
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么给苹果充值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 03:18


但是是在非 WEB 项目下运行,但我们公司项目需求是web项目下解析apk安装包信息,然后供其他系统调用时候参考apk是不是需要升级,所有不能够用网络上的代码,和jar包来解析,通过自己改装,基本能满足需求,下面是代码:

特别注意:这里需要一个appt.exe的可执行文件需要放在C:/   盘下,也可以自己指定目录位置。

package cn.testApk;/* * @(#)       version: 1.0  * Date:2012-1-10 * * Copyright (c) 2011 CFuture09, Institute of Software,  * Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, GuangDong, China. * All rights reserved. */import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;/** * <B>ApkInfo</B> * <p> * 该类封装了一个Apk的信息。包括版本号,支持平台,图标,名称,权限,所需设备特性等。 * </p> *  * @author CFuture.Geek_Soledad( */public class ApkInfo {public static final String APPLICATION_ICON_120 = "application-icon-120";public static final String APPLICATION_ICON_160 = "application-icon-160";public static final String APPLICATION_ICON_240 = "application-icon-240";public static final String APPLICATION_ICON_320 = "application-icon-320";/** * apk内部版本号 */private String versionCode = null;/** * apk外部版本号 */private String versionName = null;/** * apk的包名 */private String packageName = null;/** * 支持的android平台最低版本号 */private String minSdkVersion = null;/** * apk所需要的权限 */private List<String> usesPermissions = null;/** * 支持的SDK版本。 */private String sdkVersion;/** * 建议的SDK版本 */private String targetSdkVersion;/** * 应用程序名 */private String applicationLable;/** * 各个分辨率下的图标的路径。 */private Map<String, String> applicationIcons;/** * 程序的图标。 */private String applicationIcon;/** * 暗指的特性。 */private List<ImpliedFeature> impliedFeatures;/** * 所需设备特性。 */private List<String> features;public ApkInfo() {this.usesPermissions = new ArrayList<String>();this.applicationIcons = new HashMap<String, String>();this.impliedFeatures = new ArrayList<ImpliedFeature>();this.features = new ArrayList<String>();}/** * 返回版本代码。 *  * @return 版本代码。 */public String getVersionCode() {return versionCode;}/** * @param versionCode *            the versionCode to set */public void setVersionCode(String versionCode) {this.versionCode = versionCode;}/** * 返回版本名称。 *  * @return 版本名称。 */public String getVersionName() {return versionName;}/** * @param versionName *            the versionName to set */public void setVersionName(String versionName) {this.versionName = versionName;}/** * 返回支持的最小sdk平台版本。 *  * @return the minSdkVersion */public String getMinSdkVersion() {return minSdkVersion;}/** * @param minSdkVersion *            the minSdkVersion to set */public void setMinSdkVersion(String minSdkVersion) {this.minSdkVersion = minSdkVersion;}/** * 返回包名。 *  * @return 返回的包名。 */public String getPackageName() {return packageName;}public void setPackageName(String packageName) {this.packageName = packageName;}/** * 返回sdk平台版本。 *  * @return */public String getSdkVersion() {return sdkVersion;}public void setSdkVersion(String sdkVersion) {this.sdkVersion = sdkVersion;}/** * 返回所建议的SDK版本。 *  * @return */public String getTargetSdkVersion() {return targetSdkVersion;}public void setTargetSdkVersion(String targetSdkVersion) {this.targetSdkVersion = targetSdkVersion;}/** * 返回所需的用户权限。 *  * @return */public List<String> getUsesPermissions() {return usesPermissions;}public void setUsesPermissions(List<String> usesPermission) {this.usesPermissions = usesPermission;}public void addToUsesPermissions(String usesPermission) {this.usesPermissions.add(usesPermission);}/** * 返回程序的名称标签。 *  * @return */public String getApplicationLable() {return applicationLable;}public void setApplicationLable(String applicationLable) {this.applicationLable = applicationLable;}/** * 返回应用程序的图标。 *  * @return */public String getApplicationIcon() {return applicationIcon;}public void setApplicationIcon(String applicationIcon) {this.applicationIcon = applicationIcon;}/** * 返回应用程序各个分辨率下的图标。 *  * @return */public Map<String, String> getApplicationIcons() {return applicationIcons;}public void setApplicationIcons(Map<String, String> applicationIcons) {this.applicationIcons = applicationIcons;}public void addToApplicationIcons(String key, String value) {this.applicationIcons.put(key, value);}public void addToImpliedFeatures(ImpliedFeature impliedFeature) {this.impliedFeatures.add(impliedFeature);}/** * 返回应用程序所需的暗指的特性。 *  * @return */public List<ImpliedFeature> getImpliedFeatures() {return impliedFeatures;}public void setImpliedFeatures(List<ImpliedFeature> impliedFeatures) {this.impliedFeatures = impliedFeatures;}/** * 返回应用程序所需的特性。 *  * @return */public List<String> getFeatures() {return features;}public void setFeatures(List<String> features) {this.features = features;}public void addToFeatures(String feature) {this.features.add(feature);}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "ApkInfo [versionCode=" + versionCode + ",\n versionName="+ versionName + ",\n packageName=" + packageName+ ",\n minSdkVersion=" + minSdkVersion + ",\n usesPermissions="+ usesPermissions + ",\n sdkVersion=" + sdkVersion+ ",\n targetSdkVersion=" + targetSdkVersion+ ",\n applicationLable=" + applicationLable+ ",\n applicationIcons=" + applicationIcons+ ",\n applicationIcon=" + applicationIcon+ ",\n impliedFeatures=" + impliedFeatures + ",\n features="+ features + "]";}}

