
来源:互联网 发布:华为和高通的差距 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:53

前面在分析参数设置的时候,我利用robotframework的参数解析机制实现了一个自己的提取失败测试用例的脚本,其实robotframework已经实现了自己的失败用例提取的功能, 那么分析完robotframework的失败用例提取的原理之后是否也可以加以利用了。

其实在提取失败用例的时候,最关键也是最开始的部分就是获得一个ExecutionResult对象,最后可以通过visitor来处理或者也可以直接访问result的内容:visitor的模式,这里已经有了, 就不多说了。


#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-# Thomas创建于:2015/6/5.#"""通过例子来使用ExecutionResult"""from robot.result import ExecutionResult# 只拿结果中suite来用suite = ExecutionResult("D:/output/output-20150605-165314.xml").suite# suite.suites是一个iterator对象,无法直接index访问,尝试__getitem__打印输出print type(suite.suites)print type(suite.suites.__getitem__(0))print suite.suites.__getitem__(0).nameprint suite.suites.__getitem__(0).full_messageprint suite.suites.__getitem__(0).testsprint suite.suites.__getitem__(0).suites.__getitem__(0).suites.__getitem__(0).keywordsprint suite.nameprint suite.full_messageprint suite.testsprint '-'*30# 通过递归将所有的keywords打印出来def print_all_keyword(suite):    for sub_suite in suite.suites:        print_all_keyword(sub_suite)    if suite.keywords:        print suite.keywords    for test in suite.tests:        print test.keywordsprint_all_keyword(suite)

