
来源:互联网 发布:道道通端口修改器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:39


class Logspace:    def __init__(self):        self.LOGZERO =np.nan    def eexp(self,x):        if np.isnan(x):            return 0        else:            return np.exp(x)    def eln(self,x):        if x == 0:            return self.LOGZERO        elif x>0:            return np.log(x)        else:            print 'Wrong!!!\n\t negative input error'            return np.nan    def elnsum(self,elnx,elny):        if np.isnan(elnx):            return elny        elif np.isnan(elny):            return elnx        elif elnx > elny:            return elnx + self.eln(1+np.exp(elny-elnx))        else:            return elny + self.eln(1+np.exp(elnx-elny))    def elnproduct(self,elnx,elny):        if np.isnan(elnx) or np.isnan(elny):            return self.LOGZERO        else:            return elnx + elny    def elnmatprod(self,elnx,elny):        #array([[ 0.]])其size是2        xsize = np.size(np.shape(elnx))        ysize = np.size(np.shape(elny))        if xsize == 1 and ysize == 1:            r = self.LOGZERO            for i in range(np.shape(elnx)[0]):                r = self.elnsum(r,self.elnproduct(elnx[i],elny[i]))            return r        elif xsize == 1 and not ysize == 1:            n = np.shape(elny)[1]            r = np.zeros(n)            for i in range(n):                r[i] = self.elnmatprod(elnx,elny[:,i])            return r        elif not xsize == 1 and ysize == 1:            n = np.shape(elnx)[0]            r = np.zeros(n)            for i in range(n):                r[i] = self.elnmatprod(elnx[i,:],elny)            return r            else:            m,n= np.shape(elnx)            p = np.shape(elny)[1]            r = np.zeros((m,p))            for i in range(m):                for j in range(p):                    r[i][j] = self.elnmatprod(elnx[i,:],elny[:,j])            return r    def eexpmat(self,elny):        expy = np.copy(elny)        if np.size(np.shape(elny)) == 1:            for i in range(np.shape(elny)[0]):                expy[i] = self.eexp(expy[i])        else:            for i in range(np.shape(elny)[0]):                for j in range(np.shape(elny)[1]):                    expy[i][j] = self.eexp(expy[i][j])        return expy    def elnmat(self,x):        elnx = np.copy(x)        if np.size(np.shape(x)) == 1:            for i in range(np.shape(x)[0]):                elnx[i] = self.eln(x[i])        else:            for i in range(np.shape(x)[0]):                for j in range(np.shape(x)[1]):                    elnx[i,j] = self.eln(x[i,j])        return elnx  


logspace = Logspace()M1 = np.array([1,0.5])M2 = np.array([[1.3,1.5],[1.8,0.5]])M3 = np.array([[0.8,1.5],[1.8,0.7]])M4 = np.array([0,0])print logspace.eexpmat(logspace.elnmatprod(M1,M2))print np.dot(logspace.eexpmat(M1),logspace.eexpmat(M2))

[ 19.94836491 14.90077579]
[ 19.94836491 14.90077579]