package cn.testApk;/* * @(#)       version: 0.2.1  * Date:2012-1-9 * * Copyright (c) 2011 CFuture09, Institute of Software,  * Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, GuangDong, China. * All rights reserved. */import;import;import;import;import;/** * apk工具类。封装了获取Apk信息的方法。 *  * @author CFuture.Geek_Soledad( *  *         <p> *         <b>version description</b><br /> *         V0.2.1 修改程序名字为从路径中获得。 *         </p> */public class ApkUtil {public static final String VERSION_CODE = "versionCode";public static final String VERSION_NAME = "versionName";public static final String SDK_VERSION = "sdkVersion";public static final String TARGET_SDK_VERSION = "targetSdkVersion";public static final String USES_PERMISSION = "uses-permission";public static final String APPLICATION_LABEL = "application-label";public static final String APPLICATION_ICON = "application-icon";public static final String USES_FEATURE = "uses-feature";public static final String USES_IMPLIED_FEATURE = "uses-implied-feature";public static final String SUPPORTS_SCREENS = "supports-screens";public static final String SUPPORTS_ANY_DENSITY = "supports-any-density";public static final String DENSITIES = "densities";public static final String PACKAGE = "package";public static final String APPLICATION = "application:";private ProcessBuilder mBuilder;private static final String SPLIT_REGEX = "(: )|(=')|(' )|'";private static final String FEATURE_SPLIT_REGEX = "(:')|(',')|'";/** * aapt所在的目录。 */private String mAaptPath = "c:/aapt";  //<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-size:32px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">// 特别注意:</span><u>这里需要一个appt.exe的可执行文件需要放在C:/</u></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-size:32px;"><u>//   盘下,也可以自己指定目录位置。</u></span></span></p>public ApkUtil() {mBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();mBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true);}/** * 返回一个apk程序的信息。 *  * @param apkPath *            apk的路径。 * @return apkInfo 一个Apk的信息。 */public ApkInfo getApkInfo(String apkPath) throws Exception {Process process = mBuilder.command(mAaptPath, "d", "badging", apkPath).start();InputStream is = null;is = process.getInputStream();BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "utf8"));String tmp = br.readLine();try {if (tmp == null || !tmp.startsWith("package")) {throw new Exception("参数不正确,无法正常解析APK包。输出结果为:" + tmp + "...");}ApkInfo apkInfo = new ApkInfo();do {setApkInfoProperty(apkInfo, tmp);} while ((tmp = br.readLine()) != null);return apkInfo;} catch (Exception e) {throw e;} finally {process.destroy();closeIO(is);closeIO(br);}}/** * 设置APK的属性信息。 *  * @param apkInfo * @param source */private void setApkInfoProperty(ApkInfo apkInfo, String source) {if (source.startsWith(PACKAGE)) {splitPackageInfo(apkInfo, source);} else if (source.startsWith(SDK_VERSION)) {apkInfo.setSdkVersion(getPropertyInQuote(source));} else if (source.startsWith(TARGET_SDK_VERSION)) {apkInfo.setTargetSdkVersion(getPropertyInQuote(source));} else if (source.startsWith(USES_PERMISSION)) {apkInfo.addToUsesPermissions(getPropertyInQuote(source));} else if (source.startsWith(APPLICATION_LABEL)) {apkInfo.setApplicationLable(getPropertyInQuote(source));} else if (source.startsWith(APPLICATION_ICON)) {apkInfo.addToApplicationIcons(getKeyBeforeColon(source),getPropertyInQuote(source));} else if (source.startsWith(APPLICATION)) {String[] rs = source.split("( icon=')|'");apkInfo.setApplicationIcon(rs[rs.length - 1]);} else if (source.startsWith(USES_FEATURE)) {apkInfo.addToFeatures(getPropertyInQuote(source));} else if (source.startsWith(USES_IMPLIED_FEATURE)) {apkInfo.addToImpliedFeatures(getFeature(source));} else {//System.out.println(source);}}private ImpliedFeature getFeature(String source) {String[] result = source.split(FEATURE_SPLIT_REGEX);ImpliedFeature impliedFeature = new ImpliedFeature(result[1], result[2]);return impliedFeature;}/** * 返回出格式为name: 'value'中的value内容。 *  * @param source * @return */private String getPropertyInQuote(String source) {return source.substring(source.indexOf("'") + 1, source.length() - 1);}/** * 返回冒号前的属性名称 *  * @param source * @return */private String getKeyBeforeColon(String source) {return source.substring(0, source.indexOf(':'));}/** * 分离出包名、版本等信息。 *  * @param apkInfo * @param packageSource */private void splitPackageInfo(ApkInfo apkInfo, String packageSource) {String[] packageInfo = packageSource.split(SPLIT_REGEX);apkInfo.setPackageName(packageInfo[2]);apkInfo.setVersionCode(packageInfo[4]);apkInfo.setVersionName(packageInfo[6]);}/** * 释放资源。 *  * @param c *            将关闭的资源 */private final void closeIO(Closeable c) {if (c != null) {try {c.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}public static void main(String[] args) {try {String demo = "E:/androidApk/2012/05/百宝工具箱/1.0/signed/Toolbox-360.apk";if (args.length > 0) {demo = args[0];}ApkInfo apkInfo = new ApkUtil().getApkInfo(demo);System.out.println(apkInfo);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public String getmAaptPath() {return mAaptPath;}public void setmAaptPath(String mAaptPath) {this.mAaptPath = mAaptPath;}}


