来源:互联网 发布:淘宝详情自动生成鲁班 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:41


 Part1: Smc.jar state machine compiler usage


   (Updated February 16, 2015)

 1) show help:


$ java -jar ./Smc.jar -help

  2) generate java (c, cpp, js, python, object-c ...) classes from user_defined.sm file:


$ java -jar Smc.jar -c++ user_defined.sm
$ java -jar Smc.jar -graph -glevel 1 user_defined.sm

 A Filename.dot file also generated (Filename should replaced by actural dot filename).
$ java -jar ./Smc.jar -java7 user_defined.sm

3) generate a workflow map

You need graphviz installed first, and add path to .../bin/dot.exe into system environments. in my pc, that is:


   Now enter folder of Filename.dot generated in step 2), and type:

 $ dot Filename.dot -Tpng -o Filename.png

 Enjoy it!

 Part2: Example

1) user_defined.sm. The only file we should created by hands

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ColorTable.sm//   -- ColorTable State Map for C++ classes auto-generation//// 1) generate c++ classes://   $ java -jar Smc.jar -c++ ColorTable.sm//// 2) generate graphviz dot graph://   $ java -jar Smc.jar -graph -glevel 1 ColorTable.sm//// see also://   http://graphviz.org///// Author: cheungmine// Copyright 2015-?, All rights reserved./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////%class ColorTable%header ColorTable.h%start ColorTableMap::Shuffle%map ColorTableMap%%/*** State {*     Transition [Guard Condition]*         EndState {*             Action(s)*         }**     Transition [context.getOwner().is_valid()]*         EndState {*             Action(s)*         }*     ...* }*/ShuffleEntry {    enterShuffle();}Exit {    leaveShuffle();}{    Next [ context.getOwner().shuffleDone() ]        Swappable {//=>user swap actions        }}SwappableEntry {    enterSwappable();}Exit {    leaveSwappable();}{Next [context.getOwner().swapDone() && context.getOwner().canErase()]        Erasable {        }Next [context.getOwner().swapDone()]Shuffle {}}ErasableEntry {    enterErasable();}Exit {    leaveErasable();}{Next [ context.getOwner().eraseDone() ]        Collapse {        }}CollapseEntry {    enterCollapse();}Exit {    leaveCollapse();}{Next [context.getOwner().collapseDone() && context.getOwner().canErase()]Erasable {}Next [context.getOwner().collapseDone()]Crash {}}CrashEntry {    enterCrash();}Exit {    leaveCrash();}{    Next [ context.getOwner().crashDone() && context.getOwner().canErase() ]        Erasable {        }    Next [ context.getOwner().crashDone() ]        Swappable {//=>user swap actions        }}%%

2) generate all derived files(default is c++):

$ java -jar Smc.jar -graph -glevel 1 ColorTable.sm

3) generate flow map using graphviz:

$ dot ColorTable.dot -Tpng -o ColorTable.png

没图你说个毛! 下面上图:

Game Over!

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