analysys android app code by apktool and dex2jar

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝搜索算法现状 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 02:21

download apktool1.5.1.tar.bz2 (7.9M) and

Please refer to

Then write a bat to run

@echo OFFset path=c:\jdk16\bin;%path%set curr_path=D:\program\android_apktoolset outputpath=%curr_path%\outputset tmppath=%curr_path%\tmpset apkfile1=%1%set apkfile=%curr_path%\apks\%apkfile1%echo apkfile=%apkfile%mkdir %tmppath%rmdir/q/s %tmppath%mkdir %outputpath%rmdir/q/s %outputpath%unzip -q  %apkfile% -d %tmppath%call %curr_path%\tools\apktool\apktool d %apkfile% %outputpath%cd %curr_path%\tools\dex2jarcall dex2jar.bat %tmppath%\classes.dexxcopy %tmppath%\*.jar %outputpath%cd %curr_path%rmdir/q/s %tmppath%rmdir/q/s output_%apkfile1%rename output output_%apkfile1%

After you can get

classes_dex2jar.jar , it is java source code. ( it is class, you need use JD to decompile to java code)

lib\armeabi\*.so is C libarary.

AndroidManifest.xml is config of Android

Write a shellscript to many apk file

@echo offrem run all the apk filesfor /f %%G in ('dir/b apks\*.apk') do ( call tools\\run.bat %%G)rem run one task inlyrem call tools\\run.bat jiashao_androidpause

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