unity3d开源Ultimate MMORPG插件技术文档渣翻译第3页

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝一件代发赚钱吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 05:17

 一直想弄个MMORPG ,发现了这个牛逼的插件,但我是小白,苦于网上没教程,就尝试下翻译技术文档,我技术渣英文渣,只求抛砖引玉引大神出来,有错欢迎指出来,我共享翻译文档,希望大神更正,我会在更正错误的地方打括号留下大神的名字重新上传翻译文档(:D)。






You can use simple mathematical operations in code and do anythingyou want with  them. To declare thevariable, write its type and then its name. All lines ends with «;» symbol. Youcan comment some useful information using «//».


C# code:

int x;


int y=3; // Itis a comment. Look, you can declare and bind a value at one time


int a, b; //You can declare a few variables of one type at the same time


a = (x * y)/2 -6; // Calculate anything you want


 But what will we do with our variables andcalculations? If you try to write a

C# script withthe previous text, the error will appeared. It will so because we need

a function,where the calculations will happen.


 Function is a place in thescript, where all events will happen. Unity has a few main functions that youneed to know:


1)     Awake — called one time beforethe game starts (all objects already initialized);


2) Start —called one time after Awake and before Update functions;


3) Update —called every frame. For instance can be used for translating a GameObject



4) OnGUI —called every frame. Using for graphic (buttons, labels, windows and etc.).


 So, we will use «Awake»function for our calculations. Every function is declared in the way like this:<type> <name> «() {  }». Thetype of our function will be «void» because it returns nothing. Create new C#script in Unity and called it as you want. Then delete green comments and twofunctions - Start and Update. And then write this between «{» and «}»:

   所以,我们将用Awake函数来计算。每个函数将会以如下方式申明:: <类型> <名字> «() {  }»。我们使用的函数类型是void型的,因为它返回空值。在Unity中创建一个c#脚本并取一个你喜欢的名字。然后删除绿色注释和2个函数-Start和Update。然后在两个括号之间写下如下代码:

C# code:

int x;    //Don’t copy «C# code:» 别复制c#code

void  Awake(){


 Debug.Log(«The result is:»+x);    // Method for debugging. It willwrite the

                               // result in theconsole调试方法。它的结果将被写在//console中。


If you writethis script right (you can just copy&past it), add this script to the MainCamera and press «Play» button, you will see the result in the consolewindow!You see, methods do something with variables.



«If» Statement       If语句

   Veryoften the action depends on variable. Or variable depends on another variable.(e.g. if health more than 0, the Player will be alive. In other way he willdie).To make this possible, «If» Statement exists.



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