ubuntu add bridge network with libvirt

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝4钻店铺值多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 00:13
Bridged networking (also known as physical device sharing) is used to dedicate a physical device to a virtual machine. Bridging is often used for more advanced setups and on servers with multiple network interfaces.
To create a bridge (br0) based on the eth0 interface, execute the following command on the host:
# virsh iface-bridge eth0 br0


NetworkManager does not support bridging. NetworkManager must be disabled to use networking with the network scripts (located in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory).
# chkconfig NetworkManager off# chkconfig network on# service NetworkManager stop# service network start
If you do not want to disable NetworkManager entirely, add "NM_CONTROLLED=no" to the ifcfg-* network script being used for the bridge.

if there is error:
libvirtError: this function is not supported by the connection driver: virInterfaceDefineXML

That's because you've libvirt compiled with udev rather than netcf. The netcf is the only one backend that knows how to create a new interface.
Install netcf and rebuild libvirt and you should be able to create interfaces via libvirt.
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