operation on a share may take agreat influlence on both writi

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝的小米4全网通 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 08:14

I got a serious problem which puzzled me a long time.I found that if any operation like a click on a share which had a great deal of I/O per second may take a great infulence on both writing and reading. In order to show it clearly,I capture the net use cirumstance as the below picture.The infulence was marked by a red circle.

Here is the config file,  

security = user
server string = NAS server
workgroup = NASGROUP
realm = 
disable spoolss = Yes
directory mask = 0770
force directory mode = 0770
create mask = 0771
force create mode = 0760
force group = NASGROUP
map hidden = No
map system = No
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
force unknown acl user = Yes
deadtime = 15
netbios name = CLR-NASGROUP
clustering = Yes
idmap backend = tdb2
private dir = /root/lock

path = /volume1/share-xiang
valid users = xz  
write list = xz  
read only = Yes
guest ok = No  

From the source code,


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