下面有一个极佳的使用实例, 比较output.xml的状态不同的脚本,官网提供的robotdiff.py, 这里就用到了ExecutionResult

#!/usr/bin/env python#  Copyright 2008-2013 Nokia Solutions and Networks##  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.#  You may obtain a copy of the License at##      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#  limitations under the License."""Diff Tool for Robot Framework OutputsUsage:  robotdiff.py [options] input_filesThis script compares two or more Robot Framework output files and creates areport where possible differences between test case statuses in each fileare highlighted. Main use case is verifying that results from executing sametest cases in different environments are same. For example, it is possible totest that new Robot Framework version does not affect test results. Anotherusage is comparing earlier test results with newer ones to find out possiblestatus changes and added test cases.Options: -r --report file         HTML report file (created from the input files).                          Default is 'robotdiff.html'. -n --name name *         Custom names for test runs. If this option is used,                          it must be used as many times as there are input                          files. By default test run names are got from the                          input file names. -t --title title         Title for the generated diff report. The default                          title is 'Test Run Diff Report'. -E --escape what:with *  Escape certain characters which are problematic in                          console. 'what' is the name of the character to                          escape and 'with' is the string to escape it with.                          Available character to escape:                          <--------------------ESCAPES------------------------>                          Example:                          --escape space:_ --title My_Fine_Diff_Report -h -? --help             Print this usage instruction.Options that can be specified multiple times are marked with an asterisk (*).Examples:$ robotdiff.py output1.xml output2.xml output3.xml$ robotdiff.py --name Env1 --name Env2 smoke1.xml smoke2.xml"""import sysimport os.pathfrom robot.utils import ArgumentParser, NormalizedDict, HtmlWriterfrom robot.result import ExecutionResultfrom robot.errors import DataError, Informationdef main(args):    opts, paths = _process_args(args)    results = DiffResults()    for path, name in zip(paths, _get_names(opts['name'], paths)):        try:            results.add_output(path, name)        except DataError, err:            _exit(err, error=True)    reporter = DiffReporter(opts['report'], opts['title'])    reporter.report(results)    _exit('Report: %s' % reporter.outpath)def _process_args(cliargs):    ap = ArgumentParser(__doc__, arg_limits=(2, ))    try:        return ap.parse_args(cliargs)    except Information, msg:        _exit(msg)    except DataError, err:        _exit(err, error=True)def _get_names(names, paths):    if not names:        return [None] * len(paths)    if len(names) == len(paths):        return names    _exit('Different number of test run names (%d) and input files (%d).'          % (len(names), len(paths)), error=True)def _exit(msg, error=False):    print unicode(msg)    if error:        print "\nTry --help for usage information."    sys.exit(int(error))class DiffResults(object):    def __init__(self):        self._stats = NormalizedDict()        self.column_names = []    @property    def rows(self):        return (RowStatus(name, statuses)                for name, statuses in sorted(self._stats.items()))    def add_output(self, path, column=None):        self._add_suite(ExecutionResult(path).suite)        self.column_names.append(column or path)        for stats in self._stats.values():            self._add_missing_statuses(stats)    def _add_suite(self, suite):        self._add_to_stats(suite)        for sub_suite in suite.suites:            self._add_suite(sub_suite)        for test in suite.tests:            self._add_to_stats(test)    def _add_to_stats(self, item):        stats = self._stats.setdefault(item.longname, [])        self._add_missing_statuses(stats)        stats.append(ItemStatus(item))    def _add_missing_statuses(self, stats):        while len(stats) < len(self.column_names):            stats.append(MissingStatus())class MissingStatus(object):    name = 'N/A'    status = 'not_available'class ItemStatus(object):    def __init__(self, item):        self.name = item.status        self.status = item.status.lower()class RowStatus(object):    def __init__(self, name, statuses):        self.name = name        self._statuses = statuses    @property    def status(self):        passed = any(stat.name == 'PASS' for stat in self)        failed = any(stat.name == 'FAIL' for stat in self)        missing = any(stat.name == 'N/A' for stat in self)        if passed and failed:            return 'diff'        if missing:            return 'missing'        return 'all_passed' if passed else 'all_failed'    @property    def explanation(self):        return {'all_passed': 'All passed',                'all_failed': 'All failed',                'missing': 'Missing items',                'diff': 'Different statuses'}[self.status]    def __iter__(self):        return iter(self._statuses)class DiffReporter(object):    def __init__(self, outpath=None, title=None):        self.outpath = os.path.abspath(outpath or 'robotdiff.html')        self._title = title or 'Test Run Diff Report'        self._writer = HtmlWriter(open(self.outpath, 'w'))    def report(self, results):        self._start(results.column_names)        for row in results.rows:            self._write_row(row)        self._end()    def _start(self, columns):        self._writer.content(START_HTML % {'TITLE': self._title}, escape=False)        self._writer.start('tr')        self._writer.element('th', 'Name', {'class': 'col_name'})        for name in columns:            self._writer.element('th', name, {'class': 'col_status'})        self._writer.end('tr')    def _write_row(self, row):        self._writer.start('tr')        self._write_name(row)        for item in row:            self._write_status(item)        self._writer.end('tr')    def _write_name(self, row):        self._writer.element('td', row.name, {'class': 'col_name ' + row.status,                                              'title': row.explanation})    def _write_status(self, item):        self._writer.element('td', item.name,                             {'class': 'col_status ' + item.status})    def _end(self):        for tag in 'table', 'body', 'html':            self._writer.end(tag)        self._writer.close()START_HTML = '''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Mon, 20 Jan 2001 20:01:21 GMT"><style media="all" type="text/css">  body {    background: white;    font-family: sans-serif;    font-size: 0.8em;    color: black;  }  table {    border: 1px solid black;    border-collapse: collapse;    empty-cells: show;    margin: 0px 1px;  }  th, td {    border: 1px solid black;  }  th {    background: #C6C6C6;  }  .col_name {    min-width: 25em;    font-weight: bold;  }  .col_status {    min-width: 6em;    text-align: center;  }  .pass {    color: #0F0;  }  .fail {    color: #F00;  }  .not_available {    color: #777;  }  .all_passed, .all_failed {    background: #0F0;  }  .missing {    background: #FF0;  }  .diff {    background: #F00;  }</style><title>%(TITLE)s</title></head><body><h1>%(TITLE)s</h1><table>'''[1:]if __name__ == '__main__':    main(sys.argv[1:])
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