/* * @(#)       Project:androidUtil * Date:2012-11-7 * * Copyright (c) 2011 CFuture09, Institute of Software,  * Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, GuangDong, China. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package cn.testApk;/** * @author Geek_Soledad ( */public class ImpliedFeature {/** * 要的设备特性名称。 */private String feature;/** * 表明所需特性的内容。 */private String implied;public ImpliedFeature() {super();}public ImpliedFeature(String feature, String implied) {super();this.feature = feature;this.implied = implied;}public String getFeature() {return feature;}public void setFeature(String feature) {this.feature = feature;}public String getImplied() {return implied;}public void setImplied(String implied) {this.implied = implied;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Feature [feature=" + feature + ", implied=" + implied + "]";}}


package cn.testApk;import cn.testApk.ApkInfo;public class APKtest {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String apkPath = "D:\\upload\\apk\\2015-06-09\\WeChart.apk";ApkUtil  apkutil = new ApkUtil();ApkInfo apkInfo2 = apkutil.getApkInfo(apkPath);String versionCode = apkInfo2.getVersionCode(); // 版本号        String versionName = apkInfo2.getVersionName(); //版本名        String packageName = apkInfo2.getPackageName(); //包名                System.out.println("版本号:"+versionCode);        System.out.println("版本名:"+versionName);        System.out.println("包名:"+packageName);}}


这个代码是网站上找的,不是原创,但是是自己改装的,所以大家别喷,能用上就自己做做测试吧,不正之处请矫正,谢谢,本人邮箱 要源码可以联系我。

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