def read_corps(corpsfile='testchunk.data'):    #http://www.chokkan.org/software/crfsuite/tutorial.html,该页面有两个网址可下载数据集,该数据集量很大    #http://blog.dpdearing.com/2011/12/opennlp-part-of-speech-pos-tags-penn-english-treebank/    tagids = defaultdict(lambda: len(tagids))    tagids["<S>"] = 0    corps=[]    onesentence = []    words = [ "<S>" ]    tags  = [   0   ]    #wordnumcount = 0    with open(corpsfile,'r') as f:           for line in f:            if len(line)<=1:                pass            elif line != '. . O\n':                 # '. . O\n'表示一句话结束,当一句话未结束则将该单词加入列表onesentence                onesentence.append(line)            else: #如果一句话结束,则对该句话的所有出现的单词进行处理,将处理结果存入列表corps                               for texts in onesentence:                    #wordnumcount += 1                    w_t = texts.strip().split(" ")                    #print w_t                    try:                         #由于表示数字的字符串变化较多,为了减少其干扰,这里将其检测出来并替换掉                        float(w_t[0].strip().replace(',',''));                        #print w_t                        words.append('#CD#')                    except:                         words.append(w_t[0].lower())                     #if w_t[1] in{ '``',',',"''",'$','#',')','('}:                    #    print w_t                    tags.append(tagids[w_t[1]])                words.append("<S>") #words是一句话的单词组成的列表                tags.append(0)      #tags是一句话的标注组成的列表,与单词列表words一一对应                if np.shape(words)[0] > 2: #排除掉空句子                    corps.append((words,tags))                #对onesentence,words和tags重新初始化                onesentence = []                words = [ "<S>" ]                tags  = [   0   ]    #print '一共出现的单词个数:'+np.str(wordnumcount)    #一共出现的单词个数:40377    return corps,tagidsdef getfeatureTS(corps):    featuresets = set() #特征的集合    featureT = [] #转移特征的列表,比如列表元素('T', 2, 3)表示从状态2转到特征3    featureS = [] #状态特征的列表,比如列表元素('S','Confidence', 1)    for corp in corps:        for i in range(np.shape(corp[0])[0]):            if corp[0][i] == '<S>':                continue            if ('S',corp[0][i],corp[1][i]) not in featuresets:                featuresets.add(('S',corp[0][i],corp[1][i]))                featureS.append(('S',corp[0][i],corp[1][i]))            if corp[0][i-1] != '<S>':                if ('T',corp[1][i-1],corp[1][i]) not in featuresets:                    featuresets.add(('T',corp[1][i-1],corp[1][i]))                    featureT.append(('T',corp[1][i-1],corp[1][i]))    featureTS = featureT+featureS    words2tagids = words2tagidfromfeatureS(featureS)    return featureTS,words2tagidsdef getpriorfeatureE(corps,featureTS):    #计算先验特征期望值    N = np.shape(corps)[0] #训练样本数    K = np.shape(featureTS)[0] #特征数    priorfeatureE = np.zeros(K)     for corp in corps:         for i in range(np.shape(corp[0])[0]):            if corp[0][i] == '<S>':                continue             try:                idex = featureTS.index(('S', corp[0][i], corp[1][i]))                priorfeatureE[idex] += 1.0            except:                pass            try:                idex = featureTS.index(('T', corp[1][i-1], corp[1][i]))                priorfeatureE[idex] += 1.0            except:                pass    priorfeatureE /=N    #plt.plot(priorfeatureE)     #从特征的先验期望值可以看出无论是转移特征(从横坐标0开始)还是状态特征(从横坐标318开始),先被记录的先验期望值越大    return priorfeatureEdef words2tagidfromfeatureS(featureS):    #统计所有单词分别对应的词性列表    words2tagids = {}    for feature in featureS:        word = feature[1]        state = feature[2]        if word in words2tagids:            words2tagids[word].append(state)        else:            words2tagids[word] = [state]    #lennums列表统计单词对应的词性的长度的分布    #lennums = [[lenlist.count(i) for i in range(1,max(lenlist)+1)]     #           for lenlist in [[len(words2tagids[i]) for i in words2tagids]]][0]    #lennums = [3760, 389, 32, 1]    return words2tagidsdef getpostfeatureE(weights,corps,featureTS,words2tagids):    K = np.shape(featureTS)[0] #特征数    postfeatureE = np.zeros(K) #特征的后验期望值    N = np.shape(corps)[0]    for corpidx in range(N):        corp = corps[corpidx][0][1:-1]        lencorp = np.size(corp) #语料长度,即句子中的单词数        Mlist = {}        Mlist['mat'] = ['']*(lencorp+1)        Mlist['dim'] = [words2tagids[corp[i]] for i in range(lencorp)]        Mlist['len'] = [np.size(words2tagids[corp[i]]) for i in range(lencorp)]        for i in range(lencorp+1):            if i == 0:#第一个矩阵,只有状态特征的行向量                d = Mlist['len'][0]                Mlist['mat'][i] = np.zeros((1,d))                for j in range(d):                    Mlist['mat'][i][0,j] = weights[featureTS.index(('S', corp[0], words2tagids[corp[0]][j]))]                        continue            if i == lencorp:#最后一个矩阵,元素为0的列向量矩阵                Mlist['mat'][i] = np.zeros((Mlist['len'][-1],1))                continue            #既非第一个矩阵,亦非第二个矩阵,每个元素要计算状态特征和转移特征            Mlist['mat'][i] = np.zeros((Mlist['len'][i-1],Mlist['len'][i]))            for d1 in range(Mlist['len'][i-1]):                for d2 in range(Mlist['len'][i]):                    id1 = words2tagids[corp[i-1]][d1]                    id2 = words2tagids[corp[i]][d2]                    