
来源:互联网 发布:网红用的相机软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 01:13








视频1、2:变化背景,低分辨率图像上检测运动飞机 (结果已经上传到CSDN资源,点击图像打开资源页)






/* File: trajectory_search.cpp */#include <vector>using namespace std;struct Candidate // target candidate{float x, y, gray;};struct SearchTemporary // temporary for searchTraces(){float x, y, gray;float vx, vy, v2;};//---------------------------------------------------------------// Exhaustive search with pruningvoid  yuTrajectorySearch_V0(vector< vector<Candidate>* > &candidates, // input, each candidate is a 3-tuple <x,y,gray>vector< vector<int> > &validPaths, // output, each path is a series of candidate indexfloat thresh_dGray, // input, thresh for gray differencefloat thresh_minVelocity, // input, thresh for min velocityfloat thresh_maxVelocity, // input, thresh for max velocityfloat thresh_cosTheta // input, thresh for included angles of consecutive velocities){const int numFrames = candidates.size();vector<int> numCandidates( numFrames );for( int i=0; i<numFrames; i++ )numCandidates[i] = candidates[i]->size();vector<int> onePath( numFrames, 0 );vector<Candidate> pathInfo( numFrames );float dgray, dx, dy, dv2, DX, DY, DV2;const float thresh_minVelocity2 = thresh_minVelocity * thresh_minVelocity;const float thresh_maxVelocity2 = thresh_maxVelocity * thresh_maxVelocity;while(1){for( int i=0; i<numFrames; i++ ){int idxi = onePath[i];pathInfo[i] = (*candidates[i])[idxi];}//int ret = testPath( pathInfo );int ret = 1;do{// Test the validity of a path. If the path is valid, return num.// Else, if the path evaluation ends at i-th vertex, then return i. i ranges between [1,num-1]vector<Candidate>::iterator itr = pathInfo.begin();Candidate &a0 = *(itr++);Candidate &a1 = *(itr++);dgray = a1.gray - a0.gray;if( dgray<0 ) dgray = - dgray;if( dgray > thresh_dGray )break;dx = a1.x - a0.x;dy = a1.y - a0.y;dv2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;if( dv2<thresh_minVelocity2 || thresh_maxVelocity2<dv2 )break;Candidate ak1 = a1;for( ret=2; ret<numFrames; ret++ ){Candidate &ak = *(itr++);dgray = ak.gray - ak1.gray;if( dgray<0 ) dgray = - dgray;if( dgray > thresh_dGray )break;DX = ak.x - ak1.x;DY = ak.y - ak1.y;DV2 = DX*DX + DY*DY;if( DV2<thresh_minVelocity2 || thresh_maxVelocity2<DV2 )break;float cosTheta = (dx*DX + dy*DY) / sqrtf(dv2*DV2);if( cosTheta<thresh_cosTheta )break;ak1 = ak;dx = DX, dy = DY, dv2 = DV2;}} while(0);if( ret==numFrames ){ // valid pathvalidPaths.push_back( onePath );ret = numFrames - 1;}// go to next pathint i;for( i=ret; i>=0; i-- ){onePath[i]++;if( onePath[i]<numCandidates[i] ) // allow traceIdx[i] in [0,Xs[i].size()]break;onePath[i] = 0;}if( i<0 )break; // all paths already have been evaluated}}//---------------------------------------------------------------// Parallel search algorithm, an accelerated version of exhaustive searchvoid  yuTrajectorySearch_V1(vector< vector<Candidate>* > &candidates, // input, each candidate is a 3-tuple <x,y,gray>vector< vector<int> > &validPaths, // output, each path is a series of candidate indexfloat thresh_dGray, // input, thresh for gray differencefloat thresh_minVelocity, // input, thresh for min velocityfloat thresh_maxVelocity, // input, thresh for max velocityfloat thresh_cosTheta // input, thresh for included angles of consecutive velocities){validPaths.clear();const float thresh_minVelocity2 = thresh_minVelocity * thresh_minVelocity;const float thresh_maxVelocity2 = thresh_maxVelocity * thresh_maxVelocity;const int numFrames = candidates.size();vector<int> num(numFrames);bool unnecessary = false;for( int i=0; i<numFrames; i++ ){num[i] = candidates[i]->size();if( !num[i] )unnecessary = true;}if( unnecessary )return;typedef std::pair<int,int> tracklet;vector< vector<tracklet> > records(numFrames-1);vector<SearchTemporary> b, b2;float vx, vy, v2, x, y, gray;float dx, dy, dv2, dgray;SearchTemporary elem;// 第一步:寻找第0帧到第1帧的合理路径vector<Candidate>::iterator candidate_0 = candidates[0]->begin();for( int i=0; i<num[0]; i++ ){Candidate &a0i = *(candidate_0++);x = a0i.x, y = a0i.y, gray = a0i.gray;vector<Candidate>::iterator candidate_1 = candidates[1]->begin();for( int j=0; j<num[1]; j++ ){Candidate &a1j = *(candidate_1++);dgray = gray<a1j.gray ? a1j.gray-gray : gray-a1j.gray;if( thresh_dGray<dgray )continue;dx = a1j.x - x;dy = a1j.y - y;dv2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;if( dv2<thresh_minVelocity2 || thresh_maxVelocity2<dv2 )continue;elem.x = a1j.x; elem.y = a1j.y; elem.gray = a1j.gray;elem.vx = dx; elem.vy = dy; elem.v2 = dv2;b.push_back( elem );records[0].push_back( tracklet(i,j) );}}// 第二步:寻找到第k帧的合理路径for( int k=2; k<numFrames; k++ ){vector<SearchTemporary>::iterator candidate_track = b.begin();for( unsigned i=0; i<b.size(); i++ ){x = candidate_track->x;y = candidate_track->y;gray = candidate_track->gray;vx = candidate_track->vx;vy = candidate_track->vy;v2 = candidate_track->v2;candidate_track++;vector<Candidate>::iterator candidate_k = candidates[k]->begin();for( int j=0; j<num[k]; j++ ){Candidate &akj = *(candidate_k++);dgray = gray<akj.gray ? akj.gray-gray : gray-akj.gray;if( thresh_dGray<dgray )continue;dx = akj.x - x;dy = akj.y - y;dv2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;if( dv2<thresh_minVelocity2 || thresh_maxVelocity2<dv2 )continue;float cosTheta = (dx*vx + dy*vy) / sqrtf(dv2*v2);if( cosTheta<thresh_cosTheta )continue;elem.x = akj.x; elem.y = akj.y; elem.gray = akj.gray;elem.vx = dx; elem.vy = dy; elem.v2 = dv2;b2.push_back( elem );records[k-1].push_back( tracklet(i,j) );}}if( b2.empty() )return; // searched through 0 to k th frame, found no valid pathb = b2;b2.clear();//printf("searchTraces -- valid paths until %02dth frame : %d\n",k,b.size());}// 回溯法查找路径int num_valid_paths = records[numFrames-2].size();validPaths.assign( num_valid_paths, vector<int>(numFrames) );for( int m=0; m<num_valid_paths; m++ ){int ind = m;vector<int> &pt = validPaths[m];for( int k=numFrames-2; k>=0; k-- ){tracklet &t = records[k][ind];pt[k+1] = t.second;ind = t.first;}pt[0] = ind;}return;}

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