ERROR: Partitioning option license required to run sessions with user-defined partition points.

来源:互联网 发布:数据库事务使用场景 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:20

I have created a session in which I have added an aggregator.  When I select the "Sorted Input" property, I get the following error:
ERROR: Partitioning option license required to run sessions with user-defined partition points.


you need access to the Administration Console or you can ask you Informatica Administrator to set it for you.

 For the Integration service, you are using, there are some Custom Properties that you can set (this property is at the bottom on the right side of the page for a given Integration Service you select on the left).

  add a Custom Property "AggSupprtWithNoPartLic" with the value "Yes" .  

When this parameter is enabled it will set the aggregator as a User Defined partition point so that the session will run successfully.

 Also, then you can used the Sorted Input enabled in the Aggregator transformation.



把union组件properties中required singer thread per partition默认的勾去掉



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