
来源:互联网 发布:中国域名管理中心 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 11:37
<span style="font-size:14px;">ThinkPHP的多表查询+分页范例 对于一个PHP程序员来说,多表查询是经常遇到的事,下面介绍一下ThinkPHP的多表查询+分页范例<?php$db = M( "Article" ); $fix = C( "DB_PREFIX" ); $table = $fix."article"; $table2 = $fix."article_category";$page_size = 15; //每页显示记录数$record_sum = count( $db -> field('art_id') -> where( "art_public='1'" ) -> select() );//记录总数$Page = new ZYPage($record_sum, $page_size, 5); $list = $db -> field( "$table.art_id,$table.art_title,$table.art_content,$table.art_description,$table2.cate_id,$table2.cate_name" ) ->          join( "$table2 on $table.cate_id=$table2.cate_id" ) ->          where( "$table.art_public='1'" ) ->          order( "$table.art_create_time desc,$table.art_id desc" ) ->          limit($Page->firstRow.",".$Page->listRows) ->          select();$this -> assign( "article", $list); //输出文章列表$show = $Page -> show(); $this -> assign( "page", $show); //输出分页?></span>


       //显示某一用户,某一订单详情(order详情、fllow_order详情       public function viewOneOrder(){       import('ORG.Util.Page');       $userid = $_POST['userid'];       $orderid = $_POST['orderid'];       if(empty($userid)){                $result=array('err_no' =>1001,'err_msg'=>"userid is empty");    //用户id为空                echo json_encode($result); exit;            }            if(empty($orderid)){                $result=array('err_no' =>1001,'err_msg'=>"orderid is empty");    //跟单id为空                echo json_encode($result); exit;            }       $db = M( "order" );$fix = C( "DB_PREFIX" );$table = $fix."order";$table2 = $fix."follow_order";$page_size = 1; //每页显示记录数//$count = count( $db -> field('art_id') -> where( "art_public='1'" ) -> select() );//记录总数//查询满足条件的总页数$data = $db -> field( "$,$,$table.remark as o_remark,$table2.time,$table2.remark as f_remark" ) ->          join( "$table2 on $$table2.order_id" ) ->          where( "$table.userid = '$userid' and $ = '$orderid' " ) ->          order( "$" ) ->          select();         $count = count($data);         $Page = new Page($count, 1);         $data = $db -> field( "$,$,$table.remark as o_remark,$table2.time,$table2.remark as f_remark" ) ->          join( "$table2 on $$table2.order_id" ) ->          where( "$table.userid = '$userid' and $ = '$orderid' " ) ->          order( "$" ) ->          limit($Page->firstRow.",".$Page->listRows) ->          select();            if($data){                $result=array('err_no' =>1,'err_msg'=>"success",'data'=>$data,'TotalPages'=>$Page->getTotalPages(),'count'=>$count);   //调用行业资讯列表成功,并返回总页数 (存在数据)                echo json_encode($result);                 exit;             }else{                $result=array('err_no' =>0,'err_msg'=>"order is empty");   //调用失败 (不存在数据)                echo json_encode($result); exit;             }            //var_dump($order->getlastsql());       }

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