RocketMQ 刷盘实现

来源:互联网 发布:sql模糊查询通配符 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:31

RocketMQ 刷盘实现

标签(空格分隔): RocketMQ

Broker 在收到Producer发送过来的消息后,会存入CommitLog对应的内存映射区中,见CommitLog类的putMessage方法。该方法执行OK后,会判断存储配置中刷盘模式:同步or异步?继而进行对应的操作。
ServiceThread –> FlushCommitLogService
–> GroupCommitService
–> FlushRealTimeService

// Synchronization flush, 默认是异步刷盘        if (FlushDiskType.SYNC_FLUSH == this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig().getFlushDiskType()) {            GroupCommitService service = (GroupCommitService) this.flushCommitLogService;            if (msg.isWaitStoreMsgOK()) {                request = new GroupCommitRequest(result.getWroteOffset() + result.getWroteBytes());                //                 service.putRequest(request);                boolean flushOK =                        request.waitForFlush(this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig()                            .getSyncFlushTimeout());                if (!flushOK) {                    log.error("do groupcommit, wait for flush failed, topic: " + msg.getTopic() + " tags: "                            + msg.getTags() + " client address: " + msg.getBornHostString());                    putMessageResult.setPutMessageStatus(PutMessageStatus.FLUSH_DISK_TIMEOUT);                }            }            else {                service.wakeup();            }        }        // Asynchronous flush        else {            this.flushCommitLogService.wakeup();        }


同步刷盘逻辑:从上面可以看到,给GroupCommitService Runnable 传递了一个GroupCommitRequest对象,触发的逻辑是会唤醒这个刷盘线程:

public void putRequest(final GroupCommitRequest request) {            synchronized (this) {                this.requestsWrite.add(request);                if (!this.hasNotified) {                    this.hasNotified = true;                    this.notify();                }            }        }


public boolean waitForFlush(long timeout) {            try {                // 当刷盘完成后会调用 countDownLatch.countDown()                boolean result = this.countDownLatch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);                return result || this.flushOK;            }            catch (InterruptedException e) {                e.printStackTrace();                return false;            }        }


 private void doCommit() {            if (!this.requestsRead.isEmpty()) {                for (GroupCommitRequest req : this.requestsRead) {                    // There may be a message in the next file, so a maximum of                    // two times the flush                    boolean flushOK = false;                    for (int i = 0; (i < 2) && !flushOK; i++) {                        flushOK = (CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.getCommittedWhere() >= req.getNextOffset());                        if (!flushOK) {                            CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.commit(0);                        }                    }                    req.wakeupCustomer(flushOK);                }                long storeTimestamp = CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.getStoreTimestamp();                if (storeTimestamp > 0) {                    CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getStoreCheckpoint().setPhysicMsgTimestamp(                        storeTimestamp);                }                //注意这里清空了,所以保证写时为空                this.requestsRead.clear();            }            else {                // Because of individual messages is set to not sync flush, it                // will come to this process                CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.commit(0);            }        }        public void run() {            while (!this.isStoped()) {                try { // 等待时机唤醒,然后执行flush操作                    this.waitForRunning(0);                    this.doCommit();                }                catch (Exception e) {//.. }            }            // 下面是线程正常终止,处理逻辑            // Under normal circumstances shutdown, wait for the arrival of the            // request, and then flush            try {                Thread.sleep(10);            }            catch (InterruptedException e) {                CommitLog.log.warn("GroupCommitService Exception, ", e);            }            synchronized (this) {                this.swapRequests();            }            this.doCommit();        }


 public void wakeupCustomer(final boolean flushOK) {            this.flushOK = flushOK;            this.countDownLatch.countDown();        }


public void run() {            while (!this.isStoped()) {                 // 是否定时方式刷盘,默认是实时刷盘real time                boolean flushCommitLogTimed =                        CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig().isFlushCommitLogTimed();             // CommitLog刷盘间隔时间 default 1s                int interval =                        CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig()                            .getFlushIntervalCommitLog();             // 刷CommitLog,至少刷几个PAGE default 4                int flushPhysicQueueLeastPages =                        CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig()                            .getFlushCommitLogLeastPages();                // 刷CommitLog,彻底刷盘间隔时间  default 10s                int flushPhysicQueueThoroughInterval =                        CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getMessageStoreConfig()                            .getFlushCommitLogThoroughInterval();               try {                    if (flushCommitLogTimed) {                        Thread.sleep(interval);                    }                    else {// 实时刷,等待消息写入mapped area的通知                        this.waitForRunning(interval);                    }                    // 进行刷盘                    CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.commit(flushPhysicQueueLeastPages);                    long storeTimestamp = CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.getStoreTimestamp();                    if (storeTimestamp > 0) {                        CommitLog.this.defaultMessageStore.getStoreCheckpoint().setPhysicMsgTimestamp(                            storeTimestamp);                    }                }                catch (Exception e) {//....            }            }            // Normal shutdown, to ensure that all the flush before exit            //如果线程是正常终止 就要保证所有mapped area中数据写到磁盘 所以参数是0             boolean result = false;            for (int i = 0; i < RetryTimesOver && !result; i++) {                result = CommitLog.this.mapedFileQueue.commit(0);       + " service shutdown, retry " + (i + 1) + " times "                        + (result ? "OK" : "Not OK"));            }   + " service end");        }


 public boolean commit(final int flushLeastPages) {        boolean result = true;        MapedFile mapedFile = this.findMapedFileByOffset(this.committedWhere, true);        if (mapedFile != null) {            long tmpTimeStamp = mapedFile.getStoreTimestamp();            //            int offset = mapedFile.commit(flushLeastPages);            long where = mapedFile.getFileFromOffset() + offset;            result = (where == this.committedWhere);            // 更新 Commit Log写到了哪里            this.committedWhere = where;            if (0 == flushLeastPages) {                this.storeTimestamp = tmpTimeStamp;            }        }        return result;    }


 // 是否符合刷盘条件:映射文件满 or 数据满足指定的least page    private boolean isAbleToFlush(final int flushLeastPages) {        int flush = this.committedPosition.get();        int write = this.wrotePostion.get();        // 如果当前文件已经写满,应该立刻刷盘        if (this.isFull()) {            return true;        }        // 只有未刷盘数据满足指定page数目才刷盘        if (flushLeastPages > 0) {            return ((write / OS_PAGE_SIZE) - (flush / OS_PAGE_SIZE)) >= flushLeastPages;        }        // flushLeastPages 有数据就flush        return write > flush;    }


 public int commit(final int flushLeastPages) {        if (this.isAbleToFlush(flushLeastPages)) {            if (this.hold()) {                int value = this.wrotePostion.get();                this.mappedByteBuffer.force();//写入存储设备                this.committedPosition.set(value);                this.release();            }            else {                //..            }        }        return this.getCommittedPosition();    }
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