try:                        Sweight = weights[featureTS.index(('S', corp[i], id2))]                     except:                        Sweight = 0                    try:                        Tweight = weights[featureTS.index(('T', id1, id2))]                    except:                        Tweight = 0                    Mlist['mat'][i][d1,d2] = Sweight + Tweight         #return  Mlist,corps[0]        #return 0        z = np.array([[0]])        for i in range(lencorp+1):            z = logspace.elnmatprod(z,Mlist['mat'][i])        Alphalist = ['']*(lencorp+2)        Betalist = ['']*(lencorp+2)        Alphalist[0] = np.zeros((1,1))  # 第一个前向向量:1*1的矩阵        Betalist[-1] = np.zeros((Mlist['len'][-1],1))        #Alphalist里的元素是单行矩阵,Betalist里的元素是单列矩阵        for i in range(1,lencorp+2):             #print i,np.shape(Alphalist[i-1]),np.shape(Mlist['mat'][i-1])            Alphalist[i] = logspace.elnmatprod(Alphalist[i-1],Mlist['mat'][i-1])        for i in range(lencorp,-1,-1):            Betalist[i] = logspace.elnmatprod(Mlist['mat'][i],Betalist[i+1])        for i in range(1,lencorp+1):            d1,d2 = np.shape(Mlist['mat'][i-1])            #print d1,d2,Mlist['dim'][i-2],Mlist['dim'][i-1] # 3,2,34            #print '================'            for di in range(d1):                for dj in range(d2):                    # i=1时,没有转移特征;i=lencorp+1时,转移特征和状态特征都没有                     plocal = logspace.eexp(logspace.elnproduct(logspace.elnproduct(logspace.elnproduct(Alphalist[i-1][0,di],                                                                 Mlist['mat'][i-1][di,dj]),Betalist[i][dj,0]),-z[0,0]))                    if i == 1:#只有状态特征                        try:                            Sidex =  featureTS.index(('S', corp[i-1], Mlist['dim'][i-1][dj]))                            postfeatureE[Sidex] += plocal                        except:                            pass                    else:                        try:                            Sidex =  featureTS.index(('S', corp[i-1], Mlist['dim'][i-1][dj]))                            postfeatureE[Sidex] += plocal                        except:                            pass                        try:                             Tidex = featureTS.index(('T', Mlist['dim'][i-2][di], Mlist['dim'][i-1][dj]))                            postfeatureE[Tidex] += plocal                        except:#如果该转移特征bucunza不存在,直接忽略                            pass            #aM = logspace.elnmatprod(Alphalist[i-1],Mlist['mat'][i-1])            #aMb = logspace.elnmatprod(aM,Betalist[i])            #print promat            #backuppromat.append(promat)    postfeatureE /= N    return postfeatureEdef getliknegvalue(weights,corps,featureTS,words2tagids):    #目标函数是对对数似然函数取负,故要使其最小化    K = np.shape(featureTS)[0] #特征数    N = np.shape(corps)[0]    liknegvalue = 0    for corpidx in range(N):        corp = corps[corpidx][0][1:-1]        tag = corps[corpidx][1][1:-1]        lencorp = np.size(corp) #语料长度,即句子中的单词数        Mlist = {}        Mlist['mat'] = ['']*(lencorp+1)        Mlist['dim'] = [words2tagids[corp[i]] for i in range(lencorp)]        Mlist['len'] = [np.size(words2tagids[corp[i]]) for i in range(lencorp)]        for i in range(lencorp+1):            if i == 0:#第一个矩阵,只有状态特征的行向量                d = Mlist['len'][0]                Mlist['mat'][i] = np.zeros((1,d))                for j in range(d):                    Mlist['mat'][i][0,j] = weights[featureTS.index(('S', corp[0], words2tagids[corp[0]][j]))]                        continue            if i == lencorp:#最后一个矩阵,元素为0的列向量矩阵                Mlist['mat'][i] = np.zeros((Mlist['len'][-1],1))                continue            #既非第一个矩阵,亦非第二个矩阵,每个元素要计算状态特征和转移特征            Mlist['mat'][i] = np.zeros((Mlist['len'][i-1],Mlist['len'][i]))            for d1 in range(Mlist['len'][i-1]):                for d2 in range(Mlist['len'][i]):                    id1 = words2tagids[corp[i-1]][d1]                    id2 = words2tagids[corp[i]][d2]                    try:                        Sweight = weights[featureTS.index(('S', corp[i], id2))]                     except:                        Sweight = 0                    try:                        Tweight = weights[featureTS.index(('T', id1, id2))]                    except:                        Tweight = 0                    Mlist['mat'][i][d1,d2] = Sweight + Tweight         numerator = 0        denominator= np.array([[0]])        for i in range(lencorp+1):            denominator = logspace.elnmatprod(denominator,Mlist['mat'][i])              if i == 0:                numerator = logspace.elnproduct(numerator,Mlist['mat'][i][0,Mlist['dim'][i].index(tag[i])])            elif i < lencorp:                numerator = logspace.elnproduct(numerator,Mlist['mat'][i][Mlist['dim'][i-1].index(tag[i-1]),Mlist['dim'][i].index(tag[i])])        liknegvalue += (denominator - numerator)/N    return liknegvalue[0,0]def getgradients(priorfeatureE,weights,corps,featureTS,words2tagids):    postfeatureE = getpostfeatureE(weights,corps,featureTS,words2tagids)    return postfeatureE - priorfeatureE


