
来源:互联网 发布:uiautomator python 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:44

















不过它有个问题,UiAutomator limitation。你在使用dump获取当前UI信息的时候,如果太频繁就会崩。所以师兄后来看了androidviewclient的源码,我们自己写了我们需要的库。



import subprocess # class Deivceimport timeimport xml.etree.ElementTree as ETclass View(object):    def __init__(self, d):        '''        initalize with a dict obj        scrollable : bool, text: str        long_clickable : bool, focused: bool        checkable: bool, clickable: bool,         password: bool, classtype: (class)str e.g. TextView        index: int, checked: bool        package: str e.g.com.qiyi.video, selected: bool        enabled: bool, bounds: ((x1,y1),(x2,y2))        content_desc: str, resource_id: str e.g. com.qiyi.video:id/xxx        focusable: bool, naf: (NAF)(optional) bool        center: (x1, y1) center of bounds        '''        self.scrollable = True if d.get('scrollable')=='true' else False        self.text = d.get('text')        self.long_clickable = True if d.get('long-clickable')=='true' else False        self.focused = True if d.get('focused')=='true' else False        self.checkable = True if d.get('checkable')=='true' else False        self.clickable = True if d.get('clickable')=='true' else False        self.password = True if d.get('password')=='true' else False        self.classtype = (d.get('class')).replace('android.widget.','')        self.index = int(d.get('index'))        self.checked = True if d.get('checked')=='true' else False        self.package = d.get('package')        self.selected = True if d.get('selected')=='true' else False        self.enabled = True if d.get('enabled')=='true' else False        tmp = tuple((d.get('bounds')).strip('[]').split('][')) # ('1,2','3,4')        pos1, pos2 = tmp[0].split(','), tmp[1].split(',') # ['1','2']        self.bounds = (int(pos1[0]),int(pos1[1])), (int(pos2[0]),int(pos2[1]))        self.content_desc = d.get('content-desc')        self.resource_id = d.get('resource-id')        self.focusable = True if d.get('focusable')=='true' else False        self.naf = True if d.get('NAF')=='true' else False        (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = self.bounds         self.center = x1+(x2-x1)/2, y1+(y2-y1)/2def getDefaultConfig():    import configparser    cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser()    cfg.read('config.cfg')    dtype=cfg.get('device','type')    height = cfg.get(dtype, 'height')    width = cfg.get(dtype, 'width')    go2appspos =  tuple((cfg.get(dtype, 'go2appspos')).split(','))    appspos = tuple((cfg.get(dtype, 'appspos')).split(','))    welcomepos =  tuple((cfg.get(dtype, 'welcomepos')).split(','))    default_apps = (cfg.get(dtype, 'apps')).split(',')    default_pkgs = (cfg.get(dtype, 'pkg')).split(',')    config = {         'height':height,        'width':width,        'go2appspos':go2appspos,        'appspos':appspos,        'welcomepos':welcomepos,        'default_apps':default_apps,        'default_pkgs':default_pkgs    }       return configclass Device(object):    def __init__(self, sno, config=getDefaultConfig()):        '''        '''         self.sno = sno        self.height =int(config['height'])        self.width = int(config['width'])        self.welcomepos = config['welcomepos']        self.go2appspos = config['go2appspos']        self.appspos=config['appspos']        self.default_apps = config['default_apps']        self.default_pkgs = config['default_pkgs']        self.adbshellpf = 'adb -s '+self.sno+' shell '        self.adbpf = 'adb -s '+self.sno+' '    @staticmethod    def shell(cmd, runtime):        res = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, timeout=runtime)        return res    def parseDump2vl(self, fpath):        '''parse dump to view-list([view,...])'''         tree = ET.parse(fpath)        vl = []        for e in tree.iter():            if e.tag == 'hierarchy':                continue            vl.append(View(e.attrib))        return vl     def dump(self, filepath='', savefile=False):        '''get list of view from current ui            return [ view, ...]'''        if filepath == '':            fpath = '/tmp/trafficgen/'+self.sno+'/uidump.xml'        else:            fpath = filepath        t = 1        for chance in range(6):            time.sleep(t-1) # '-1': no wait for first attempt of dump            try:                cmd = self.adbshellpf+' uiautomator dump --compressed'                self.shell(cmd, 10)                cmd = self.adbpf+' pull /storage/sdcard/window_dump.xml '+fpath                self.shell(cmd, 10)            except:                if(chance == 5):                    if not savefile:                        cmd = 'rm '+fpath                        self.shell(cmd, 10)                    print('dump failed')                    raise                t *= 2            else:                break            finally:                cmd = self.adbshellpf+' rm /storage/sdcard/window_dump.xml'                self.shell(cmd, 10)         vl = self.parseDump2vl(fpath)#default: /tmp/trafficgen/sno/dumpui.xml        if not savefile:            cmd = 'rm '+fpath            self.shell(cmd, 