
来源:互联网 发布:2005至2008年网络歌曲 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:55


在使用TT客户端之前需要安装oracle客户端,配置好连接oracle数据库的TNSFYL_TT =  (DESCRIPTION =    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))    (CONNECT_DATA =      (SERVER = DEDICATED)      (SERVICE_NAME = fyl)    )  )测试[oracle@db1 admin]$ sqlplus scott@fyl_tt/tiger


[oracle@db1 linux8664]$ ./setup.sh ERROR: The /etc/TimesTen directory needs to be created for the instance registry       and its ownership and permissions set appropriately.       Please refer to the installation guide for assistance.[oracle@db1 linux8664]$ [oracle@db1 linux8664]$ [oracle@db1 linux8664]$ ./setup.sh NOTE: Each TimesTen installation is identified by a unique instance name.      The instance name must be a non-null alphanumeric string, not longer      than 255 characters.Please choose an instance name for this installation? [ tt1122 ] Instance name will be 'tt1122'.Is this correct? [ yes ] Of the three components:  [1] Client/Server and Data Manager  [2] Data Manager Only  [3] Client OnlyWhich would you like to install? [ 1 ] 3Of the following options :  [1] /home/oracle  [2] /soft  [3] Specify a location  [q] Quit the installationWhere would you like to install the tt1122 instance of TimesTen? [ 1 ] 3Please specify a directory to install TimesTen? [ /home/oracle ] /u02Installing into /u02/TimesTen/tt1122 ...Creating /u02/TimesTen/tt1122 ...Uncompressing ...NOTE: For security, we recommend that you restrict access to the      TimesTen installation to members of a single OS group. Only members of      that OS group will be allowed to perform direct mode connections to      TimesTen, and only members of that OS group will be allowed to perform      operations that access TimesTen data stores, TimesTen files and shared      memory. The OS group defaults to the primary group of the instance      administrator. You can default to this group, choose another OS group      or you can make this instance world-accessible. If you choose to make      this instance world-accessible, all database files and shared memory      are readable and writable by all users.Restrict access to the the TimesTen installation to the group 'oinstall'? [ yes ]       TNS_ADMIN was not set in your environment but there is a tnsnames.ora      file in /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin.Would you like to use this TNS_ADMIN setting for the Oracle TimesTen Application-Tier Database Cache? [ yes ] TNS_ADMIN will be set to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/adminYou can change TNS_ADMIN later by running <install_dir>/bin/ttmodinstall.NOTE: It appears that you are running version 4 or higher of the g++      compiler. TimesTen ships with multiple sets of client libraries and server      binaries : one built for compatibility with g++ 3.4.6 and one with      g++ 4.1.0. The installer has created links to the 4.1.0 library in the      <install_dir>/lib directory and to the 4.1.0 server binary in the      <install_dir>/bin directory. If you want to use a different compiler,      please modify the links to point to the desired library and server binary.Do you want to install the Quick Start Sample Programs and the TimesTen Documentation? [ no ] Would you like to install the documentation (without the Quick Start Sample Programs)? [ yes ] Where would you like to create the doc directory? [ /u02/TimesTen/tt1122/doc ] The TimesTen documentation has been installed in /u02/TimesTen/tt1122/doc.Installing client components ...What is the name of the host running the TimesTen server? [ db1 ] What is the TCP/IP port number that the TimesTen server is listening on? [ 53397 ] The Release Notes are located here :  '/u02/TimesTen/tt1122/README.html'End of TimesTen installation.

查看服务器端服务端口[oracle@fyl admin]$ ttstatus|grep "TimesTen server"TimesTen server pid 2401 started on port 53397配置客户端数据源[oracle@db1 info]$ vi sys.ttconnect.ini [mydb_test]Description=TimesTen ServerNetwork_Address=[oracle@db1 info]$ vi sys.odbc.ini [ODBC Data Sources]mydb_CS=TimesTen 11.2.2 Client Driver[mydb_CS]TTC_SERVER=mydb_testTTC_SERVER_DSN=mydbUID=scott

[oracle@db1 bin]$ ./ttisqlcs mydb_CSCopyright (c) 1996, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.connect "DSN=mydb_CS";Enter password for 'scott': Connection successful: DSN=mydb_CS;TTC_SERVER=mydb_test;TTC_SERVER_DSN=mydb;UID=scott;DATASTORE=/u02/TimesTen/oradata/mydb;DATABASECHARACTERSET=ZHS16GBK;CONNECTIONCHARACTERSET=US7ASCII;PERMSIZE=60;TEMPSIZE=40;TYPEMODE=0;ORACLENETSERVICENAME=fyl;(Default setting AutoCommit=1)Command> tables;  SCOTT.DEPT1 table found.Command> select * from dept;< 10, ACCOUNTING, NEW YORK >< 20, RESEARCH, DALLAS >< 30, SALES, CHICAGO >< 40, OPERATIONS, BOSTON >4 rows found.

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