
来源:互联网 发布:曼联92黄金一代 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:56




Cocos2d-x has its memory allocation model as a two-step process, like objective-c. Each object has memory allocated (usually using a "create" method) and then has its state initialized (usually using a method called "init"). So in the create/init methods, you allocate the memory and do any object initialization necessary for it to run.

When the object starts to be put onto the display, or when it is added to another container, its "onEnter" method is called. This gets called when a CCScene/CCLayer (either of which may be containing your CCNode derived object) is displayed by the framework itself.



You call onEnter() if you want to do something the moment it appears on the screen.
The init() method will be called even without the layer being on the screen.
Something like this:

void MyScene::createPopup() {     mPopup = new PopupLayer();     mPopup -> init();     mPopup -> retain();     // At this point, mPopup (which is a PopupLayer object that is a subclass of CCLayer)     // is still not on the screen, hence, PopupLayer::onEnter() is still not called}void MyScene::showPopup() {     this -> addChild( mPopupLayer, kPopupIndex, kPopupTag );     mPopup -> release();     // At this point, PopupLayer::onEnter() is called, because mPopup is being rendered}





/*** Event callback that is invoked every time when Node enters the 'stage'.* If the Node enters the 'stage' with a transition, this event is called when the transition starts.* During onEnter you can't access a "sister/brother" node.* If you override onEnter, you shall call its parent's one, e.g., Node::onEnter().* @lua NA*/virtual void onEnter();


/*** Adds a child to the container with z-order as 0.** If the child is added to a 'running' node, then 'onEnter' and 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' will be called immediately.** @param child A child node.*/virtual void addChild(Node * child);


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