PAT乙级 1015. 德才论

来源:互联网 发布:源码安装php7.1 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 02:29





随后N行,每行给出一位考生的信息,包括:准考证号、德分、才分,其中准考证号为8位整数,德才分为区间[0, 100]内的整数。数字间以空格分隔。



14 60 8010000001 64 9010000002 90 6010000011 85 8010000003 85 8010000004 80 8510000005 82 7710000006 83 7610000007 90 7810000008 75 7910000009 59 9010000010 88 4510000012 80 10010000013 90 9910000014 66 60
1210000013 90 9910000012 80 10010000003 85 8010000011 85 8010000004 80 8510000007 90 7810000006 83 7610000005 82 7710000002 90 6010000014 66 6010000008 75 79

10000001 64 90



#include <stdio.h>#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;struct student{    int num;    int d;    int c;    bool operator <(const student &A) const{        if(d+c != A.d+A.c)            return d+c>A.d+A.c;        else if(d != A.d)            return d>A.d;        else return num<A.num;    }};int main(){    int n,l,h,i,count=0;    vector<student> v1,v2,v3,v4;    student temp;    scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&l,&h);    for(i=0;i<n;i++)    {        scanf("%d %d %d",&temp.num,&temp.d,&temp.c);        if((temp.d>=l)&&(temp.c>=l))        {            count++;            if((temp.d>=h)&&(temp.c>=h))                v1.push_back(temp);            else if(temp.d>=h)                v2.push_back(temp);            else if(temp.d>=temp.c)                v3.push_back(temp);            else v4.push_back(temp);        }    }    sort(v1.begin(),v1.end());    sort(v2.begin(),v2.end());    sort(v3.begin(),v3.end());    sort(v4.begin(),v4.end());    vector<student>::iterator itr;    printf("%d\n",count);    for(itr=v1.begin();itr!=v1.end();++itr)        printf("%d %d %d\n",itr->num,itr->d,itr->c);    for(itr=v2.begin();itr!=v2.end();++itr)        printf("%d %d %d\n",itr->num,itr->d,itr->c);    for(itr=v3.begin();itr!=v3.end();++itr)        printf("%d %d %d\n",itr->num,itr->d,itr->c);    for(itr=v4.begin();itr!=v4.end();++itr)        printf("%d %d %d\n",itr->num,itr->d,itr->c);    system("pause");    return 0;}


__author__ = 'lywade'n, l, h = map(int,raw_input().split())input_list = [map(int,raw_input().split()) for i in range(n)]#print input_listfirst_list, second_list,third_list, fourth_list = [],[],[],[]for i in range(n):    if input_list[i][1] >= h and input_list[i][2] >= h:        first_list.append(input_list[i])    elif input_list[i][1] >= h and l <= input_list[i][2] <= h:        second_list.append(input_list[i])    elif l <= input_list[i][1] <= h and l <= input_list[i][2] <= h and input_list[i][1] >= input_list[i][2]:        third_list.append(input_list[i])    elif input_list[i][1] >= l and input_list[i][2] >= l:        fourth_list.append(input_list[i])#print first_list,second_list,third_list,fourth_listdef sort_list(list):    def mycmp(a, b):        if a[1]+a[2] < b[1]+b[2]:            return 1        elif a[1]+a[2] > b[1]+b[2]:            return -1        else:            if a[1] < b [1]:                return 1            elif a[1] > b[1]:                return -1            else:                if a[0] > b[0]:                    return 1                elif a[0] < b[0]:                    return -1    list.sort(cmp=mycmp)    return listdef print_list(list):    for i in list:        print ' '.join(map(str,i))print len(first_list)+len(second_list)+len(third_list)+len(fourth_list)print_list(sort_list(first_list))print_list(sort_list(second_list))print_list(sort_list(third_list))print_list(sort_list(fourth_list))

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