
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝盗图处罚扣分吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 13:06
</pre><pre name="code" class="csharp">在网上找的代码,经过自己的修改~为了避免自己忘记,在这里mark一下~
 public void openshp()        {             string filename = null;            //Geomtry = new List<ESRI_POINT>();            OpenFileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog();            openDialog.Filter = "shape files (*.shp)|*.shp|All files (*.*)|*.*";            openDialog.FilterIndex = 1;            openDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;            if (openDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)                filename = openDialog.FileName;            string pathnode = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);            filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);            string shpfilepath = pathnode + "\\" + filename + ".shp";            string shxfilepath = pathnode + "\\" + filename + ".shx";            try            {                //先读取.shx文件,得到文件的总字节长度    @"E:\素材\墨西哥Shp数据(ArcGIS)\" +                FileStream fs = new FileStream(shxfilepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);                //文件流形式                   BinaryReader BinaryFile = new BinaryReader(fs); //二进制读取文件的对象                   long BytesSum = fs.Length; //得到文件的字节总长                   int shapecount = (int)(BytesSum - 100) / 8; //得以总记录数目                      BinaryFile.Close();                fs.Close();                //打开shp文件                if (shxfilepath == "")                {                    //  MessageBox.Show("索引文件打开出错");                    return;                }                //打开.shp文件,读取x,y坐标的信息                fs = new FileStream(shpfilepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);   //文件流形式                BinaryFile = new BinaryReader(fs);     //打开二进制文件                   BinaryFile.ReadBytes(32);  //先读出36个字节,紧接着是Box边界合                int shapetype = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                double Left = BinaryFile.ReadDouble(); //读出整个shp图层的边界合                   double Bottom = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                double Right = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                double Top = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                BinaryFile.ReadBytes(32);  //   shp中尚未使用的边界盒                    //Get Shape Data From Here On                int stype;                double x, y;                double left, right, top, bottom;                int partcount;                int pointcount;                switch (shapetype)                {                    case 1://single point                        // geolayer.shapeType = CGConstants.CGShapeType.SHAPE_POINT;                        for (int i = 0; i < shapecount; i++)                        {                            // CGGeoShape.CGGeoPoint gps = new CGGeoShape.CGGeoPoint();                            ESRI_POINT shapPoint = new ESRI_POINT();                            BinaryFile.ReadBytes(12); //记录头8个字节和一个int(4个字节)的shapetype                            /* stype = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                                                               if (stype != shapetype)                                 continue;                             */                            x = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            y = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            shapPoint.objectID = i;                            shapPoint.objectUID = i;                            shapPoint.x = x;                            shapPoint.y = y;                            shapPoint.z = 0;                            //gps.envlope.left = gps.x;                            //gps.envlope.right = gps.x;                            //gps.envlope.top = gps.y;                            //gps.envlope.bottom = gps.y;                            //geolayer.getDataContainer().Add(gps);                            Geomtry_Point.Add(shapPoint);                        }                        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("point.txt");                        foreach (ESRI_POINT p in Geomtry_Point)                        {                            sw.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2} ", p.x, -1 * p.y, 0);                        }                        sw.Close();                        break;                    case 8://multi points layer                        break;                    case 3://Polyline layer                        //  geolayer.shapeType = CGConstants.CGShapeType.SHAPE_LINE;                        for (int i = 0; i < shapecount; i++)                        {                            // geolayer.getAttributeContainer().Add(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0]);      //read out the attribute step by step                            ESRI_POLYLINE shapePolyline = new ESRI_POLYLINE();                            BinaryFile.ReadBytes(12);//记录头8个字节和一个int(4个字节)的shapetype                            // int pos = indexRecs[i].Offset+8;                            // bb0.position(pos);                            // stype = bb0.getInt();                            // if (stype!=nshapetype){                            // continue;                            // }                            //获得图形外边框                            left = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            bottom = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            right = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            top = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            partcount = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                            pointcount = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                            int[] parts = new int[partcount];                            int[] partspos = new int[partcount];                            double[] xpoints = new double[pointcount];                            double[] ypoints = new double[pointcount];                            double[] zpoints = new double[pointcount];                            //firstly read out parts begin pos in file                            //节点开始位置                            for (int j = 0; j < partcount; j++)                            {                                parts[j] = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                            }                            //shift them to be points count included in parts                            if (partcount > 0)                                partspos[0] = 0;                            int newpos = 0;                            for (int j = 0; j <= partcount - 2; j++)                            {                                parts[j] = parts[j + 1] - parts[j];                                newpos += parts[j];                                partspos[j + 1] = newpos;                            }                            parts[partcount - 1] = pointcount - parts[partcount - 1];                            //read out coordinates                            //读坐标                            for (int j = 0; j < pointcount; j++)                            {                                x = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                                y = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                                xpoints[j] = x;                                ypoints[j] = y;                                zpoints[j] = 0;                            }                            if (pointcount > 1)                            {                                //CGGeoShape.CGGeoLine gl = new CGGeoShape.CGGeoLine(xpoints, ypoints, zpoints, parts, partspos, pointcount, partcount);                                //gl.envlope.left = left;                                //gl.envlope.right = right;                                //gl.envlope.top = top;                                //gl.envlope.bottom = bottom;                                //gl.objectID = i;                                //gl.objectUID = i;                                //geolayer.getDataContainer().Add(gl);                                shapePolyline.OID = i;                                shapePolyline.XPOINTS = xpoints;                                shapePolyline.YPOINTS = ypoints;                            }                            Geomtry_Line.Add(shapePolyline);                        }                        StreamWriter sw2 = new StreamWriter("line.txt");                        count = 1;                        foreach (ESRI_POLYLINE p in Geomtry_Line)                        {                            sw2.WriteLine("{0} ", p.OID);                            int number = p.XPOINTS.Length;                            for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)                            {                                sw2.WriteLine("{0}  ,{1}", p.XPOINTS[i], -1 * p.YPOINTS[i]);                            }                        }                        sw2.Close();                        break;                    case 5://Polygon layer                         for (int i = 0; i < shapecount; i++)                        {                            ESRI_POLYGON shapePolygon = new ESRI_POLYGON();                            BinaryFile.ReadBytes(12); //记录头8个字节和一个int(4个字节)的shapetype                            left = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            bottom = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            right = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            top = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                            partcount = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                            pointcount = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                            int[] parts = new int[partcount];                            int[] partspos = new int[partcount];                            double[] xpoints = new double[pointcount];                            double[] ypoints = new double[pointcount];                            double[] zpoints = new double[pointcount];                            //firstly read out parts begin pos in file                             for (int j = 0; j < partcount; j++)                            {                                parts[j] = BinaryFile.ReadInt32();                            }                            //shift them to be points count included in parts                             if (partcount > 0)                                partspos[0] = 0;                            int newpos = 0;                            for (int j = 0; j <= partcount - 2; j++)                            {                                parts[j] = parts[j + 1] - parts[j];                                newpos += parts[j];                                partspos[j + 1] = newpos;                            }                            parts[partcount - 1] = pointcount - parts[partcount - 1];                            //读坐标                            for (int j = 0; j < pointcount; j++)                            {                                x = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                                y = BinaryFile.ReadDouble();                                xpoints[j] = x;                                ypoints[j] = y;                                zpoints[j] = 0;                            }                            if (pointcount > 1)                            {                                shapePolygon.OID = i;                                shapePolygon.XPOINTS = xpoints;                                shapePolygon.YPOINTS = ypoints;                            }                        }                        break;                    default:                        return;                }            }            catch (FileNotFoundException ee)            {                ee.ToString();            }            return;        }

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