def twoloop(s, y, rho,gk):    # 被lbfgs函数调用    n = len(s) #向量序列的长度    if np.shape(s)[0] >= 1:        #h0是标量,而非矩阵        h0 = 1.0*np.dot(s[-1],y[-1])/np.dot(y[-1],y[-1])    else:        h0 = 1    a = np.empty((n,))    q = gk.copy()     for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):         a[i] = rho[i] * np.dot(s[i], q)        q -= a[i] * y[i]    z = h0*q    for i in range(n):        b = rho[i] * np.dot(y[i], z)        z += s[i] * (a[i] - b)    return z   def lbfgs(fun = getliknegvalue,gfun = getgradients,x0 = weights,corps = corps,          featureTS = featureTS,words2tagids = words2tagids,          priorfeatureE = priorfeatureE,m=10,maxk = 20):    # fun和gfun分别是目标函数及其一阶导数,x0是初值,m为储存的序列的大小    rou = 0.55    sigma = 0.4    epsilon = 1e-5    k = 0    n = np.shape(x0)[0] #自变量的维度    s, y, rho = [], [], []    while k < maxk :        gk = gfun(priorfeatureE,x0,corps,featureTS,words2tagids)        if np.linalg.norm(gk) < epsilon:            break        dk = -1.0*twoloop(s, y, rho,gk)        m0=0;        mk=0        funcvalue = fun(x0,corps,featureTS,words2tagids)        while m0 < 20: # 用Armijo搜索求步长            if fun(x0+rou**m0*dk,corps,featureTS,words2tagids) < funcvalue+sigma*rou**m0*np.dot(gk,dk):                 mk = m0                break            m0 += 1        x = x0 + rou**mk*dk        sk = x - x0        yk = gfun(priorfeatureE,x,corps,featureTS,words2tagids) - gk           if np.dot(sk,yk) > 0: #增加新的向量            rho.append(1.0/np.dot(sk,yk))            s.append(sk)            y.append(yk)        if np.shape(rho)[0] > m: #弃掉最旧向量            rho.pop(0)            s.pop(0)            y.pop(0)        k += 1        x0 = x        print '迭代次数:%d, 函数值:%f'%(k,funcvalue)    return x0, fun(x0,corps,featureTS,words2tagids)#,k#分别是最优点坐标,最优值,迭代次数