10)        return vl    def tap(self, pos, waittime=0):        '''pos: (x, y), sleeptime: sleep time'''        x, y = pos        cmd = self.adbshellpf+' input tap '+str(x)+' '+str(y)        self.shell(cmd, 10)        if waittime > 0:            time.sleep(waittime)    def swipe(self, startpos, endpos, duration=512):        '''startpos, endpos : (x1,y1),(x2,y2)'''        x1, y1 = startpos        x2, y2 = endpos        x1,y1,x2,y2,duration = str(x1),str(y1),str(x2),str(y2),str(duration)        cmd = self.adbshellpf+' input swipe '+' '.join((x1,y1,x2,y2,duration))        self.shell(cmd, 10)    def swipeLeft(self):        margin = self.width/10        w,h = self.width, self.height        startpos, endpos = (w-margin, h/2),(margin, h/2)        self.swipe(startpos, endpos, 200)    def swipeRight(self):        margin = self.width/10        w,h = self.width, self.height        endpos, startpos = (w-margin, h/2),(margin, h/2)        self.swipe(startpos, endpos, 200)    def swipeUp(self):        margin = self.height/5        w,h = self.width, self.height        startpos, endpos = (w/2, h - margin), (w/2, margin)        self.swipe(startpos, endpos, 200)    def swipeDown(self):        margin = self.height/5        w,h = self.width, self.height        endpos, startpos = (w/2, h - margin), (w/2, margin)        self.swipe(startpos, endpos, 200)    def inputText(self, msg):        '''        adb shell input text msg        msg only accept [0-9][a-zA-Z]|@|.        space no supported        '''        cmd = self.adbshellpf+' input text '+msg        self.shell(cmd, 10)     def screencap(self, filepath='.'):        '''        adb shell screencap /storage/sdcard/sc.png        adb pull /storage/sdcard/sc.png filepath        filepath: local file path e.g. ./dir/screen.png        '''        remotefile = '/storage/sdcard/sc.png'        cmd = self.adbshellpf+' screencap '+remotefile        self.shell(cmd, 10)        cmd = self.adbpf+' pull '+remotefile+' '+filepath        self.shell(cmd, 10)    def go2home(self):        """input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME"""        cmd = self.adbshellpf+' input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME'        self.shell(cmd, 10)        time.sleep(1)        def go2apps(self):        self.tap(self.go2appspos, 1)    def installApp(self, fpath):        cmd = self.adbpf + ' install '+ fpath        self.shell(cmd, 60)     def getOne3rdPartyApp(self):        """return 1 user-installed 3rd party package            return: None | pkg name"""        cmd = self.adbshellpf + " pm list packages -3 "        tmp_res = self.shell(cmd, 30)        tmp_res = tmp_res.split('\r\n')        for line in list(tmp_res): # x86 img contain WARNING msg            if ('WARNING' in line) or ('' == line):                tmp_res.remove(line)        res = None        for entry in tmp_res:            pkg = (entry.split(':'))[1]            if pkg not in self.default_pkgs:                res = pkg         return res     def uninstallApp(self):        """uninstall the only package pkg             do nothing | remove the pkg"""        pkg_name = self.getOne3rdPartyApp()        if(pkg_name == None):            return False        cmd = self.adbpf + " uninstall " + pkg_name        self.shell(cmd, 60)        return True    def startApp(self):        '''precondition: at Apps page        start new installed app'''        flag = False        self.tap(self.appspos, 1)        self.swipeRight()        for pageindex in range(2):            vl = self.dump()            for v in vl:                if ('TextView' == v.classtype) and \                    (v.text not in self.default_apps):                    flag = True                    self.tap(v.center, 1)                    return flag            self.swipeLeft()        return flag    def forcestopApp(self):        """force stop app by pkg-name adb shell am force-stop pkg-name"""        flag = False        pkg = self.getOne3rdPartyApp()        if pkg == None:            return flag        cmd = self.adbshellpf + " am force-stop " + pkg        self.shell(cmd, 10)        flag = True        return flag    def cleanupSdcard(self):        '''        rm -r /storage/sdcard/*        mkdir /storage/sdcard/D1 ...        '''        sdir = '/storage/sdcard/'        dirs1 = ['Alarms','DCIM','Download','LOST.DIR']        dirs2 = ['Movies','Music','Notifications']        dirs3 = ['Pictures','Podcasts','Ringtones']        dirs = dirs1+dirs2+dirs3        cmd = '; mkdir '        for d in dirs:            d = sdir+d+' '            cmd += d        cmd = ' rm -r '+sdir+'* '+cmd        cmd = self.adbshellpf+" '"+cmd+"'"        self.shell(cmd, 10)    def skipWelcomeMsg(self):        self.tap(self.welcomepos, 2)        self.go2apps()        self.tap(self.welcomepos, 5)        self.go2home()def startadbserv():    cmd = 'adb  start-server'    subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, timeout=30)def stopadbserv():    cmd = 'adb kill-server'    subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, timeout=30)    if __name__=='__main__':    sno = 'emulator-5554'    device = Device(sno)

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