来源:互联网 发布:淘宝水果店铺介绍 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 08:56


etcd 是一个应用在分布式环境下的 key/value 存储服务。利用 etcd 的特性,应用程序可以在集群中共享信息、配置或作服务发现,etcd 会在集群的各个节点中复制这些数据并保证这些数据始终正确。

etcd 提供了 REST API,允许客户端创建,更新和删除键。客户端还可以监听发生在特定键上的变化(客户端将被通知在该键上或者是键的目录的每次变化)。当创建一个键,客户端可以定义一个 TTL (存活时间),当客户端不再更新这个键的时候,它将会被自动清除,这个对于服务注册是非常有用的。


  • Raft:etcd所采用的保证分布式系统强一致性的算法。
  • Node:一个Raft状态机实例。
  • Member: 一个etcd实例。它管理着一个Node,并且可以为客户端请求提供服务。
  • Cluster:由多个Member构成可以协同工作的etcd集群。
  • Peer:对同一个etcd集群中另外一个Member的称呼。
  • Client: 向etcd集群发送HTTP请求的客户端。
  • Leader:Raft算法中通过竞选而产生的处理所有数据提交的节点。
  • Follower:竞选失败的节点作为Raft中的从属节点,为算法提供强一致性保证。
  • Candidate:当Follower超过一定时间接收不到Leader的心跳时转变为Candidate开始竞选。
  • Term:某个节点成为Leader到下一次竞选时间,称为一个Term。
  • Index:数据项编号。Raft中通过Term和Index来定位数据。



  • peer-urls:通常监听的端口为2380(老版本使用的端口为7001),包括所有已经在集群中正常工作的所有节点的地址。
  • client-urls:通常监听的端口为2379(老版本使用的端口为4001),为适应复杂的网络环境,新版etcd监听客户端请求的url从原来的1个变为现在可配置的多个。这样etcd可以配合多块网卡同时监听不同网络下的请求。

Service discovery tools manage how processes and services in a cluster can find and talk to one another. It involves a directory of services, registering services in that directory, and then being able to lookup and connect to services in that directory.

At its core, service discovery is about knowing when any process in the cluster is listening on a TCP or UDP port, and being able to look up and connect to that port by name.

etcd is a distributed, consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery.

It is used by Cloud Foundry, etc.

Etcd is an open-source distributed key-value store that serves as the backbone of distributed systems by providing a canonical hub for cluster coordination and state management – the systems source of truth. While etcd was built specifically for clusters running CoreOS, etcd works on a variety of operating systems including OS X, Linux, and BSD.

A distributed system needs a reliable coordination mechanism, so it’s important that this communication happen in a timely and reliable manner to keep everything running smoothly. In essence something has to manage the state of the cluster – the source of truth.

This is where etcd comes in.

Etcd is written in Go and uses the Raft protocol. Raft is a protocol for multiple nodes to maintain identical logs of state changing commands, and any node in a raft node may be treated as the master, and it will coordinate with the others to agree on which order state changes happen in.


1. etcd:

2. Service discovery:

3. A vivid demo for Raft:

node 指一个 raft 状态机实例。每个 node 都具有唯一的标识,并在处于 leader 状态时记录其它节点的步进数。

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