解释器模式 - 行为模式

来源:互联网 发布:敦煌古筝淘宝经销商 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:56


    Interpreter  解释器模式 - 行为模式
    Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.
    Map a domain to a language, the language to a grammar, and the grammar to a hierarchical object-oriented design

    抽象表达式角色(AbstractExpression): 声明一个抽象的解释操作,这个接口为所有具体表达式角色都要实现的。
    终结符表达式角色(TerminalExpression): 实现与文法中的元素相关联的解释操作,通常一个解释器模式中只有一个终结符表达式,但有多个实例对应不同的终结符,
    终结符就是语言中用到的基本元素,一般不能再被分解,如: x -> xa, 这里a是终结符,因为没有别的规则可以把a变成别的符号,不过x可以变成别的符号,所以x是非终结符。
    非终结符表达式角色(NonterminalExpression): 文法中的每条规则对应于一个非终结表达式, 非终结表达式根据逻辑的复杂程度而增加,原则上每个文法规则都对应一个非终结符表达式。



The Template Method pattern should be used:
- The Interpreter pattern is used exaustively in defining grammars, tokenize input and store it.
- A specific area where Interpreter can be used are the rules engines.
- The Interpreter pattern can be used to add functionality to the composite pattern.

Example 1 - Roman Numerals Convertor

The classical example fot the interpreter pattern is the one of interpreting the roman numerals. The expresion to be interpreted is a string which is put in the context. The context consists of the remaining unparsed Roman Numeral string and of the result of the numerral that are already parsed. The context is passed to one of four sub-interpreters based on the type of interpreting(Thousand, Hundred, Ten, One). This example it's using only TerminalExpressions.
The following participant classes are involved in this example: Context - keeps the current string that has to be parsed and the decimal that contains the conversion already done. Initially the context keeps the full string that has to be converted and 0 for the output decimal.

Expression - Consists of the interpret method which receives the context. Based on the current object it uses specific values for Thousand, Hundred, Ten, One and a specific multiplier.

ThousandExpression, HundredExpression, TenExpression, OneExpression (TerminalExpression) - Those classes are usued to define each specific expression. Ussualy, the TerminalExpression classes implement the interpret method. In our case the method is already defined in the base Expression class and each TerminalExpression class defines its behaviour by implmenting the abstract methods: one, four(), five(), nine(), multiplier(). It is a template method pattern.


    (1) 易于改变和扩展文法。由于在解释器模式中使用类来表示语言的文法规则,因此可以通过继承等机制来改变或扩展文法。
    (2) 每一条文法规则都可以表示为一个类,因此可以方便地实现一个简单的语言。
    (3) 实现文法较为容易。在抽象语法树中每一个表达式节点类的实现方式都是相似的,这些类的代码编写都不会特别复杂,还可以通过一些工具自动生成节点类代码。
    (4) 增加新的解释表达式较为方便。如果用户需要增加新的解释表达式只需要对应增加一个新的终结符表达式或非终结符表达式类,原有表达式类代码无须修改,符合“开闭原则”。
    (1) 对于复杂文法难以维护。在解释器模式中,每一条规则至少需要定义一个类,因此如果一个语言包含太多文法规则,类的个数将会急剧增加,导致系统难以管理和维护,此时可以考虑使用语法分析程序等方式来取代解释器模式。
    (2) 执行效率较低。由于在解释器模式中使用了大量的循环和递归调用,因此在解释较为复杂的句子时其速度很慢,而且代码的调试过程也比较麻烦。
package com.lee.desingerPattener23.interpreter;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Iterator;class Context {private String input;private int output;public Context(String input) {this.input = input;}public String getInput() {return input;}public void setInput(String input) {this.input = input;}public int getOutput() {return output;}public void setOutput(int output) {this.output = output;}}abstract class Expression {public void interpret(Context context) {if (context.getInput().length() == 0)return;if (context.getInput().startsWith(nine())) {context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (9 * multiplier()));context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(2));} else if (context.getInput().startsWith(four())) {context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (4 * multiplier()));context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(2));} else if (context.getInput().startsWith(five())) {context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (5 * multiplier()));context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(1));}while (context.getInput().startsWith(one())) {context.setOutput(context.getOutput() + (1 * multiplier()));context.setInput(context.getInput().substring(1));//截取第一字符串,只剩下后面的,例:"unhappy".substring(2) returns "happy"System.out.println("context.getOutput(): "+context.getOutput() );//System.out.println("context.getInput().substring(1):"+context.getInput().substring(1));}}public abstract String one();public abstract String four();public abstract String five();public abstract String nine();public abstract int multiplier();}class ThousandExpression extends Expression {public String one() {return "M";}public String four() {return " ";}public String five() {return " ";}public String nine() {return " ";}public int multiplier() {return 1000;}}class HundredExpression extends Expression {public String one() {return "C";}public String four() {return "CD";}public String five() {return "D";}public String nine() {return "CM";}public int multiplier() {return 100;}}class TenExpression extends Expression {public String one() {return "X";}public String four() {return "XL";}public String five() {return "L";}public String nine() {return "XC";}public int multiplier() {return 10;}}class OneExpression extends Expression {public String one() {return "I";}public String four() {return "IV";}public String five() {return "V";}public String nine() {return "IX";}public int multiplier() {return 1;}}public class MainInterpreter {public static void main(String[] args) {String roman = "MCMXXVIII";Context context = new Context(roman);// Build the 'parse tree'ArrayList<Expression> tree = new ArrayList<Expression>();tree.add(new ThousandExpression());tree.add(new HundredExpression());tree.add(new TenExpression());tree.add(new OneExpression());// Interpretfor (Iterator it = tree.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {Expression exp = (Expression) it.next();exp.interpret(context);}System.out.println(roman + " = "+ Integer.toString(context.getOutput()));}}




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