
来源:互联网 发布:注册表清理软件残留 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 20:45






1、如何提取一帧ES数据, 就是这么简单,So Easy...

#include "stdafx.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>typedef struct{  int startcodeprefix_len;      //! 4 for parameter sets and first slice in picture, 3 for everything else (suggested)  unsigned len;                 //! Length of the NAL unit (Excluding the start code, which does not belong to the NALU)  unsigned max_size;            //! Nal Unit Buffer size  int forbidden_bit;            //! should be always FALSE  int nal_reference_idc;        //! NALU_PRIORITY_xxxx  int nal_unit_type;            //! NALU_TYPE_xxxx       char *buf;                    //! contains the first byte followed by the EBSP  unsigned short lost_packets;  //! true, if packet loss is detected} NALU_t;FILE *bits = NULL;                //!< the bit stream filestatic int FindStartCode2 (unsigned char *Buf);//查找开始字符0x000001static int FindStartCode3 (unsigned char *Buf);//查找开始字符0x00000001//static bool flag = true;static int info2=0, info3=0;NALU_t *AllocNALU(int buffersize){  NALU_t *n;  if ((n = (NALU_t*)calloc (1, sizeof (NALU_t))) == NULL)  {  printf("AllocNALU: n");  exit(0);  }  n->max_size=buffersize;  if ((n->buf = (char*)calloc (buffersize, sizeof (char))) == NULL)  {    free (n);    printf ("AllocNALU: n->buf");exit(0);  }  return n;}void FreeNALU(NALU_t *n){  if (n)  {    if (n->buf)    {      free(n->buf);      n->buf=NULL;    }    free (n);  }}void OpenBitstreamFile (char *fn){  if (NULL == (bits=fopen(fn, "rb")))  {  printf("open file error\n");  exit(0);  }}int GetAnnexbNALU (NALU_t *nalu){  int pos = 0;  int StartCodeFound, rewind;  unsigned char *Buf;      if ((Buf = (unsigned char*)calloc (nalu->max_size , sizeof(char))) == NULL)   printf ("GetAnnexbNALU: Could not allocate Buf memory\n");  nalu->startcodeprefix_len=3;//初始化码流序列的开始字符为3个字节     if (3 != fread (Buf, 1, 3, bits))//从码流中读3个字节   {    free(Buf);    return 0;   }   info2 = FindStartCode2 (Buf);//判断是否为0x000001    if(info2 != 1) {//如果不是,再读一个字节    if(1 != fread(Buf+3, 1, 1, bits))//读一个字节    {     free(Buf);     return 0;    }    info3 = FindStartCode3 (Buf);//判断是否为0x00000001    if (info3 != 1)//如果不是,返回-1    {      free(Buf);     return -1;    }    else {//如果是0x00000001,得到开始字符为4个字节     pos = 4;     nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 4;    }   }      else{//如果是0x000001,得到开始字符为3个字节    nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 3;    pos = 3;   }      StartCodeFound = 0;//查找下一个开始字符的标志位   info2 = 0;   info3 = 0;    while (!StartCodeFound)  {    if (feof (bits))//判断是否到了文件尾    {      nalu->len = (pos-1)-nalu->startcodeprefix_len;      memcpy (nalu->buf, &Buf[nalu->startcodeprefix_len], nalu->len);           nalu->forbidden_bit = (nalu->buf[0]>>7) & 1;      nalu->nal_reference_idc = (nalu->buf[0]>>5) & 3;      nalu->nal_unit_type = (nalu->buf[0]) & 0x1f;      free(Buf);      return pos-1;    }    Buf[pos++] = fgetc (bits);//读一个字节到BUF中    info3 = FindStartCode3(&Buf[pos-4]);//判断是否为0x00000001    if(info3 != 1)      info2 = FindStartCode2(&Buf[pos-3]);//判断是否为0x000001    StartCodeFound = (info2 == 1 || info3 == 1);  }  //flag = false;   // Here, we have found another start code (and read length of startcode bytes more than we should  // have.  Hence, go back in the file  rewind = (info3 == 1)? -4 : -3;  if (0 != fseek (bits, rewind, SEEK_CUR))//把文件指针向后退开始字节的字节数  {    free(Buf);printf("GetAnnexbNALU: Cannot fseek in the bit stream file");  }  // Here the Start code, the complete NALU, and the next start code is in the Buf.    // The size of Buf is pos, pos+rewind are the number of bytes excluding the next  // start code, and (pos+rewind)-startcodeprefix_len is the size of the NALU  nalu->len = (pos+rewind)-nalu->startcodeprefix_len;  memcpy (nalu->buf, &Buf[nalu->startcodeprefix_len], nalu->len);    nalu->forbidden_bit = nalu->buf[0] & 0x80; //(nalu->buf[0]>>7) & 1;  nalu->nal_reference_idc = nalu->buf[0] & 0x60; //(nalu->buf[0]>>5) & 3;  nalu->nal_unit_type = (nalu->buf[0]) & 0x1f;  /*write by qiuliangbin in 2015-7-18 where is rongle changsha*/  if (nalu->nal_unit_type == 7)//7 序列参数集 8个字节  {printf("\t NALU->RBSP->SPS->profile_idc(8):%d\n",nalu->buf[1]);printf("\t constraint_set0_flag(1):%d\n",(nalu->buf[2]>>7) & 1);printf("\t constraint_set1_flag(1):%d\n",(nalu->buf[2]>>6) & 1);printf("\t constraint_set2_flag(1):%d\n",(nalu->buf[2]>>5) & 1);printf("\t constraint_set3_flag(1):%d\n",(nalu->buf[2]>>4) & 1);printf("\t reserved_zero_4bits(4):%d\n",(nalu->buf[2]>>0) & 0x0f);printf("\t level_idc(8):%d\n",nalu->buf[3]);printf("\t seq_parameter_set_id(UE(V)):uvlC(1):%d\n",(nalu->buf[4]>>7) & 1);//表示往后的数据忽略掉最高位//根据profile_idc忽略掉一部分。printf("\t log2_max_frame_num_minus4(ue(v):len=5,value=%d\n",(nalu->buf[4]>>5) & 0x1f);printf("\t pic_order_cnt_type(ue(v)):len=3,value=%d\n",((nalu->buf[4]) & 0x03)<<1);//根据pic_order_cnt_type忽略几个参数printf("\t num_ref_frames(ue):len=3,value=%d\n",(nalu->buf[5]>>4) & 0x07);printf("\t gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag(1):value=%d\n",(nalu->buf[5]>>3) & 1);printf("\t pic_width_in_mbs_minus1-ue-:len=7 ,value=%d\n", (((nalu->buf[5])&0x07)<<4)| (((nalu->buf[6])>>4)&0x0e) );printf("\t pic_height_in_map_units_minus1-ue-:len=7 ,value=%d\n",(((nalu->buf[6])&0x0f)<<3) |((((nalu->buf[7])>>5))&0x06) );printf("\t frame_mbs_only_flag(1):%d\n",(nalu->buf[7]>>4) & 1);//忽略1printf("\t flag(4):%d\n",(nalu->buf[7]) & 0x0f);  }  if (nalu->nal_unit_type == 8)//8 图像参数集  4个字节  {/*  68 CE 38 80 00 00 00 01  0110 1000  forbidden_zero_bit(1)= 0  nal_ref_idc(2)= 11  nal_unit_type(5) =01000:pic_parameter_set_rbsp( ),图像参数集  1100  pic_parameter_set_id (ue)=0  seq_parameter_set_id(ue)=0  entropy_coding_mode_flag(1) :0,   重要的flag,0表示编码Exp-Golomb coded and CAVLC,1表示CABAC  pic_order_present_flag(1):0  1110  num_slice_groups_minus1(ue):0  忽略  num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1(ue):0  num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1(ue):0  weighted_pred_flag(1);0  0011 1000 1000 0000  weighted_bipred_idc(2):00  pic_init_qp_minus26 /* relative to 26 *///(se):0  //pic_init_qs_minus26 /* relative to 26 *///(se):0 /* chroma_qp_index_offset(se):0  deblocking_filter_control_present_flag(1);0  constrained_intra_pred_flag(1):0  redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag(1):0  忽略NALU结束    */  }  if (nalu->nal_unit_type == 5) //5  IDR帧  {  }  free(Buf);   return (pos+rewind);//返回两个开始字符之间间隔的字节数}void dump(NALU_t *n){if (!n)return;//printf("a new nal:");printf(" len: %d  ", n->len);printf("nal_unit_type: %x\n", n->nal_unit_type);}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){OpenBitstreamFile("./my.h264");NALU_t *n;n = AllocNALU(8000000);while(!feof(bits)) {GetAnnexbNALU(n);dump(n);}FreeNALU(n);return 0;}static int FindStartCode2 (unsigned char *Buf){ if(Buf[0]!=0 || Buf[1]!=0 || Buf[2] !=1) return 0; //判断是否为0x000001,如果是返回1 else return 1;}static int FindStartCode3 (unsigned char *Buf){ if(Buf[0]!=0 || Buf[1]!=0 || Buf[2] !=0 || Buf[3] !=1) return 0;//判断是否为0x00000001,如果是返回1 else return 1;}

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