PARSEC benchmark 编译

来源:互联网 发布:中国网络声优排行榜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:01

    • Step01 配置环境
    • Step02 编译benchmark
    • Step03 产生脚本rcS文件
    • Step04 关于输入文件
    • Step05 将benchmark所需文件mount进模拟系统
    • 附录


Step01 配置环境

You can modify your environment to make the PARSEC tools and its
man pages available at the command line (without full path)

The script in the PARSEC root directory will do that for you

Source it as follows (example assumes bash shell):

If you use PARSEC a lot you can add that to your login scripts to
have it always available


$ source

Step02 编译benchmark

Use the following command to get some help:
parsecmgmt -h

You can build a PARSEC workload as follows:
parsecmgmt -a build -p [suite].[PACKAGE]

Flag ‘-a’ specifies the desired action, flag ‘-p’ gives one or more

‘parsecmgmt -a info’ gives you a list of all available packages


$ parsecmgmt -a info[PARSEC] PARSEC Distribution v3.0-beta-20150206[PARSEC][PARSEC] PACKAGES[PARSEC][PARSEC] parsec.blackscholes [1] (computational finance)[PARSEC] Prices a portfolio of options[PARSEC]   Package Group: apps[PARSEC]   Contributor:   Intel Corp.[PARSEC]   Aliases:       all workload parsec apps pthreads tbb openmp[PARSEC][PARSEC] parsec.bodytrack [1] (computer vision)[PARSEC] Tracks a human body through space[PARSEC]   Package Group: apps[PARSEC]   Contributor:   Intel Corp.[PARSEC]   Aliases:       all workload parsec apps pthreads tbb openmp[PARSEC][PARSEC] parsec.canneal [1] (engineering)[PARSEC] Optimizes the routing of a chip design[PARSEC]   Package Group: kernels[PARSEC]   Contributor:   Princeton University[PARSEC]   Aliases:       all workload parsec kernels pthreads……


$ parsecmgmt -a build -p blackscholes[PARSEC] Packages to build:  parsec.blackscholes[PARSEC] [========== Building package parsec.blackscholes [1] ==========]……[PARSEC] [1] Bienia. Benchmarking Modern Multiprocessors. Ph.D. Thesis, 2011.[PARSEC][PARSEC] Done.


Step03 产生脚本.rcS文件

./ <benchmark> <num_of_thread>

$ ./ blackscholes 4


blackscholes_4c_simdev.rcS     blackscholes_4c_simsmall.rcSblackscholes_4c_simlarge.rcS   blackscholes_4c_test.rcSblackscholes_4c_simmedium.rcS

Step04 关于输入文件


$parsec-3.0$ ls ./pkgs/apps/blackscholes/inputsinput_simdev.tar    input_simmedium.tar  input_test.tarinput_simlarge.tar  input_simsmall.tar

Step05 将benchmark所需文件mount进模拟系统

可执行文件 eg. blackscholes
输入文件 eg. in_4k.txt
执行文本 eg. blackscholes_4c_simsmall.rcS

其中,前两项mount进模拟系统,过程参考GemFI-Full System全系统仿真。



#!/usr/bin/perl@benches = ('blackscholes', 'bodytrack', 'canneal', 'dedup', 'facesim',             'ferret', 'fluidanimate', 'freqmine', 'streamcluster',            'swaptions', 'vips', 'x264', 'rtview' );$inputsets[1] = "test";$inputsets[2] = "simdev";$inputsets[3] = "simsmall";$inputsets[4] = "simmedium";$inputsets[5] = "simlarge";$checkpointing = 0;# check for proper inputif( scalar(@ARGV) < 2 || scalar(@ARGV) > 3 ) {  printUsage();  exit;} elsif( scalar(@ARGV) > 2 ) {  for( $i = 2; $i < scalar(@ARGV); $i++ ) {    if( $ARGV[$i] eq "--ckpts" ) {      $checkpointing = 1;    } else {      print "Unrecognized option: $ARGV[$i]\n";      printUsage();      exit;    }  }}# grab input$bench = $ARGV[0];$found = 0;foreach $b (@benches) {  if( $bench eq $b ) {    $found = 1;  }}if( ! $found ) {  printBenches();}# set up the input dir$inputdir = "/parsec/install/inputs/$bench/";$numthreads = int($ARGV[1]);# open the input sets file:open( INFILE, "./inputsets.txt" );$found = 0;while( ! $found && ($line = <INFILE>) ) {  if( $line =~ m/$bench/ ) {    $found = 1;    chomp( $line );    @tokens = split(/\;/,$line);    # replace the input dir and numthreads    for( $i = 0; $i < scalar(@tokens); $i++ ) {      while( $tokens[$i] =~ m/<inputdir>/ ) {        $tokens[$i] =~ s/<inputdir>/$inputdir/;      }      $tokens[$i] =~ s/<nthreads>/$numthreads/;      # print "$tokens[$i]\n";    }    for( $i = 1; $i < scalar(@inputsets); $i++ ) {      $inp = $inputsets[$i];      if( $checkpointing == 0 ) {        $filename = $bench."_".$numthreads."c_".$inp.".rcS";      } else {        $filename = $bench."_".$numthreads."c_".$inp."_ckpts.rcS";      }      open( FILE, "> $filename" ) or die "File problem\n";      print FILE "#!/bin/sh\n\n";      print FILE "# File to run the $bench benchmark\n\n";      if( $bench eq "vips" ) {        print FILE "export IM_CONCURRENCY=$numthreads\n";      }      if( $checkpointing == 0 ) {        print FILE "cd /parsec/install/bin\n";      } else {        print FILE "cd /parsec/install/bin.ckpts\n";      }      if( $checkpointing == 0 ) {        print FILE "/sbin/m5 switchcpu\n";      }      print FILE "/sbin/m5 dumpstats\n";      print FILE "/sbin/m5 resetstats\n";      print FILE "./$bench $tokens[$i]\n";      print FILE "echo \"Done :D\"\n";      print FILE "/sbin/m5 exit\n";      print FILE "/sbin/m5 exit\n";      close( FILE );    }  }}# close the input file:close( INFILE );######################### Methods########################sub printUsage() {  print "Writes the .rcS files for specified parsec benchmark\n";  print "with specified number of threads\n\n";  print "Usage:\n";  print "\t./ <benchmark> <nthreads> [opt: --ckpts]\n";  print "Options:\n";  print "  --ckpts        Use the checkpoint binaries in scripts\n";}sub printBenches() {  print "Valid PARSEC Benchmarks:\n";  foreach $b (@benches) {    print "\t$b\n";  }}
0 0
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