推荐一个小工具:ftree 可以列出ftp server的目录树

来源:互联网 发布:mysql数据库性能优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 09:13
Ftree(www.ihere.org/ftree) is a tool to get ftp server directory tree. You can get a whole dir/file list from a ftp server, and then read/search at local.

* Get ftp server directory tree to local disk/console;
* Show just like windows tree command;
* List all directory with or not with file;
* Count file and directory 's size;
* You can control level of directory to search;
* Reconnect after network error;
* Search local disk as ftp server;

Current version: 2.0

Download at here.

MD5: ftree2.0.zip 971179c1513052a40c808ef5591d164f
ftree.exe 26aee610619dda0f10a720b96218f539

Bug report and any question at Forum about ftree


ftree [ -h ] [ -spfL ] ...
[ -u <username>] [ -w <password> ] [ -d <start directory> ]
[ -l <level of direcotry> ] [ -t <dealy seconds between retry> ]
<ftp url>|<ftpaddress> <port>

s : with file or dir size.
p : passive mode.
f : show file in directory.
L : Local directory.
ftp url : ftp://username:passwd@ftpaddress:port/startdir

Copyleft: It is a freeware, use with yourself risk.


version 2 2004.11.20 at here
* Reconnect after network error;
* Search local disk as ftp server;

version 1 2004.11.17 at here
* Get ftp server directory tree to local disk/console;
* Show just like windows tree command;
* List all directory with or not with file;
* Count file and directory 's size;
* You can control level of directory to search;
