USACO——Palindromic Squares 回文平方数

来源:互联网 发布:华为麦芒4 4g网络设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 14:48

Palindromic Squares
Rob Kolstad

Palindromes are numbers that read the same forwards as backwards. The number 12321 is a typical palindrome.

Given a number base B (2 <= B <= 20 base 10), print all the integers N (1 <= N <= 300 base 10) such that the square of N is palindromic when expressed in base B; also print the value of that palindromic square. Use the letters 'A', 'B', and so on to represent the digits 10, 11, and so on.

Print both the number and its square in base B.

PROGRAM NAME: palsquare


A single line with B, the base (specified in base 10).




Lines with two integers represented in base B. The first integer is the number whose square is palindromic; the second integer is the square itself. NOTE WELL THAT BOTH INTEGERS ARE IN BASE B!

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file palsquare.out)

1 12 43 911 12122 48426 676101 10201111 12321121 14641202 40804212 44944264 69696


/*ID: youqihe1PROG: palsquareLANG: C++*/#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include<string.h>using namespace std;int pal(char A[]){    int len=strlen(A),i,j;    for(i=0;i<len/2;i++)        if(A[i]!=A[len-i-1])        return 0;    return 1;}void quare(int n,int b,char C[]){    int i=0;    char B[25];    memset(B,'\0',sizeof(B));    while(n)    {        int k=n%b;        if(k<10)            B[i++]=k+'0';        else        {            if(k==10) B[i++]='A';            if(k==11) B[i++]='B';            if(k==12) B[i++]='C';            if(k==13) B[i++]='D';            if(k==14) B[i++]='E';            if(k==15) B[i++]='F';            if(k==16) B[i++]='G';            if(k==17) B[i++]='H';            if(k==18) B[i++]='I';            if(k==19) B[i++]='J';        }        n/=b;    }    int t=0,j;    for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--,t++)        C[j]=B[t];}int main() {    FILE *fin  = fopen ("", "r");    FILE *fout = fopen ("palsquare.out", "w");    int N;    fscanf(fin,"%d",&N);    int i,j;    for(i=1;i<=300;i++)    {        char B[25],C[25];        memset(B,'\0',sizeof(B));        memset(C,'\0',sizeof(C));        quare(i*i,N,B);        if(pal(B))        {            quare(i,N,C);//            printf("%d ",i);//            printf("%s %s\n",C,B);           fprintf(fout,"%s %s\n",C,B);        }    }    return 0;}


Dual Palindromes
Mario Cruz (Colombia) & Hugo Rickeboer (Argentina)

A number that reads the same from right to left as when read from left to right is called a palindrome. The number 12321 is a palindrome; the number 77778 is not. Of course, palindromes have neither leading nor trailing zeroes, so 0220 is not a palindrome.

The number 21 (base 10) is not palindrome in base 10, but the number 21 (base 10) is, in fact, a palindrome in base 2 (10101).

Write a program that reads two numbers (expressed in base 10):

  • N (1 <= N <= 15)
  • S (0 < S < 10000)
and then finds and prints (in base 10) the first N numbers strictly greater than S that are palindromic when written in two or more number bases (2 <= base <= 10).

Solutions to this problem do not require manipulating integers larger than the standard 32 bits.



A single line with space separated integers N and S.


3 25


N lines, each with a base 10 number that is palindromic when expressed in at least two of the bases 2..10. The numbers should be listed in order from smallest to largest.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file dualpal.out)


/*ID: youqihe1PROG: dualpalLANG: C++*/#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include<string.h>using namespace std;int pal(char A[]){    int len=strlen(A),i,j;    for(i=0;i<len/2;i++)        if(A[i]!=A[len-i-1])        return 0;    return 1;}void quare(int n,int b,char C[]){    int i=0;    char B[30];    memset(B,'\0',sizeof(B));    while(n)    {        int k=n%b;            B[i++]=k+'0';        n/=b;    }    int t=0,j;    for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--,t++)        C[j]=B[t];}int main() {    FILE *fin  = fopen ("", "r");    FILE *fout = fopen ("dualpal.out", "w");    int N,S;    fscanf(fin,"%d %d",&N,&S);    int i,j,k,num=0;    for(i=S+1;num<N;i++)    {        int sum=0;        for(k=2;k<=10;k++)        {            char B[30];            memset(B,'\0',sizeof(B));            quare(i,k,B);            if(pal(B))                sum++;            if(sum==2)            {                fprintf(fout,"%d\n",i);                num++;                break;            }        }    }    return 0;}

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