(5)风色从零单排《C++ Primer》 const,typedef,auto,decltype

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从零单排《C++ Primer》




//file_1.cc defines and initializes a const that is accessible to other filesextern const int bufSize = fcn();//file_1.hextern const int bufSize;//same bufSize as defined in file_1.cc

Exercuse 2.26 Which of the following are legal?For those that are illegal,explain why.(a)const int buf; //error must be initialized(b)int cnt = 0; //ok(c)const int sz = cnt; //ok(d)++cnt;++sz; // error sz is read-only


Top-Level const
int i =0;int *const p1 = &i; const int ci = 42;
Low-Level const
const int *p2 = &ci;//point to a const objectconst int &r = ci;//const in reference types is always low-level

low与top levelconst之间的复制会受到限制
const int *const p3 = p2;int *p = p3;//error:p3 has a low-level const but p doesn'tp2 = p3; //ok:p2 has the same low-level const qualification as p3p2 = &i; // ok:we can convert int* to const int*int &r = ci;//error:can;t bind an ordinary int& to a const int objectconst int &r2 = i; // ok:can bind const int& to plain int

Exercise 2.30 : For each of the following declarations indicate whether the object being declared has top-level or low-level const.const int v2 = 0; //topint v1 = v2; //nonconstint *p1 = &v1,&r1 = v1;//noneconstconst int *p2 = &v2, *const p3 = &i, &r2 = v2;//p2 is low-level,p3 is top-level, r2 is low-level

Exercise 2.31:    int i = 0;    const int v2 = 0; //top    int v1 = v2; //nonconst    int *p1 = &v1,&r1 = v1;//noneconst    const int *p2 = &v2, *const p3 = &i, &r2 = v2;//p2 is low-level,p3 is top-level, r2 is low-level        r1 = v2;//ok    p1 = p2; //error v2 is top-level    p2 = p1;//ok    p1 = p3;   //error p3 is top-level    p2 = p3;//ok

Constant 表达式以及 consterxpr

const int max_files = 20;//constant expressionconst int limit = max_files + 1; //limit is a constant expressionint staff_size = 27;//not a constant expressionconst int sz = get_size();//not a constant expression
constexpr int mf = 20; //20 is a constant expressionconstexpr int limit = mf + 1;mf + 1 is a constant expressionconstexpr int sz = size();//ok only if size is a constexpr function
constexpr int *q = nullptr;//q is a const pointer to int


typedef char *pstring;const pstring cstr = 0;//cstr is a constant pointer to cahrconst pstring *ps;//ps is a pointer to a constant pointer to char
using SI = Sales_item;


auto是一种推断类型。最多只能推断出low-level const。
auto i =0, *p = &i;// ok i is int and p is a pointer to intauto sz = 0,pi = 3.14;//error inconsistent types for sz and pi

//Exercise 2.33 Using the variable definitions from this section,determine what happens in each of these assignmentss:    int i =0, &r = i;    auto a = r;    const int ci = i, &cr = ci;    auto b = ci; //top-level const in ci is dropped    auto c = cr;    auto d = &i;    auto e = &ci;        const auto f = ci;    auto &g = ci;    const auto &j = 42;        a = 42; //ok    b = 42; //ok    c = 42; //ok    //d = 42; error int to int *    //e = 42; error int to int *    //g = 42; error read-only

//Exercise 2.35 Determine the types deduced in each of the following definitions.Once you've figured out the types, write a program to see whether you were correct.        const int i =42;    auto j = i;//int    const auto &k = i;//const int    auto *p = &i;//const int *    const auto j2 = i,&k2 = i;//const int, reference to const


decltype和auto累西,也是一种推断类型,但是它不需要像auto一样采取赋值初始化的方式来。可以推断出top-level const
decltype(f()) sum = x;// sum has whatever type f returnconst int ci = 0;decltype(ci) x = 0;//x has type const int
decltype((i)) d;// error remember that decltype((variable)) is always a reference type, but decltype(variable) is a reference type only if variable is a referencedecltype(i) e; // ok e is an (uninitialized) int

Exercise 2.36:int a = 3, b = 4;    decltype(a) c = a;// c is int    decltype((b)) d = a;//d is reference    ++c;    ++d;

Exercise 2.37:int a = 3, b = 4;    decltype(a) c = a;    decltype(a = b) d = a;//d也是引用,返回的事表达式左边的操作数的地址,也既是int &    ++c;    ++d;

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