from collections import defaultdictcorps,tagids = read_corps('mycrfdata.data')featureTS,words2tagids = getfeatureTS(corps) #得到总的特征列表featureTSK = np.shape(featureTS)[0] #总的特征数N = np.shape(corps)[0] #训练样本数priorfeatureE = getpriorfeatureE(corps,featureTS) #计算特征的先验期望值weights = np.array([1.0/K]*K)#postfeatureE = getpostfeatureE(weights,corps,featureTS,words2tagids)#liknegvalue = getliknegvalue(weights,corps,featureTS,words2tagids)weights,likelyfuncvalue = lbfgs(fun = getliknegvalue,gfun = getgradients,x0 = weights,corps = corps,                                featureTS = featureTS,words2tagids = words2tagids,                                priorfeatureE = priorfeatureE,m=10,maxk = 40)

迭代次数:1, 函数值:4.517425
迭代次数:2, 函数值:3.402287
迭代次数:3, 函数值:2.591947
迭代次数:4, 函数值:1.961000
迭代次数:5, 函数值:1.511211
迭代次数:6, 函数值:1.164718
迭代次数:7, 函数值:1.011021
迭代次数:8, 函数值:0.863806
迭代次数:9, 函数值:0.764431
迭代次数:10, 函数值:0.685292
迭代次数:11, 函数值:0.610862
迭代次数:12, 函数值:0.567107
迭代次数:13, 函数值:0.524796
迭代次数:14, 函数值:0.495254
迭代次数:15, 函数值:0.466203
迭代次数:16, 函数值:0.443137
迭代次数:17, 函数值:0.422248
迭代次数:18, 函数值:0.406402
迭代次数:19, 函数值:0.396005
迭代次数:20, 函数值:0.386036
迭代次数:21, 函数值:0.380390
迭代次数:22, 函数值:0.380207
迭代次数:23, 函数值:0.376401
迭代次数:24, 函数值:0.375102
迭代次数:25, 函数值:0.370988
迭代次数:26, 函数值:0.366604
迭代次数:27, 函数值:0.360824
迭代次数:28, 函数值:0.355004
迭代次数:29, 函数值:0.351590
迭代次数:30, 函数值:0.347119
迭代次数:31, 函数值:0.344447
迭代次数:32, 函数值:0.341149
迭代次数:33, 函数值:0.337679
迭代次数:34, 函数值:0.335245
迭代次数:35, 函数值:0.332701
迭代次数:36, 函数值:0.329436
迭代次数:37, 函数值:0.326451
迭代次数:38, 函数值:0.324949
迭代次数:39, 函数值:0.321441
迭代次数:40, 函数值:0.319166
迭代次数:41, 函数值:0.315978
迭代次数:42, 函数值:0.312033
迭代次数:43, 函数值:0.308039
迭代次数:44, 函数值:0.305588
迭代次数:45, 函数值:0.302214


import codecs#读取中文文本,首先要把文本文件保存成utf-8格式,默认的ANSI格式文件读取后不能正确打印中文字符likelihoodlist = []with codecs.open('loglikelihood.txt','r','utf-8') as f:     for line in f:        #u'\uff1a'是中文符号“:”        likelihoodlist.append(float(line.split(u'\uff1a')[-1].split()[0]))plt.plot(likelihoodlist[:100],'-k')plt.plot(likelihoodlist[:100],'+r')plt.title(u'L-BFGS训练CRF的收敛曲线',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})plt.xlabel(u'迭代次数',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})plt.ylabel(u'对数似然函数取负值',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})


from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde# this create the kernel, given an array it will estimate the probability over that valueskde = gaussian_kde(priorfeatureE)# these are the values over wich your kernel will be evaluateddist_space = linspace( min(priorfeatureE)-0.01*(max(priorfeatureE)-min(priorfeatureE)), max(priorfeatureE), 100 )# plot the resultsplt.plot(dist_space, kde(dist_space))plt.title(u'特征的先验期望取值的密度分布',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})plt.xlabel(u'特征的先验期望取值',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})plt.ylabel(u'密度估计',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})


from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde#weights是训练的权值列表,由于训练时间长,得到并不容易,故先保存np.savetxt('crfweights.out', weights, delimiter=',')  #data = np.genfromtxt('crfweights.out', delimiter=',')# this create the kernel, given an array it will estimate the probability over that valueskde = gaussian_kde(data)# these are the values over wich your kernel will be evaluateddist_space = linspace( min(data)-0.01*(max(data)-min(data)), max(data), 400 )fig,axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=1,figsize=(12,10))plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = None,hspace=0.3)axes[0].plot(data)axes[0].set_title(u'迭代训练500次的特征权值图',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})axes[0].set_xlabel(u'特征(5331个)',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})axes[0].set_ylabel(u'权值大小',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})axes[1].plot(dist_space, kde(dist_space),'k',marker = u'$\circ$')axes[1].set_title(u'迭代训练500次的特征权值密度分布',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})axes[1].set_xlabel(u'特征权值大小',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})axes[1].set_ylabel(u'密度估计',{'fontname':'STFangsong','fontsize':18})
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  • Using CRF for Image Segmentation in Python
  • http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/hmw26/crf/
    《Conditional Random Fields: An Introduction》内容不错
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