
来源:互联网 发布:回到明朝当王爷网络剧 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 01:28



declare cur_count cursor for select seqname, value from sys_sequence;

 (这里如果用到变量的话就直接 在数据库查,因为这里是在声明,你的任何变量现在都是没有值得)

open cur_count ;
fetch获得数据 给_seqname, _value
fetch cursor into _seqname, _value;
close cur_count ;


fetchSeqLoop:Loop fetch cursor into _seqname, _value; end Loop; 

现在是死循环,还没有退出的条件,那么在这里和oracle有区别,Oracle的PL/SQL的指针有个隐性变量%notfound,Mysql是通过一个Error handler的声明来进行判断的,
declare continue handler for Not found (do some action);
在Mysql里当游标遍历溢出时,会出现一个预定义的NOT FOUND的Error,我们处理这个Error并定义一个continue的handler就可以叻,关于Mysql Error handler可以查询Mysql手册定义一个flag,在NOT FOUND,标示Flag,在Loop里以这个flag为结束循环的判断就可以叻。

declare fetchSeqOk boolean; ## define the flag for loop judgement declare _seqname varchar(50); ## define the varient for store the data declare _value bigint(20); declare fetchSeqCursor cursor for select seqname, value from sys_sequence;## define the cursor declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set fetchSeqOk = true; ## define the continue handler for not found flag set fetchSeqOk = false; open fetchSeqCursor; fetchSeqLoop:Loop if fetchSeqOk then leave fetchSeqLoop; else fetch cursor into _seqname, _value; select _seqname, _value; end if; end Loop; close fetchSeqCursor; 

这就是一个完整的过程叻,那么会思考的人一般在这里都会思考,如果是这样的话,怎样做嵌套的游标循环叻,这里可以根据statement block的scope实现叻,Mysql里通过begin end来划分一个statement block,在block里定义的变量范围也在这个block里,所以关于嵌套的游标循环我们可以多加一个begin end来区分他们所对应的error handler(注意在Mysql里同一个error的handler只能定义一次,多定义的话,在compile的过程中会提示里duplicate handler defination,所以NOT FOUND的handler就只能定义一次),在一个begin end里定义这个里面游标的NOT FOUND handler,

declare fetchSeqOk boolean; ## define the flag for loop judgement declare _seqname varchar(50); ## define the varient for store the data declare _value bigint(20); declare fetchSeqCursor cursor for select seqname, value from sys_sequence;## define the cursor declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set fetchSeqOk = true; ## define the continue handler for not found flag set fetchSeqOk = false; open fetchSeqCursor; fetchSeqLoop:Loop if fetchSeqOk then leave fetchSeqLoop; else fetch cursor into _seqname, _value; begin declare fetchSeqOk boolean default 'inner'; declare cursor2 cursor for select .... from ...;## define the cursor declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set fetchSeqOk = true; ## define the continue handler for n ot set fetchSeqOk = false; open cursor2; fetchloop2 loop if fetchSeqOk then else end if; end loop; close cursor2; end; end if; end Loop; close fetchSeqCursor; 


begin #声明一个变量用于while循环DECLARE i int;declare fetchSeqOk boolean; declare pid int;   #声明一个游标declare  cur_count cursor for select  object_id from mot_term_relationships where term_taxonomy_id = (select term_taxonomy_id   from mot_term_taxonomy  where term_id=old.term_id);declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set fetchSeqOk = true; #define the continue handler for not found flag ;set fetchSeqOk = false; /*得到删除term的父类  @parentId 父类的term_id*/select parent into @parentId   from mot_term_taxonomy  where term_id=old.term_id;#你删除的term对应的term_taxonomy_id     @term_taxonomy_id_oldselect term_taxonomy_id into @term_taxonomy_id_old  from mot_term_taxonomy  where term_id=old.term_id;if @parentId != '0'  then /*得到父类对应的term_taxonomy_Id,赋值给被删除term的文章,吧term对应的文章移动到它对应的父类下    @term_taxonomy_id_new 父类的term_taxonomy_id*/select  term_taxonomy_id  into @term_taxonomy_id_new  from mot_term_taxonomy  where term_id=@parentId;/*如果这个term有子分类 子分类的级别分别向上提一级,就是他的第一级子分类的parent id改为删除term的parent id*/update mot_term_taxonomy set parent=@parentId where parent=old.term_id;/*把term对应的文章移动到它对应的父类下*/ /*循环查出这个分类对应的文章*/#打开游标open cur_count;#游标循环cur_count:LOOPFETCH cur_count INTO pid; #游标出口if fetchSeqOk THEN  leave cur_count;   #利用游标做的操作else /*判断父类是否已经有这篇文章了如果有了就不给做任何操作,如果没有则可以需改(不然会出现主键重复的问题)*/  select count(*) into @count from mot_term_relationships  where term_taxonomy_id =@term_taxonomy_id_new and object_id=pid;  IF  @count<>1 THENupdate mot_term_relationships set term_taxonomy_id = @term_taxonomy_id_new where term_taxonomy_id = @term_taxonomy_id_old and object_id=pid;  end if;end if;end LOOP;CLOSE cur_count;else  /*如果对应的parent id为0 则移动到默认分类下。*/ /*从option表中查出默认分类的term_id*/ select option_value into @term_id_def from mot_options where option_name='default_category'; /*根据查出来的term_id 查出对应的term_taxonomy_id */ select  term_taxonomy_id into @term_taxonomy_id_new  from mot_term_taxonomy  where term_id=@term_id_def ; /*如果这个term有子分类 子分类的级别分别向上提一级,就是他的第一级子分类的parent id改为删除term的parent id*/ update mot_term_taxonomy set parent=@parentId where parent=old.term_id; /*把对应的post移动到默认分类下。*/ update mot_term_relationships set term_taxonomy_id = @term_taxonomy_id_new where term_taxonomy_id=@term_taxonomy_id_old;end if;         /*对应删除mot_term_taxonomy 的记录*/        delete from mot_term_taxonomy   where  term_id=old.term_id;end

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