NX Open 切削层加载

来源:互联网 发布:gta5 4g内存优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 17:33


Loads the current cut levels for the specified operation into the data
structure UF_CUT_LEVELS_t.

在.NET下面使用方法为NXOpen.UF.UFCutLevels.Load(ByVal operation_tag As NXOpen.Tag, ByRef cut_levels_ptr_addr() AsNXOpen.UF.UFCutLevels.CutLevelsStruct)







</pre><pre name="code" class="vb">#Region "UF_CUT_LEVELS_load"    Friend Function CreateException(ByVal errorCode As Integer) As NXOpen.NXException        Return NXOpen.NXException.Create(errorCode)    End Function    <DllImport("libufun.dll", EntryPoint:="UF_CUT_LEVELS_load", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)> _    Private Function _CUT_LEVELS_load(ByVal operation_tag As Tag, ByRef cut_levels_ptr_addr As IntPtr) As Integer    End Function    Private Structure _CutLevelsStruct        Public num_levels As Integer        Public cut_levels As IntPtr        Public num_top_off_levels As Integer        Public top_off_levels As IntPtr    End Structure    ''' <summary>    ''' 加载切削层    ''' </summary>    ''' <param name="operation_tag">操作tag值</param>    ''' <param name="cut_levels_ptr_addr">切削层参数结构</param>    ''' <remarks>重写加载切削层结构</remarks>    Public Sub UF_CUT_LEVELS_load(ByVal operation_tag As NXOpen.Tag, ByRef cut_levels_ptr_addr As NXOpen.UF.UFCutLevels.CutLevelsStruct)        Dim ptr As IntPtr        NXOpen.Utilities.JAM.StartUFCall()        Dim errorCode As Integer = _CUT_LEVELS_load(operation_tag, ptr)        NXOpen.Utilities.JAM.EndUFCall()        If errorCode <> 0 Then            Throw CreateException(errorCode)        End If        Dim structArray As New _CutLevelsStruct        cut_levels_ptr_addr = New NXOpen.UF.UFCutLevels.CutLevelsStruct        structArray = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, GetType(_CutLevelsStruct)), _CutLevelsStruct)        cut_levels_ptr_addr.num_levels = structArray.num_levels        Dim num As Integer = Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle))        Dim num2 As Integer = structArray.num_levels        Dim zero As Long = structArray.cut_levels.ToInt64        If num2 > 0 Then            cut_levels_ptr_addr.cut_levels = New NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle(num2 - 1) {}        End If        If zero <> Nothing Then            Dim num6 As Integer = 0            Do While num6 < num2                cut_levels_ptr_addr.cut_levels(num6) = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(CType(zero, IntPtr), GetType(NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle)), NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle)                zero = (zero + num)                num6 += 1            Loop        End If        'Marshal.FreeHGlobal(structArray.cut_levels)        structArray.cut_levels = IntPtr.Zero        cut_levels_ptr_addr.num_top_off_levels = structArray.num_top_off_levels        num2 = structArray.num_top_off_levels        num = Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle))        zero = structArray.top_off_levels.ToInt64        If (num2 > 0) Then            cut_levels_ptr_addr.top_off_levels = New NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle(num2 - 1) {}        End If        If (zero <> Nothing) Then            For num6 = 0 To num2 - 1                cut_levels_ptr_addr.top_off_levels(num6) = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(CType(zero, IntPtr), GetType(NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle)), NXOpen.UF.CutLevelSingle)                zero = (zero + num)            Next num6        End If        'Marshal.FreeHGlobal(structArray.top_off_levels)        structArray.top_off_levels = IntPtr.Zero    End Sub#End Region




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