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安卓软件安装需要 jdk eclipse sdk adt 这4个东西

1、首先安装jdk ,我的版本为jdk-8u45-windows-i586_8.0.450.14.1429092020。完成之后配置环境,步骤如下:



(1)在系统变量里点击新建,变量名填写JAVA_HOME,变量值填写JDK的安装路径,在这里就填写“C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45”了。





2、再下载eclipse 这个是只需要解压之后就能用的,是开发界面,可以开发安卓也可以开发java 项目

3、之后要下载sdk 这个是配置安卓的功能用的,下载网站以及说明是http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/adding-packages.html  需要下载什么内容以及如何下载说的非常清楚。但是有的网络上不去,这里贴出其步骤。


首先需要下载sdk包installer_r24.3.3-windows,并安装,会自动打开sdk managener,选择以下黑体部分安装。

并将其安装路径,添加进环境变量。如D:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk

As a minimum when setting up the Android SDK, you should download the latest tools and Android platform:
1、Open the Tools directory and select:
Android SDK Tools
Android SDK Platform-tools
Android SDK Build-tools (highest version)

2、Open the first Android X.X folder (the latest version) and select:
SDK Platform
A system image for the emulator, such as
ARM EABI v7a System Image

3、Get the support library for additional APIs
The support library is required for:
The Android Support Library provides an extended set of APIs that are compatible with most versions ofAndroid.
Open the Extras directory and select:
Android Support Repository
Android Support Library

4、Get Google Play services for even more APIs
The Google Play services APIs provide a variety of features and services for your Android apps, such as:
Open the Extras directory and select:
Google Repository
Google Play services

通过第三步,可以完全加载安卓项目,且可以通过android vitrual device设置模拟器。插上手机,在DDMS中也能看到手机设备。到这一步如果完成,就不需要安装adt了。说明已经安装过了。


4、安装adt 具体说明也可以在官网上看到 http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html,但是有的网络就是上不去,这里同样贴出来。

  1. Download the ADT Plugin zip file (do not unpack it): //去网上找最新的版本,不要解压
  2. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install NewSoftware. 
  3. Click Add, in the top-right corner.
  4. In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive.
  5. Select the downloaded ADT-20.0.3.zip file and click OK.
  6. Enter "ADT Plugin" for the name and click OK.
  7. In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and clickNext.
  8. In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. ClickNext.
  9. Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.

    If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity ofthe software can't be established, clickOK.

  10. When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.

To update your plugin once you've installed using the zip file, you will haveto follow these steps again instead of the default update instructions.

重启之后需要选择,"Use existing SDKS"


5、接下来配置avd 就可以用了

6、配置环境以及run as 要从左侧的项目开始运行,要不然会显示错误之类的


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