AutoReleasePool 和 ARC 以及Garbage Collection

来源:互联网 发布:mysql版本区别 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 13:36


autoreleasepool并不是总是被auto 创建,然后自动维护应用创建的对象。


 1. 使用NSThread的detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:方法创建新线程时,新线程自动带有autoreleasepool。

 2. Main thread of Cocoa Application



1. 在使用Dispatch Queue时, 虽然其Pool中每个thread都会有autoreleasepool,但是如果我们给的task每个都创建一些对象,并做autorelease,那若提交的task太多,比如有100000个,那在thread退出前,这些内存都无法释放,等于说有大量内存被占用而释放不了,也类似于leak了,所以这时,最好每个提交的task都有自己的autoreleasepool,task完成了,对象也释放了,下次再用,再分配,再释放。

2. 跟1类似的,如果没有函数内部有loop,并且每个loop都创建很多对象,如果希望这些对象早点释放,就可以自己创建autoreleasepool





#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#include <pthread.h>void dosth(void *p){    {        int it = 0;        while ( it < 10000)        {            [NSString stringWithCString:"ajeiauwirejafs" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];            it++;        }    }}void * dosth2(void *p){    {        int it = 0;        while ( it < 10000)        {            [NSString stringWithCString:"ajeiauwirejafs" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];            it++;        }    }    return NULL;}int main(int argc, const char * argv[]){    @autoreleasepool {        for (int i = 0; i<10000; i++) {            [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(dosth) toTarget:NULL withObject:NULL];            pthread_t pid;            pthread_create(&pid, NULL, dosth2,NULL);            sleep(10);        }        // insert code here...        NSLog(@"Hello, World!");            }            return 0;}


ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)

AutoReleasePool确实很好用,不过Apple更推荐ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)。本文的重点是能区分AutoReleasePool和ARC,并不详尽介绍ARC。

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objective-C objects. ARC works by adding code at compile time to ensure that objects live as long as necessary, but no longer. Conceptually, it follows the same memory management conventions as manual reference counting by adding the appropriate memory management calls for you.

也就是说ARC是由编译器在编译后的代码中假如retain/release的调用,编译器可以让临时对象的生命周期刚刚好,不会过早被release,也不会这个对象不再需要后很久才释放。概念上说,ARC跟手动管理一样的,但是实际上还是有很多差别的,比如:既然编译器会插入Release/Retain代码,那程序中就不允许调用retain,release, autorelease等方法了,不然就会造成内存管理的混乱,但是CFRelease,CFRetain还是可以用的【也就是说,ARC只管ObjectiveC那部分,而管不了C,CoreFoundation那部分】。Wiki上总结了在使用ARC时,有哪些API不可以调用,哪些又必须用。


“There is no casual casting between id and void *.

You must use special casts that tell the compiler about object lifetime. You need to do this to cast between Objective-C objects and Core Foundation types that you pass as function arguments”

也就是说在将OBJC object和CoreFoundation的对象之间Cast时,必须用特殊的cast操作符进行。

  • __bridge transfers a pointer between Objective-C and Core Foundation with no transfer of ownership.

  • __bridge_retained or CFBridgingRetain casts an Objective-C pointer to a Core Foundation pointer and also transfers ownership to you.

    You are responsible for calling CFRelease or a related function to relinquish ownership of the object.

  • __bridge_transfer or CFBridgingRelease moves a non-Objective-C pointer to Objective-C and also transfers ownership to ARC.

    ARC is responsible for relinquishing ownership of the object.

上面说ARC只管ObjC的对象,不管C/CF的对象,如果一个对象在CF中创建,要拿到ObjC中使用,如果希望ARC接管这个对象,那就使用__bridge_transfer or CFBridgingRelease,如果不希望由ARC接管,那就用__bridge。如果一个对象在ObjC中创建,要拿到CF中使用,并由CF/C释放,那就得使用__bridge_retained or CFBridgingRetain,如果还继续由ARC管理,就使用__bridge.



Garbage Collection

ObjC 2.0 provided an optional conservative, generational garbage collector. 如果enable了garbage collection,那么runtime会将retain/release转成空操作,所有的ObjC对象都可以被回收,而C的对象可以用__strong标记符让GC回收;A zero-ing weak subsystem was also provided such that pointers marked as "__weak" are set to zero when the object (or more simply, GC memory) is collected.但是GC在iOS上performance不好,从来都没有enable过,而且在OS X 10.8上也会设置为deprecated,将来会从OSX中移除。







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