume()<<endl;    p=&cb1;    cout<<"The area of cb1(CBall) is "<<p->Area()<<endl;    cout<<"The volume of cb1(CBall) is "<<p->Volume()<<endl;    //以上为用基类指针指向派生类CBall的对象    cout<<endl;    CCylinder cy0,cy1(4,5);    p=&cy0;    cout<<"The area of cy0(CCylinder) is "<<p->Area()<<endl;    cout<<"The volume of cy0(CCylinder) is "<<p->Volume()<<endl;    p=&cy1;    cout<<"The area of cy1(CCylinder) is "<<p->Area()<<endl;    cout<<"The volume of cy1(CCylinder) is "<<p->Volume()<<endl;    //以上为用基类指针指向派生类CCylinder的对象    return 0;}







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