kd树(k-dimensional tree)(1)

来源:互联网 发布:外贸软件 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:21

  索引结构中相似性查询有两种基本的方式:一种是范围查询(range searches),另一种是K近邻查询(K-neighbor searches)。范围查询就是给定查询点和查询距离的阈值,从数据集中找出所有与查询点距离小于阈值的数据;K近邻查询是给定查询点及正整数K,从数据集中找到距离查询点最近的K个数据,当K=1时,就是最近邻查询(nearest neighbor searches)。

  At each step, choose one of the coordinate as a basis of dividing the rest of the points
  • For example, at the root, choose x as the basis
   – Like binary search trees, all items to the left of root will have the x-coordinate less than that of the root
   – All items to the right of the root will have the x-coordinate greater than (or equal to) that of the root
  • Choose y as the basis for discrimination for the root’s children
  • And choose x again for the root’s grandchildren


const int DIMEN = 2;kdNode insert (point p, kdNode t, int dimen) {  if(t == 0)     t = new kdNode(p) ;  else if (p == t.data ) ……  else if (p[dimen] < t.data[dimen])    t.left = insert (p, t.left, (dimen+1)%DIMEN );  else    t.right =insert (p, t.right, (dimen+1)%DIMEN);  return t ;}

• 查找一个指定维数上的最小值,如拥有最小x的值:

Point findmin (kdNodet, int whichAxis, int dimen) {  if(t == 0)     return 0;  else if ( whichAxis == dimen)  {    if (t.left == 0) return t.data;    else     return findmin (t.left, whichAxis,(dimen+1)%DIMEN );  }  else   return minimum(t.data, findmin(t.left, whichAxis,(dimen+1)%DIMEN),findmin(t.right,whichAxis,(dimen+1)%DIMEN)) ;}

• 如果树是平衡的, findmin (root): O(sqrt(n)) time in the worst case.


kdNode remove ( kdNode t, Point p, int dimen) {  if ( t == 0 )     return 0 ;  else if ( p[dimen] < t.data[dimen] )     t.left = remove (t.left, p, (dimen+1)%DIMEN);  else if( p[dimen] > t.data[dimen] )     t.right = remove(t.right, p, (dimen+1)%DIMEN);  else {    if( t.right == 0 && t.left == 0 )       return 0 ;    if( t.right ! = 0 )      t.data = findmin(t.right, dimen, (dimen+1)%DIMEN);    else {      t.data = findmin(t.left, dimen, (dimen+1)%DIMEN);      t.left = 0 ;    }    t.right = remove ( t.right , t.data , (dimen+1)%DIMEN);    return t ;  }}

  删除叶子上的点,如果树是平衡的, remove() takes O(log n) time。

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