1001. A+B Format (20)

来源:互联网 发布:独立电影节知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 11:45

Calculate a + b and output the sum in standard format -- that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits).


Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains a pair of integers a and b where -1000000 <= a, b <= 1000000. The numbers are separated by a space.


For each test case, you should output the sum of a and b in one line. The sum must be written in the standard format.

Sample Input
-1000000 9
Sample Output


#include<iostream>#include<vector>#include<stack>using namespace std;int  main(){stack<char> v;int a,b;cin>>a>>b;int c=a+b;int sign=0;if(c==0){cout<<"0"<<endl;return 0;}if(c<0){sign=1;c=0-c;}int count=0;int flag=0;while(c>0){int temp=c%10;count++;v.push(temp+48);if(count%3==0 && count>0){flag++;    v.push(44);}c=c/10;}if((v.size()-flag)%3==0)v.pop();if(sign==1){cout<<'-';}while(!v.empty()){cout<<v.top();v.pop();}system("pause");return 0;}

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