
来源:互联网 发布:眼下有细纹怎么办 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:07

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-# _mysqlclass MySQL(object):    def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, db, charset, **kwargs):        self._host = host        self._user = user        self._passwd = passwd        self._db = db        self._charset = charset        self._kwargs = kwargs        self.connect()    def connect(self):        self._mysql = _mysql.connect(host=self._host, user=self._user, passwd=self._passwd, db=self._db)        self.autocommit()        self.set_charset()    def autocommit(self, option=True):        self._mysql.autocommit(option)    def set_charset(self, charset=None):        charset = charset or self._charset        self._mysql.set_character_set(charset)    def ping(self):    def select_db(self, db):        self._mysql.select_db(db)    def use_result(self):        return self._mysql.use_result()    def store_result(self):        return self._mysql.store_result()    def insert_id(self):        return self._mysql.insert_id()    def affected_rows(self):        return self._mysql.affected_rows()    def execute(self, sql):        try:          except _mysql.OperationalError:            self.connect()        res = None        try:            res = self._mysql.query(sql)        except _mysql.OperationalError as e:            args = [arg for arg in e.args]            args.append(sql)            raise _mysql.OperationalError(*args)        return res    def query(self, sql, how=1):        res = []        self.execute(sql)        result = self.store_result()        rows = result.fetch_row(maxrows=100, how=how)        while len(rows)>0:            res.extend(rows)            rows = result.fetch_row(maxrows=100, how=how)        return res    def select(self, sql, how=1):        self.execute(sql)        result = self.store_result()        rows = result.fetch_row(maxrows=100, how=how)        while len(rows)>0:            for row in rows:                yield row            rows = result.fetch_row(maxrows=100, how=how)    def insert(self, sql):        self.execute(sql)        return self.insert_id()    def update(self, sql):        self.execute(sql)        return self.affected_rows()    def delete(self, sql):        self.execute(sql)        return self.affected_rows()    def count(self, sql, field='NUM'):        return self.query(sql)[0][field]    @staticmethod    def escape_string(s):        if isinstance(s, (int, long, float)):            return str(s)        elif isinstance(s, unicode):            return "'%s'"%_mysql.escape_string(s.encode("UTF-8"))        elif isinstance(s, basestring):            return "'%s'"%_mysql.escape_string(s)        return ''    @staticmethod    def construct_where(where_dict={}):        if not where_dict:            return ' 1=1 '        if not isinstance(where_dict, dict):            raise ValueError("where_dict must be dict instance")        return ' AND '.join(["`%s`=%s"%(k, MySQL.escape_string(where_dict[k])) for k in where_dict.keys()])    @staticmethod    def construct_insert(table, value_dict):        if not (value_dict and isinstance(value_dict, dict)):            raise ValueError("value_dict must be dic instance")        sql = "INSERT INTO `{0}`({1}) VALUES ({2})"        keys = value_dict.keys()        fields = ','.join(["`%s`"%k for k in keys])        values = ','.join(["%s"%MySQL.escape_string(value_dict[k]) for k in keys])        return sql.format(table, fields, values)    @staticmethod    def construct_select(table, fields=['*'], where_dict={}):        sql = "SELECT {0} from `{1}` WHERE {2}"        fields = fields or ['*']        if not isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)):            fields = [fields]        fields = ','.join(fields)        where = MySQL.construct_where(where_dict)        return sql.format(fields, table, where)    @staticmethod    def construct_update(table, update_dict, where_dict={}):        sql = "UPDATE `{0}` SET {1} WHERE {2}"        values = ','.join(["`%s`=%s"%(k, MySQL.escape_string(update_dict[k])) for k in update_dict.keys()])        where = MySQL.construct_where(where_dict)        return sql.format(table, values, where)    @staticmethod    def construct_delete(table, where_dict={}):        sql = "DELETE FROM `{0}` WHERE {1}"        where = MySQL.construct_where(where_dict)        return sql.format(table, where)    @staticmethod    def construct_count(table, where_dict={}):        sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM `{0}` WHERE {1}"        where = MySQL.construct_where(where_dict)        return sql.format(table, where)

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